Published at 15th of November 2021 05:46:54 AM

Chapter 304: 304

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Hua Mo Chen's heart was relieved, and it was a aftertaste.

Not bad.

However, he still has some worries. If one day, he will be out of favor, what will he do?

Flower Mo dust thought of here, the position of the heart a little blocked flustered, he forced himself to throw this idea out of his mind.

As they walked, they ate and made a big circle.

"What is this?"

Qiao Yanran stayed in front of a store, which did not hang a plaque, but countless men and women came in and out from here, which was quite lively.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

Yan Ran came to Qiao's house tightly.

"Hello, two guests. Have you made an appointment?" The shopkeeper saw them and stopped them. He asked.

"What appointment?"

Qiao Yanran frowned slightly.

Hearing her accent, the shopkeeper explained, "this is my guest. We are fortune tellers in our shop, but there are more guests in the past two days. If you want Taoist Zhang to ask you about fortune telling, you need to make an appointment in advance."

She said, pointing to the side of the position, "you go to the counter to make an appointment, then you will be given a number card, you go in and wait.".

In our shop, you can count everything, whether you want to count marriage, fortune, health or word testing. "

Qiao Yan Ran hum a, some don't dare interest too much.

But the flower Mo dust of one side hears the words of the shop boy, the Mou son is bright, opening a way: "home owner, we go to make an appointment?"

He wanted to calculate his marriage with Hun Jun.

However, Hua Mochen always has some worries in his heart. As long as the third prince still has one day to live in this world, his identity will have great hidden danger.

But now he accompanied his Majesty on a tour to the South and couldn't return to the capital for a while.

It can only be put on hold for a while.

Even so, his heart is heavy every day. He feels like a mine, which may explode at any time.

"All right."

Qiao Yan Ran saw that he was willing, but he didn't refuse.

They come out, is to cultivate feelings, what to play, what to do, is not important, the important thing is beautiful happy.

Two people in front of the counter, after paying, received the number plate.

But Qiao Yanran didn't plan to draw lots for fortune telling, so she only got a number card. After sitting on the bench for a while, it was Hua Mo Chen's turn.

"Master, I'll go first."

Hua Mo Chen said and turned into the room.

The room was very spacious, with several golden statues. A faint smell of smoke filled the room. Hua Mo Chen's original anxious mood settled down in an instant.

He looked around the room and saw an old man with white hair, meditating on the futon, with a string of beads in his hand.

When the old man saw him, he opened his eyes and said, "let me guess, my guest.

Are you here to test your marriage

Hua Mo Chen's eyes brightened when he heard this sentence. He felt that he had found a reliable person this time! He has not guessed his intention.

When the old man saw the expression on his face, he became more determined.

In fact, to be able to guess this thing correctly is not to show how profound his own skills are, but mainly depends on observation skills and reasoning.

Here, they only have marriage, fortune and health.

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