Published at 15th of November 2021 05:42:00 AM

Chapter 437: 437

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Qiao Yanran finished all this and went back to his rented house first. Because of the deep night, Yang carpenter had already had a rest.

She simply washed and took a rest.

The next morning.

Qiao Yanran opened her eyes vaguely, looked at the time displayed on the mobile phone, saw that it was 5:30, and then turned off the mobile phone screen.

During this period of time, because Yang's daily courses are full, she should get up at this time every day.

However, there is no class today, so we can have more sleep. And today, Friday, Mengmeng also has a holiday. She plans to pick up Mengmeng by car.



private schools.

Yang Yumeng was excluded from school.

On the one hand, it is because most of the students in the class are aristocrats of noble families. They grew up in the imperial capital and are familiar with each other.

Only her identity is embarrassing.

On the one hand, it is because she is so beautiful that she is targeted by the female students in the class. Besides, she also discredits her reputation behind her back, saying that she has been taken care of by others, that she has nose and eyes, and that her mother is a shameless junior, and that she is an illegitimate child.

At first, everyone thought that she was the daughter of the Yang family, the capital of the emperor. Later, when they found out her details and knew that she was not the daughter of the Yang family, they had no scruples.

Yang Yumeng doesn't care too much about the crowding out of the class. It would be nice for her to have a brother, but she has a headache about these false rumors.

Rumors are terrible.

However, Yang Yumeng did not go to defend, not to counterattack anything, it is her heart has too many scruples.

All the students in the class are well-informed. On weekdays, they talk about the Yang family, but Yang Yumeng also knows something about it.

My brother has not established a firm foothold in the Yang family, and is struggling in the Yang family.

Moreover, the students who can go to school here are all the famous ladies and noble CHILDES of the imperial family. She doesn't want to make trouble, but will bring some trouble to her brother.

She'd better figure out how to solve these little things by herself.

Just as Yang Yumeng was thinking, the class bell rang.

A teacher came to the platform, clapped his hands, motioned everyone to be quiet, and said: "students, this class is equestrian class."

Many noble schools not only provide learning opportunities, but also cover all aspects of noble projects, such as equestrian lessons.

However, there are only two equestrian lessons a week, which are even on Friday.

Under the leadership of the professional equestrian teacher, the students in the class came to the outside of the classroom, formed a line and drove to the outdoor ranch.

After the equestrian teacher led the people to change their clothes, they came to the stable.

After she explained some basic information, she began to talk about the training of horses. After that, she came to the practical stage.

Yang Yumeng has mastered some essentials, but there is still a distance between theoretical knowledge and practical operation.

She picked out a tall horse with a red head from the stable. As soon as she got on the horse, a clear voice rang out in her ear before she sat down.

"Pa -"

for a long time, a bright looking girl whipped her whip on Yang Yumeng's horse.

The horse suddenly stood up, snorted and ran quickly forward.

Yang Yumeng was startled and quickly grasped the rope.

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