Published at 15th of November 2021 05:38:00 AM

Chapter 552: 552

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Elder nature also saw Qiao Yan Ran's figure.

He directly lifted the quilt, didn't even wear shoes, and directly chased out.

However, Qiao Yanran used the blink skill. As soon as the elder chased him out, he found that the thief was gone.

Since Qiao Yanran twice used the blink skill and fell down, she began to study how to erase her traces.

The emperor is worthy of those who want to. She has a way.


He felt it carefully, but he couldn't feel the figure of the little thief.

The elder wanted to catch up with the thief and take back his pair of porcelain bottles. But the man disappeared just under his eyes!

Yes, it's so abrupt.

The elder's face was livid. He shook his sleeve and went to the room angrily.

What a shame today!

As the elder of wangyunzong, he is highly cultivated. He is the only one who teases others in ordinary times, but today he is played by others!

This pair of porcelain bottles is not worth much.

But the other side can walk his porcelain bottle in front of his eyes, and can retreat all over his body. I'm afraid his cultivation is no less than him.

It's not impossible to cultivate above him!

How can people like this be short of money? Do you want to steal it in the middle of the night?

The elder thinks quickly in his head. He is a suspicious candidate.

However, there are so many Terran experts gathered here on the front line. They are of the same level of cultivation as him. They can't find out for a while.

Although the elder is the elder of Wangyun sect, this does not mean that he has the highest cultivation, but that he is the oldest.

"Putong -"

the elder was thinking about something, but he didn't notice that there was a pool of water under his feet. As soon as he stepped on it, he slipped and fell straight back.

He quickly stabilized himself.

Although he didn't fall down, his ankle was still sprained. There was a sharp thorn under his feet, which made a small hole directly under his feet.

The elder thought about his feet and went back to the room. By the bright moonlight outside the window, he saw the wound under his feet and bleeding.


A disaster of blood?

The elder looked at the blood on his feet. He was stunned and thought of the fortune teller he met in the afternoon.

He shook his head and forced himself to throw these confused thoughts out of his mind.

Qiao Yan Ran did not know when, stood on the roof of the room.

When she saw this scene, she nodded with satisfaction and moved directly to her room.

Xiaoyu Wan 】

it finally understood what Qiao Qiao's so-called backhand, which combination boxing, meant.

After holding on for a long time, xiaoyuwan said: "Qiao Qiao, you are really a smart little devil. 】

Qiao Yanran takes off her night clothes and doesn't speak.

In fact, the elder didn't provoke her very much. Today, she was lenient and only took two valuables from his room.

I can give it back to him in two days.

But she didn't make that pool of water.

The little thorn she pulled from the jujube tree nearby.

Qiao Yanran used the bottom card of pressing box today, but because it was used for a short time, and it didn't consume any spiritual power, the sequela was very slight.

The impact is small.

When she had finished all this, she went to sleep directly, while the elder on the other side couldn't sleep.

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