Published at 15th of November 2021 05:36:19 AM

Chapter 600: 600

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His pocket is much cleaner than his face. Look at her stingy appearance. She earns so much money every day that she can't bear to give him a coin. She is really stingy.

Now he's helping in the shop. Shouldn't he consciously pay him every day?

You Shaochen, full of resentment, secretly decides that when he gets the prescription, he won't stay here for a second.

Live a life of dependence.



Qiao Yanran takes Su Yuhan to the opposite shop.

This nursery care training shop covers a large area, divided into two floors, upstairs and downstairs. The decoration is very warm and comfortable, with the feeling of home.

In this world, parenting and nursing training shops are very common. There is no way. The infant mortality rate is too high. Almost every family has all kinds of babies who died prematurely.

In addition to the reason that the infant's resistance to external diseases is relatively low, there are also various kinds of operation of novice parents.

There are many reasons for parents to suffocate their children by feeding them, and for parents to turn over and crush their children in their sleep.

And can afford to hire a father, specialized in taking care of children, or a very small number of people.

They went directly to the second floor and found Room 202.

Qiao Yanran pushed the door in and found that there were many people sitting in the room, most of whom were women accompanying their pregnant husband.

She took Su Yuhan to a seat and sat down.

Soon, a middle-aged woman in her forties pushed the door and came in.

She talked about some nursing knowledge after the baby was born, one by one, extremely trivial, and Jo was sleepy.

"Well, now we will send the props. Let's watch my demonstration."

The middle-aged women directly took up a basket of baby wood carvings made of wood and distributed them to everyone. There was one in front of each table.

Qiao Yanran naturally also received the woodcarving.

This kind of wood carving is only half arm size of Qiao Yanran, but it is very delicate and lifelike. Moreover, the joints of this kind of wood carving can rotate flexibly.

"Come on, everybody, follow me."

The middle-aged woman also took a wood carving and held it in her arms. "When we put the sleeping child on the bed, it's very easy for the child to wake up.

At this time, we should pay attention to it.

We need to gently hold up the child, first put the feet close to the bed surface, then let the baby's buttocks, then the back, head.


After the middle-aged woman finished the demonstration, she looked around in front of the crowd. After seeing that everyone has kept up with us, we begin to talk about the next knowledge point.

"Be careful not to let the child sleep on his stomach.

Just born baby, has not yet learned to turn over, prone to sleep, nose and mouth easily covered by foreign objects, not easy to rely on their own strength to move the face.

So, let's turn the child's head and make sure that the child's breathing is unobstructed. "

Joe Yan Ran saw her movement, also followed to do.

She turned the woodcarving's head like this, but some of it couldn't move, so she used more strength.

"Click -"

the woodcarving's head was twisted off by Qiao Yanran, making a clear sound.

Su Yuhan was stunned to see the wood carving of Qiao Yanran's body on the table.

This wood is so strong that her head was twisted off by her fierce strength. If it's a baby of flesh and blood

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