Published at 15th of November 2021 05:36:13 AM

Chapter 602: 602

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Seeing that he was silent, the woman continued to say, "if you do this, I will give you 1000 liang of silver.

In this way, you can live comfortably for the rest of your life. "

You Shaochen listened to her words, and immediately connected it with Qiao Yanran's shop.

He is a poor boy.

Apart from this face, it looks white and has no other advantage. This advantage is absolutely on the street.

What's in his whole body that is worth plotting?

"I can't steal the prescription, can I?"

You Shaochen opens his mouth warily.


The woman nodded slowly and gave him a look of appreciation.

You Shaochen

Suddenly, his mind was dazed by this huge event.

He doesn't have any self-protection right now.

Even if you can get the prescription in your hand, you can't keep it. You'll still be targeted and lead to death.

This thousand taels of silver is too much.

It's really hard to say if he can walk out of the county with this thousand taels of silver.

You Shaochen suddenly admires Qiao Yanran.

He was still wondering why the other party didn't buy more products so that more money could be put into the account. Now it seems that the other party is right.

This makes less money, but it can last longer.

This is the great wisdom of being a man.

Qiao Yanran

Please, don't give me any more drama.

She's just lazy, and if she has more money, it's just a number. How much money is enough?

"How's it going?"

The woman saw him meditate and asked.

You Shaochen came back and said slowly, "she's very defensive. I don't know if I can get the prescription in my hand

I can only do my best... "

The woman snorted and said, "I don't care about you. In ten days, I want a result. If you don't succeed, be careful of your head."

It's not that she didn't have the idea of Youjia.

People have been sent to several groups. Every time, the people on her side were beaten to ashes, and all the money and things on her body were ransacked.

Last time, she directly sent more than 100 good players, but the ending didn't change at all, OK?!

She said, with you Shaochen behind the woman gave a wink, left together.

You Shaochen let out a sound, and after seeing her leave, he hit the hard ground with his fist.

Damn it.

With her temperament, even if he got the prescription in his hand, the thousand taels of silver would not cost her life.

You Shaochen stood up and was so anxious.



because of such a thing, you Shaochen was honest and calm, and didn't think of a way to hook Qiao Yanran.

He honestly helps you mother to work, but he is often distracted.

The next day.

Because of this, you Shaochen didn't sleep well all night. When he woke up the next day, he was dark.

Qiao Yanran just looked at him, and didn't pay too much attention.

But you mu asked with some concern: "Shao Chen, what's the matter with you? Didn't you sleep well last night? "

"No, it's OK."

You Shaochen's face was stiff. "Maybe he just lived here..."

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