Published at 15th of November 2021 05:26:58 AM

Chapter 855: 855

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But in fact, the hole is big.

It's an antique auction company. It's not a fraud company.

Moreover, they are all serial scams. Customers who come to entrust their company to auction will charge high exhibition fees, and squeeze money out of them one after another.

Some customers paid high exhibition fees, even loans, and pinned all their hopes on the exhibits, but in the end, they were all in vain -

the customers couldn't accept it. They were separated from their families, and even some of them committed suicide.

But it's too fast, too easy.

Wang Xiaofeng's father has been working for so many years. At the beginning, he still felt guilty, but after a long time, his conscience was destroyed.

I'm reluctant to let go of such a lucrative business.


Now it seems that we have been rewarded

Wang Xiaofeng thinks wildly here. Wang Yao and others have already carried Wang's father on the stretcher.



Qiao Yanran opened the door and released the people inside.

Wang Jing had recovered her soft and cute appearance, as if what Qiao Yanran had just seen were hallucinations.

Just now, she knocked her head, but she didn't make a mistake.

Asked ruthlessly, Wang Jing murmured two words in a low voice: "it's not a little monster..."

His voice is too small, Qiao Yan Ran also did not hear clearly, she asked for a long time, also did not ask one or two or three, can only give up temporarily.

He turned his head and asked about xiaoyuwan.

Xiaoyuwan holds his paw and says: "maybe it's one soul and two souls? 】

however, in the case of one body with two souls, only two souls live in the body and take over the body in turn. If you haven't heard of it, your appearance will be convenient.

Qiao Yanran after listening to this answer of one body double soul, grinned.

If it is true that the two souls are independent, doesn't it mean to attack two people?

It's not just Samsung.

Qiao Yanran took back his mind and rubbed his head, "let's go home and have a rest."

Although Wang Jing said he was more than 10000 years old, his appearance was still very young. Facing him, Qiao Yanran only took him as a child.

Qiao Yanran doesn't know why the child likes to be close to him. Maybe the original owner is simple and honest.

They went home side by side.

Qiao Yanran finished washing, just after sleeping for a short time, he heard a burst of crying in the outer room. In the middle of the night, the crying was strange and made people hairy.

Qiao Yanran twisted her eyebrows and got out of bed barefoot. She soon found the culprit.

Wang Jing didn't know what nightmare she had. She cried miserably. Tears were hanging around her eyes, and the tip of her nose was red.

Joe Yanran reached out and pushed him, let him wake up from the dream.


It's strange that Wang Jing's eyes are still crying like a rabbit on the bed.

He held out his short hand and wiped the tears from his face.

"What's the matter?"

Qiao Yanran squatted down slightly and looked straight at him.

"They, they all want to burn jing'er They tied jing'er to the stick. The fire was so big... " Wang Jing said intermittently.

"Jing'er had a dream just now, it didn't really happen." Qiao Yanran chuckled and patiently explained: "dreams are all false."

Qiao Yanran thought, this is like taking a son.

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