Rebirth capital madman - Chapter 837

Published at 17th of March 2022 07:14:24 PM

Chapter 837

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For the glitz of the metropolis of Xiangjiang, the gossip in the entertainment circle can not stand the dilution of time. After a week or two casually, the heat will obviously subside and be replaced by other new gossip; In addition, Xue mu, who had handled properly, blew the wind with her nearest relatives and friends. She was pregnant with her second child and wanted to go to Los Angeles for rest, which further helped Xue Jie cover up perfectly.

After this incident, Tang Junyan got Gao Xian's real trust and gained more support.

For example, the listing of Tangcheng company was a little reluctant. Gao Xian injected a good land actually controlled by him into Tangcheng company in order to improve the valuation in the next step; Then take this as the fulcrum and use capital to carry the pole to operate and package Tangcheng company. I believe that by the end of 1984, Tangcheng company will be listed and basically have no problem.

In fact, after this operation, Tangcheng company inevitably weakened Tang Junyan's control.

However, Tang Junyan, who thought very clearly, was not worried about this. Someone else might lead a wolf into the house, but Sir Gao certainly wouldn't.

To put it bluntly, Tang Junyan knows himself. Sir Gao doesn't care about his family background at all. Even if some shares are distributed, they are finally recorded in Xue Jie's name.

The real link between Tang Junyan and Sir Gao is the emotional card. Tang Junyan helped Sir Gao deal with his "private affairs". Sir Gao accepted Tang Junyan's son as his son, and trust was established.

In short, compared with the development of Tangcheng company, other concerns are not worth mentioning.

In Xiangjiang business circles, these changes of Tangcheng company have not been noticed at all, because there are too many companies in Xiangjiang. At this stage, Tangcheng company is not worth outsiders' time to be interested. The situation will not change until it is close to listing.

What's more, the bustle of Xiangjiang's business circles at this time is not inferior to the entertainment circle rich in gossip.

For example, Li Bancheng, the major shareholder of Hutchison, and the ghost management led by Richard Xin, ostensibly because of cash dividends, actually launched the ultimate showdown in order to compete for the actual control of Hutchison.

People who were just watching the excitement said with relish that the ghost guy had never fought with Chinese capital this time, and the painting style changed. He once supported Gao Yi of Li Bancheng on the board of directors of Hutchison, and seemed to have an infighting with Li Bancheng. Jindong supermarket under the happy group and Baijia supermarket of Hutchison launched a roaring price war, and other retail companies either passively or actively joined the battle group, Stir up the whole Xiangjiang retail industry.

Don't think that the struggle between Chinese capital and ghost guy, the struggle between Chinese capital and Chinese capital, is all the drama. There is also the third "tearing method" of the struggle between ghost guy and ghost guy.

People from all walks of life, including the media, the financial sector, the business community and even the Hong Kong government, are concerned that the merger reached between Jardine Matheson and land during Sir Gao's flight accident seems to be moving forward in an orderly manner, but the window paper was pierced.

It turned out that there was a gambling agreement between land and Jardine's. as long as land successfully acquired Fraser department store group, a large local retail company in the UK within the agreed period, Jardine's business internationalization ability will be completely defeated. As one of the manifestations, Jardine's "return" the new central land King to land, and the price is quite a check and balance strategy that Jardine doesn't want to suffer losses, The price for the acquisition of British department store group by land.

Jardine Matheson, led by Simon kaiserk, has a shrewd abacus, but people are not as good as heaven!

Harold department store, the flagship store of Fraser department store group, was shocked by the car bomb attack of the Irish Republican Army, and the Irish Republican Army announced that it would continue to destroy the iconic representative companies of the British economy, which immediately made the shareholders and directors of Fraser Department Store Group retreat, and then made the decision to sell their land.

Obviously, land must take this achievement to fulfill the bet. Before the merger between Jardine and land is really implemented, Jardine first expresses its sincerity and "return" the new central land king to land.

Unexpectedly, Simon kaiserk showed a face ready to default. When Jardine and land merged, it would be one family. Why bother?

This is bullshit. Even if the merger is divided into you and me, Jardine can't even show this sincerity, it can only show that it has been acting, realized the cheated land and began to start legal proceedings.

It was so lively that the media naturally asked for special books and various analyses. They pointed out one after another that Simon kesek was actually doing everything possible to delay and use time to strive for space to help harmony in the debt crisis and win more breathing opportunities.

As for the drama of the merger of Jardine and land, it is also a common trick of the British. If you can't beat you, join you!

For the sake of the new central land king, the land that has a grudge against Jardine is too threatening. It's better for both sides to sit together and play the game of the company's governance struggle.

Simon kaiserk did not want to fulfill the gambling agreement, nor did he admit that he lost to land in the results of business internationalization deployed by Xiangjiang British capital one after another.

When Peter Wei, chairman of the board of directors of land, ran to Sir Gao in a complicated mood to complain, Gao Xian, as always, showed great indifference and patience.

As a symbolic existence of Xiangjiang British capital, Jardine is obviously not easy to move and needs to slowly figure it out. In Gao Xian's view, it is more interesting to grind it slowly with a blunt knife.

Let's take the drama in front of us. Watching the ghost men fighting with Simon kesek's ghost men, it can be said that it has a different flavor

Peter Wei, who has formed an "obsession" with the new central land king, asked Sir Gao for advice. At present, in addition to legal procedures, are there any other effective weapons to break the situation?

Sir Gao was serious and modest first. You are very thorough. Gao Yi must be relieved; Moreover, in my current position as president of the Xiangjiang exchange fund authority, it is not convenient for me to comment on business affairs.

These words are nonsense that we have to say and must say. If Gao Xian really stays out of the matter, why does Peter Wei run to report?

After talking about the scene, Gao Xian finally gave his insights.

After all, Jardine has been operating in Xiangjiang for more than 100 years. Zhengfu, banks, investors and so on have formed inertial trust in it. On this basis, it is common to get all kinds of special treatment.

Simon kaiserk's current behavior is to squander and overdraw these intangible capital, and look at him, neither distressed nor nostalgic, but many people don't realize it.

At this time, land needs to break Simon kesek's rhythm.

Webpeter pondered for a moment. It's really such a thing, but how to break Simon kesek's rhythm?

Gao Xian asked a question slowly. It has been a while since land and Jardine negotiated the merger. It can be regarded as close contact. Is it not unaware of Simon kesek's secret plan to evacuate Xiangjiang?

Instead of watching Simon kesek disclose it step by step according to the plan, it's better to help him poke it out all at once in advance. At that time, there will be a storm and put Jardine in the position of the real Wanfu.

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