Published at 13th of January 2023 06:41:10 AM

Chapter 1772: That's so cool! (5)

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Spicy eyes! ! ! !

Damn it! ! !

Also, what a turning point is this! ! !

Nima's! !

Didn’t you say that you are Teacher Wang’s student? Why suddenly you became Teacher Wang’s idol! !

In addition, Wang Chuannian, who cultivated a queen and actor, was so fascinated as to brainwash it! ! !

This is simply amazing! ! !

【Ding! B grid+10+10+……】

When the B box exploded, everyone went crazy!

Because all of this is so fascinating! ! !

Li Shali was even more crazy. She was still full of momentum. Now she felt dizzy and her face was burning with pain. In the end, she couldn't hold it anymore and sat down on the seat.

I wiped it! !

Yeyunxi is the sister of Yeyunji Nightclub! !

She founded Ye Huang alone! !

In other words, she is the biggest boss behind the scenes! !

And what did she do? ?

First, he spoke ruthlessly to Ye Yunxi in the elevator, and then attacked her again in the practice room,

I definitely asked for it! ! !

Li Shali wanted to cry without tears, she was so unlucky! ! !

However, Liang Hongwei and Director Liang looked curious: "Teacher Wang, can I take the liberty to ask?? Has she acted in anything? I don't remember such an artist."

The so-called working one line and one line, Liang Hongwei, as a director, would naturally go to a lot of movies on weekdays, but after watching so many movies, I have never seen this girl play any role.

And since Wang Chuannian is Ye Yunxi's fanboy, how could he have acted? ?

Wang Chuannian is still excited, and the feeling of not having to endure is really great! !

""Hidden"!! "Hidden"!!!"

Haven't you seen the lurking heat in those days? ?

Liang Hongwei thought about it carefully, and really didn't have a role to match the number! !

What is going on? ?

"Hoshino, Hoshino!!"

Wang Chuannian was so excited that he was incoherent, because he was so excited to die when he mentioned the name Hoshino, he really liked Hoshino so much! !

I really like it to death! ! !

Hearing this, not only Liang Hongwei, but everyone present was extremely shocked.

Hoshino? ?

Isn't that the male number one? ?

The movie is known as the double male lead. Isn't Hoshino acting as a male? They remember that the name on the cast is still Ye Yunji! !

But why is Yeyunxi a girl! !

And Liang Hongwei is a director, and he immediately said: "Hoshino, who is acting as a female as a male?! God, no wonder Ye Yunji has never been heard in the circle, because it is not Ye Yunji at all, you used you Your father’s movie played by your brother’s name! Oh my god!!"

Liang Hongwei was instantly excited. He was in his fifties, and he had already cultivated the ability to calm the waves, but today he was easily broken by a young man! !

Damn it!

It turns out that Hoshino was performed by a sister, and she can perform so well! ! !

"The female No. 2 of "The Moon on the Sea", you really belong to you!!"

Liang Hongwei was very excited, and beside him, Ye Xuan had already found out a little notebook, and approached Ye Yunxi: "Then what, can you sign a name, just write Hoshino to Ye Xuan, OK?? "


Damn it, even the author of "The Bright Moon on the Sea" is a fan of Yeyunxi! ! !

So, do you still need to grab the female second? ?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!