Published at 13th of January 2023 07:17:01 AM

Chapter 858: Tame, new family (5)

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And Zi Heng just mentioned this matter to Zi Heng, and Zi Heng also agreed. If this is the case, then their Qin family will be an affiliate of the Ye family!

From now on, allegiance to Yejia will be gracious! !

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully conquering the first affiliated family! Reward: B grid +300000, physical strength +500, spell proficiency +500, and get the elementary skill book: Mu Zhihua! 】

Looking at an additional skill book in the system, Ye Yunxi raised her eyebrows. She hasn't obtained the wood attribute yet, right? ?

Can it be used? ?

[Yes, because the family attribute of the host is wood, since it is a subsidiary of the host, the wood attribute can also be used by the host! 】

Is there such a good thing? ?

Does that mean that the more power families you conquer, the more power you can get?

[Nonono, the host is too big, you really want too much, you can only get attributes, you still need abilities...]

What's special is to earn a B box to get a skill book? ?

[Vegetarian, vegetarian, is the sauce! 】


Sure enough, it is still very cheating! !

All this fell in Li Zhi's eyes, and he couldn't help frowning fiercely.

It doesn't matter if the person is not dead, the Qin family is still planning to be an affiliate of the Ye Family, then his business will be white? ?

But before that, leave here first to make a long-term plan! !

"Since President Qin is all right, young lady, can we go back?"

Li Zhi, eager to get out! !

However, Ye Yunxi just hooked the corners of her mouth indifferently, and got up slowly. Just when Li Zhi thought she was going to leave, she went straight into the ward.

"What to go, the patient is healed, of course you have to take a look before leaving, Manager Li, let's go!"

One, together? ?

Li Zhi is going crazy, let's be a ghost together! !

He, where can he get in! ! !

But before he could turn around, he was pushed into the ward by the long waiting period.

"Hey, Manager Li, let's go, visit the doctor together, you old friends who are on a business trip together, why don't you go and see?"

Li Zhi stiffened, and his entire face was so pale that he inexplicably felt that Yunxi's smile before him was a bit gloomy.

What, what to do, there is always a bad feeling!

However, it turns out that Li Zhi's sixth sense is still very accurate! !

Because Qin Ziheng raised a pretty eyebrow when he saw him, and said: "Miss Yunxi, he is greedy for the company's money. He obviously doesn't need any fees to join, but he asks every merchant for an initial fee of 50,000 yuan! ! 78 merchants, millions of funds!!"

Li Zhi's complexion instantly became extremely exciting, because at this moment everyone's eyes fell on his face! !

"Then, that, little lady, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Li Zhi stammered to explain, but Ye Yunxi smiled and looked at Qin Zhengnan.

"I just said that the Qin family is an affiliate of the night family, but does it count?"

Without saying anything, Qin Zhengnan nodded immediately: "Of course, and my Qin Zhengnan's place has long been completely open to Miss Yunxi!!!"

So, brother has already returned to Miss Yunxi, okay! !

"That's OK." Ye Yunxi pointed at Li Zhi: "I'll leave it to you, I want to listen to the truth, all, the truth!"

Who is Qin Zhengnan? He is in charge of the general manager in the south of the city, and all the venues are under his control. Like Wang Zaihao, they are all mixed up, so Ye Yunxi's words are not meaningful, he will understand it immediately!

He hooked the corners of his mouth, his face grimly said: "Miss Yunxi, please put a hundred hearts!"

As he said, the brother who rushed to the door and stood there waved, and someone rushed in and held Li Zhi from the left and the right.

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