Redemption’s Rose - Chapter 66

Published at 24th of March 2023 05:55:48 AM

Chapter 66

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The frantic sprinting of Eleb amounted to little more than a light jigging for me. Enough that I was able to sink into meditation with little difficulty. My qi recovery sped up significantly as my dantian desperately produced qi to satisfy my dried up body.

It was only a few minutes before we came to a stop. I snuck a peek at where Eleb had taken me and found a small stable that housed some strange looking creatures. They had six spindly legs attached to a large dynamic body that looked more suited to water traversal. It had a large beak and four beady eyes that locked onto us as we pushed the creaky door open.

“We could use Safi right about now,” muttered Eleb.

“You don’t know this creature?” I asked incredulously.

“I spotted them during my investigation the other day. The whole city will be crawling with Tressy disciples soon so we need to scarper.”

“It’s probably not going to let us ride it then…” I said, unhelpfully. She looked at me with understandable frustration.

“I can leave you here, if you want?”

“I’ll go with you.”

“That’s what I thought, it’s not like I came here entirely unprepared.” She reached into the bag tied around her waist and fished out a small piece of food.

The creature eyed it with excitement. It was not long before we were comfortably on its back and bursting out of the stable. The streets were still silent but they would not be for long. The creature's claws clicked against the stone as Eleb made for the exit to the city. I was in a rather awkward position due to both my legs being broken.

It had become necessary to expend any qi I managed to recover on keeping myself alive, the blood loss was becoming dangerous.

“I can’t make a long journey,” I said.

“I know!” she said, her panic was evident.

I decided to stop talking at that point, it was not helping either of us. I was not able to think straight enough to contribute positively to a conversation. Instead I watched the shrubbery flit past, becoming trees. Becoming bigger trees, the gentle sway of the creature’s body as it skittered across the forest floor lulled me into a trance.

Eleb began to gently hum as the city shrank behind us and along with it the stress of anyone from Tressy finding us. Her gentle voice was comforting, if she was relaxed enough to hum, she probably knew we were going to be alright.

Sure enough, a village came into view. I had not the faintest idea how long we had been travelling for but it was daytime and our ragged appearances were fully exposed to the villagers as we travelled through its street.

Eleb stopped outside a building that had a sign with a sketched sign of a common medical herb hanging from the eaves. She hoisted me off the back of the creature and brought me inside. There was some hustle and bustle as I was hurried into a bed and force-fed some leaves. I was out before I knew it.

I woke up in the state of confusion that occurs when you sleep at an irregular time. I was not sure entirely if I had slept through the rest of the night and it was the morning or perhaps I had slept through the whole day. The drawn curtains obscured the answer so I was left with my anxiety in bed.

Eventually, I called out. I was incapable of any other method of notifying anyone of my consciousness. I was unsure who would respond but when Eleb passed through the door with a sling she laughed at my sigh of relief.

“Yep, we made it.” She confirmed.

“And, where is ‘it’?”

She lost her smile as she approached my bed and whispered. “My parent’s house. So you had better be a good, bad-boy boyfriend.”

“That won’t be a problem, after all - I am a good-boy boyfriend. So you brought me to your parents?”

“It wasn’t the closest village but it was the only place I could get your legs seen to.”

“It’s alright, I’m good with parents.”

“It doesn’t matter if you are or not. I’m just glad you’re alright.” She leaned in and brought my head to her chest in a comforting hug.

“That was almost very bad.”

“Two broken legs, a broken arm and an entire sect on the hunt is already very bad in my books.”

“Your books aren’t as exciting as my books then,” I smiled.

She giggled and prodded my arm. “For someone who doesn’t like to get in a scrap, you sure get in a lot of them.”

“I don’t like them because I get in so many of them…”

“I guess too much of anything is a bad thing…”

“Not true.”

“It’s not?” she asked, curious.

“I’ve never been loved too much.” She looked blank before bursting out in laughter.

“You’re surprisingly romantic sometimes.” Then she looked down at my legs. “Now I’m all worked up and you can’t do anything about it.”

“I said love, not sex.”

“For me, they’re the same thing.” She shrugged as if it were out of her control. I had to admit that it was the same for me. “So, what do we do until the Far-side tournament?” she asked, suppressing her desire to satisfy herself despite my useless lower half.


“You’re really going to try and win it?”

“No, I won’t need to try.”

Casualperv Sorry for the absence. I was playing Pokemon Legends Arceus. It's pretty good, don't judge me :D

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