Published at 11th of November 2022 05:10:59 AM

Chapter 31

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16. Party recruit (4)

“But I’m a healer. It’s impossible for me alone. I need strong parties and strong damage dealers, like Shin Do-Gyeom.”

Ye-Hyeon kept rambling, but the gist was simple.

“I want to be strong like you!”

It was more shameful for Ye-Hyeon thought to confess his long-cherished yearning to him than to anyone else.

Ye-Hyeon’s neck was burning even though he didn’t realize it.

“I hope we can have a party together.”

It was a wish that Ye-Hyeon couldn’t even say before regression.

Even if Ye-Hyeon said he wanted to be strong, he would often be ridiculed and despised.

Ye-Hyeon clasped his hands nervously.

Otherwise, Ye-Hyeon thought he would be caught shaking his fingertips.

And honestly, it’s kind of burdensome for everyone to call him a healer.

He thought Shin Do-Gyeom would treat him normally.

He didn’t discriminate when he was a porter, so he thought it would be the same once he became a healer.

Did he expect too much?”

Ye-Hyeon regretted it after spouting out everything to fill the silence.

It may seem to be pretending to know something without knowing it well.

Ye-Hyeon coughed low for no reason.


The intimacy of ‘Attack Target 3: Shin Do-Gyeom’ has increased by 1 point.

Fortunately, Shin Do-Gyeom seemed to have taken it positively.

Ye-Hyeon, who gained confidence, took a step closer to Shin Do-Gyeom.

“I’m going to start with my colleagues if possible. Just as the president of the association did.”


It was the first significant reply he received.

Even if it’s Shin Do-Gyeom, A Hunter was Hunter.




Ye-Hyeon foolishly asked back at the positivity that came back at an unexpected time.

Shin Do-Gyeom frowned.

Shin Do-Gyeom hated to say things twice.

“Really? I heard it. You can’t take back your words. Give me your contact number. You’re going to tell me now, right? ”


Shin Do-Gyeom took Ye-Hyeon’s cell phone while clicking his tongue.

Ye-Hyeon bit his lower lip.

Otherwise, Ye-Hyeon felt like he would immediately blow up useless stories.

“Take it.”

“Thank you.”

Ye-Hyeon smiled as he got his phone back.

Ye-Hyeon doesn’t know why Shin Do-Gyeom accepted it, but he didn’t mean to let him go as long as he said he would do it.

It wasn’t that big of progress, but the intimacy increased by one point, so it was a big harvest in many ways.

Yoon Seung-Jae called Ye-Hyeon when he was about to part ways with Shin Do-Gyeom and go back to his accommodation.

“Where are you?”

“I’m on my way back to the dorm after a short walk. Why?”

“You know the Hyung I told you about. He agreed to form a fixed party with us.”

Yoon Seung-Jae’s voice seemed to be excited.

Ye-Hyeon could vividly imagine how Yoon Seung-Jae would be speaking, so he was smiling.

“Really? That’s great.”

“I’m living with you now, do you want to come? Let me introduce you.”


“Come to the garden behind the lodge.”

Ye-Hyeon went down the mountain with a light step.

If Yoon Seung-Jae, who is proud of his skills, praised him, it was clear that he would be a pretty good hunter.

Good things happened one after another, so Ye-Hyeon felt good.

Ye-Hyeon hummed to the point of the singing.

However, Ye-Hyeon’s lips, which were gently bent, hardened as soon as he passed through the entrance to the garden.

The hunter next to Yoon Seung-Jae was none other than Kwon Joo-Ho.

‘Why…!’ Ye-Hyeon thought.

“Ye-Hyeon! Here he is.”

Yoon Seung-Jae, who knew nothing, waved happily.

When Ye-Hyeon fully stopped while standing, the two approached.

“This is Joo-Ho. Kwon Joo-Ho.”

“…Hello. We meet again.”

Ye-Hyeon thought about pretending to meet him for the first time.

However, it was strange if someone with distinct features like Kwon Joo-Ho could not be remembered.

Kwon Joo-Ho bent his neck lightly when Ye-Hyeon greeted him carefully.

It was a more polite attitude than Ye-Hyeon thought, it was like he had only looked at Kwon Joo-Ho too badly.

“What? Do you know each other?”

Yoon Seung-Jae’s eyes widened as he alternately looked at Ye-Hyeon and Kwon Joo-Ho.

Ye-Hyeon glanced at Kwon Joo-Ho.

The tight red lips seemed unwilling to open.

“We don’t know each other…”

Ye-Hyeon replied with a sigh.

The relationship was so vague that Ye-Hyeon had no choice but to vaguely blur the end of his words.

“We did the dungeon together this time, and Kwon Joo-Ho was cool. You have to see it yourself. But how come you haven’t met?”

That’s right. When Ye-Hyeon applied for a sweep operation, he avoided the place where Kwon Joo-Ho’s name was, so it was natural that Ye-Hyeon could not meet Kwon Joo-Ho.

Ye-Hyeon didn’t want to, but there was no justification to reject the person recommended by Yoon Seung-Jae.

Ye-Hyeon checked Kwon Joo-Ho’s status window.

Name: Kwon Joo-ho


Level: 27

Occupation: Immortal Examination (S)

Title: Class D Hunter (D), New Hunter (F)

Skill: Sword of Despair (A), S (Not Obtained), Regular Absorption (S)

Status: Normal

It was hard to see S-class passive skills.

It’s amazing.

The skills that absorb the other person’s vitality are even more.

Excluding personal feelings, Kwon Joo-Ho was strong enough for Ye-Hyeon to lie flat and he would be carried.

[**Carry- usually use in games, a player who plays so well they can win even though the other members are useless.]

No.1, No.17, and No.21 are all in the same party!

It was a ridiculous super-luxury party.

It was too much of a party for Ye-Hyeon.

Before the return, it was difficult for three people to get together at the same place, let alone one party.

‘Kwon Joo-Ho was acting alone, Shin Do-Gyeom was in the fabricated guild, and Yoon Seung-Jae was in the Hyeonmu guild, right?’ Ye-Hyeon thought.

Ye-Hyeon didn’t know how fierce the S-class hunter competition was among the guilds.

“I look forward to your kind cooperation.”

Kwon Joo-Ho nodded again this time.

Ye-Hyeon didn’t do anything, but just facing each other made him feel exhausted.

“It’s because Kwon Joo-Ho doesn’t talk much, but he’s a good Hyung.”

Yoon Seung-Jae covered Kwon Joo-Ho, perhaps unconsciously reluctant.

“I see. I understand.”

Ye-Hyeon replied to him insincerely and showed a face that others can’t know what he was thinking.

Kwon Joo-Ho stuck to his expressionless face at all times.

Ye-Hyeon wanted to ask if there were times when the expression changed.


After about a week, Ye-Hyeon brought the three together.

He searched hard to recruit more people, but there was no suitable person.

It was usually one of the two. Not good enough to grow up in step with the three people, or have a bad personality.

Even though they are still just newbies, the three will soon stand out.

Carrying Ye-Hyeon alone was like carrying a hump, and he couldn’t add another person to hold them back.

And no matter how talented they were, Ye-Hyeon didn’t want to have a person with an unusual personality at the party.

Ye-Hyeon was already overwhelmed by just dealing with the targets.

In addition, Kwon Joo-Ho doesn’t have a normal personality, so it was clear that there would be a big fight if anyone was put in.

‘It’s hard to find a person with a good personality and ability.’ Ye-Hyeon thought.

Ye-Hyeon pressed the corners of his mouth with his fingertips to keep going up even though he was worried.

If it’s like this, he thinks he can take the whole A-class dungeon later, too. Then how much is the experience? The reward is no joke, right?


The four exchanged awkward greetings and made statements one after another.

Shin Do-Gyeom and Kwon Joo-Ho did not look close, but they seemed to know each other.

‘S-levels work with S-levels, is this it?’ Ye-Hyeon thought.

On the other hand, Yoon Seung-Jae was staring at Shin Do-Gyeom.

Of course, Shin Do-Gyeom didn’t care about a speck of dust.

“Isn’t that the person you were talking about? At the restaurant?”

Yoon Seung-Jae whispered to Ye-Hyeon.

“Oh, right.”

Seung-Jae seemed to have remembered the brief meeting.

Yoon Seung-Jae complained to himself about what he didn’t like so much.

Ye-Hyeon left it alone.

Yoon Seung-Jae was also quite selfish, so it was of little use to tell him what to do.

And at that rate, there was a high possibility that they wouldn’t get close anytime soon.

Yoon Seung-Jae had a unique but simple personality.

Ye-Hyeon made eye contact one by one.

It would be nice to have a simple chat as an icebreaker, but the atmosphere was not good.

Ye-Hyeon didn’t even expect it.

Ye-Hyeon wasn’t particularly fond of chatting either.

Inevitably, Ye-Hyeon went straight to the point.

Ye-Hyeon explained the rough plan of how to run the party step by step.

Kwon Joo-Ho and Yoon Seung-Jae did not seem to be interested, and only Shin Do-Gyeom listened to Ye-Hyeon.

“…The profit is 1/n. Does anyone who has any objections? Please let me know immediately if you have any other suggestions or complaints.”

It was quiet because there were no complaints.

The conditions proposed by Ye-Hyeon were extremely standard conditions based on the “standard party contract” to be announced two and a half years from now.

It was fair without anyone getting any more benefits.

Shin Do-Gyeom looked a little surprised.

Since Ye-Hyeon is a healer, he seemed to have thought he would settle the bill more favorably.

It wasn’t that Ye-Hyeon wasn’t greedy, but you can’t go wrong trying to make more profit when you’re supposed to take them to the end!

Even small complaints would grow out of control if they continued to overlap.

“No one has any objection, right? Then we’ll work together for about a month and ask for a fixed party next month. What do you think?”

“What? Do we have to? Can’t we just go and apply right away?”

Yoon Seung-Jae, who was holding his chin on his back, openly opposed it with a disgusted air.

“I don’t think we need to stay in the camp anymore.”

Shin Do-Gyeom nodded and strengthened Yoon Seung-Jae’s opinion.

Kwon Joo-Ho felt the same way.

“But wouldn’t it be a good idea to work together first?”

Ye-Hyeon smiled awkwardly and dissuaded him, but the three were unlikely to cross the line.

“This is why S-levels can’t do it,” Ye-Hyeon grumbled to himself.

S-class hunters were extremely challenging as they were full of pride in their abilities.

To go back, Ye-Hyeon tried to break through the thorny path as much as he could.

One-on-three, even if it was the right opinion, it was a little burdensome to go against the majority vote.

“Sigh. Good. Then we’ll leave at nine tomorrow.”

You’ll do well on your own.

They are all S-class, but Ye-Hyeon couldn’t pass it off lightly.

Things worked out so well that it was ominous.

Ohhh I finished all my pending activities today so double update for RDP

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!