Published at 12th of February 2024 12:35:56 PM

Chapter 736: 736 Discussion

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Chapter 736 Chapter 736 Discussion

?736 Chapter 736 Discussion

Aldred's gaze hardened as he absorbed Cleome's report. The time had come for action, for the culmination of more than a year's preparation. His mercenary organization, the Celestial Platoon, had been quietly amassing resources and support from nearby planets under the guise of an Inquisitor's decree. Now, those resources had been transformed into a formidable arsenal, ready to be unleashed against the demonic army that threatened the stability of the galaxy.

The war they were about to engage in was not just any conflict. It was a battle that would determine the fate of countless worlds, a struggle between the forces of order and the chaos wrought by the demonic legions.

Aldred immediately initiated a call to gather his most trusted comrades aboard the Stellar Seraph. These were not just warriors; they were legends in their own right, each a master of their respective domain.

Salamander, The Engineer, known for his unparalleled skill in crafting weapons and machinery that could turn the tide of any battle. His inventions were not just tools of war; they were works of art, blending functionality with an almost poetic form.

Cleome, The Lightning Weaver, whose control over electrical energy was both a spectacle and a deadly force in combat. She could weave lightning into devastating attacks or impenetrable shields, making her an indispensable asset on the battlefield.

Shinari, The Shadow Master, was a master of stealth and assassination. Her ability to move unseen and strike from the shadows made her a feared opponent. Her network of informants and spies was a crucial element in gathering intelligence for the Celestial Platoon.

Cellaeth, The Elven Warrior, was a living legend among his people. Her prowess in combat, combined with centuries of experience, made him a formidable warrior, her blades dancing death among enemy ranks.

Elralya, The Elven Psychic, possessed abilities that transcended the physical realm. Her insights into the minds of others and her foresight were invaluable in planning and executing complex strategies.

Lastly, Shuzib, The Scholar, was the brain behind many of the Platoon's tactical successes. His knowledge of history, warfare, and alien cultures provided a broader perspective on the conflicts they faced.

He did not appear a lot but that was because Shuzib preferred to work behind desk and not in direct danger.

However, that seem to change.

Shuzib was sitting with them on the table, proudly showing his large biceps and chest muscles.

"What the hell happened to you?" Elralya asked. nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

"I turned into a vampire."

"How does that even happen?"

"Exactly. That is why I am so distressed."

"Relax," Aldred told him. "Didn't you manage to create some new battleships design?"

"I do. But they are not battle-tested so, we don't know how well they fair in real war."

"I am sure it will be fine. I believe in your ability," Aldred assured him. He had actually tell Vortimer to check every single ship Salamander made beforehand and knew they were good enough.

"Okay, so when do we begin our attack?" Shinari asked.

"Before that I want everyone to look at the star map."

A projection activated, displaying a massive star map, revealing the demon's teritory."

Aldred then say: "Garrot, show me all the information currently available."

As Aldred commanded, the star map shimmered and transformed, revealing layers of detailed information. The voice of Garrot, the artificial intelligence of the Stellar Seraph, resonated through the chamber. "Yes, sir," it replied in a calm, neutral tone.

The star map now displayed troop numbers, fleet positions, and resource points within the demonic territory. Every star and planet held vital data, meticulously collected and analyzed by Garrot. The AI's ability to process and present such vast amounts of information was impressive, bordering on the extraordinary.

However, the revelation of Garrot's existence elicited a wave of shock among the crew. The use of advanced artificial intelligence was a taboo, steeped in historical incidents where AI had turned against their creators. The crew's astonishment was evident in their wide eyes and murmured discussions.

Shinari was the first to voice her concerns. "Aldred, you've installed an AI? Isn't that against the Imperial protocols? The risks..."

Aldred raised a hand to silence the rising tide of questions. "I am well aware of the history and the Imperial stance on AI. However, Garrot is different. He's been programmed with extensive safeguards and limitations. His primary function is to aid in strategy and logistics, not autonomous decision-making."

Salamander, still processing the news, added, "But the risk of AI rebellion or malfunction..."

Aldred nodded, acknowledging the concern. "I understand the risks. That's why I've taken every precaution. Garrot operates under strict protocols and is monitored continuously. He's a tool, one that gives us a significant advantage, especially in dealing with the vast complexities of this war."

The crew, though still uneasy, began to see the practicality of Aldred's decision. The amount of data and strategic planning required for their massive undertaking was beyond human capabilities alone. Garrot's integration could be the edge they needed against the demonic forces.

Shuzib, always the scholar, looked at the star map with a newfound appreciation. "The strategic possibilities with Garrot's assistance are immense. We can predict enemy movements, optimize supply lines, and even simulate potential battle outcomes. Still, I read the history text about artificial intelligence, and you can say that Garrot's existence will terrify the Empire more than the demons did."

"Is it really that bad?" Aldred shrugged.

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