Published at 12th of February 2024 12:35:52 PM

Chapter 739: 739 Demon Hunter Rayanor

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Chapter 739 Chapter 739 Demon Hunter Rayanor

?739 Chapter 739 Demon Hunter Rayanor

Aldred's expression was one of disbelief as he reviewed the harrowing footage sent by Francus and Grigor.

The screen in front of him played the catastrophic moment when the mysterious demon decimated half of their armada with a singular, devastating attack. The calmness that usually characterized Aldred's demeanor had faded, replaced by an uncharacteristic sense of urgency.

"Vortimer," Aldred's voice was firm, his eyes still fixed on the screen. "Analyze this and tell me what you think."

Vortimer, the ancient sentient robot, approached the console, his mechanical eyes scanning the footage. After a moment of processing, he spoke,

"My system has identified the identity of the demon. It is none other than one of the Demon Admirals — Zelthrax, known as the 'Riftweaver.'"

Aldred leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Zelthrax, the Riftweaver? What do we know about her?"

Vortimer's voice was emotionless yet conveyed the gravity of the situation. "She is infamous for her mastery over dark energies and her ability to manipulate the fabric of space. Her attacks are not just physically destructive; they can tear through the very essence of reality."

The revelation sent a chill down Aldred's spine. The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

He had faced formidable foes in his time, but the thought of an adversary who could manipulate reality itself was unsettling. "And her attack... it was like nothing we've ever seen before."

"Yes," Vortimer replied. "The orb she conjured and released. It was a concentrated form of dark energy, potent enough to create a singularity-like effect. The sheer destructive power is beyond our current understanding of demonic magic and technology."

Aldred stood up, pacing the room as he processed the information. "This changes everything. Our strategies, our defenses... We are not prepared for this kind of threat."

The room was silent, save for the faint hum of the ship's systems. Aldred stopped, turning to face Vortimer. "Prepare a full report. I want detailed analyses of her powers, potential weaknesses, anything that can give us an edge. We need to adapt, and fast."

The arrival of the mysterious visitor calling himself the Demon Hunter added an unexpected twist to the escalating tension. As the soldier relayed the message to Aldred, his brow furrowed in curiosity. "Let him in," he commanded, intrigued by the prospect of meeting someone who claimed such a title.

The doors to the command room slid open with a soft hiss, revealing a figure draped in a black windbreaker, his identity obscured by a mask. He moved with a quiet confidence, each step measured and purposeful. The air around him seemed to crackle with a latent energy, hinting at his concealed power.

Aldred studied the newcomer with a keen eye. "You call yourself the Demon Hunter?" he asked, his voice betraying no emotion.

The masked figure nodded, his voice muffled but clear. "I am known as Rayanor, the Demon Hunter," he introduced himself. "I have faced Zelthrax, the Riftweaver, in battles past. I've come to offer my assistance."

Aldred used his godly eyes to scan the man and he was quite impressed by his power. At least, he knew that this strange man wasn't a scammer.

Aldred's interest peaked at the mention of Zelthrax. "You've encountered her before? Then you know the kind of power we're up against."

Rayanor's posture remained unwavering. "Indeed. Zelthrax wields dark magic that can manipulate the very essence of space. Her powers are not of this realm, making her a foe unlike any other."

Aldred leaned back in his chair, contemplating. "And what brings you to us? Why offer your help now?"

Rayanor's hands clasped behind his back. "The Riftweaver's recent actions threaten not just your fleet but the balance of power in the entire galaxy. Her unchecked rise could lead to catastrophic consequences. I've been tracking her movements, studying her tactics. Together, we stand a better chance against her."

Aldred considered the proposal. The Demon Hunter's knowledge and experience could be invaluable. "Very well," he agreed. "You'll work with our teams. Share your knowledge, and help us devise a strategy to counter her."

"You trust this stranger just like that?" Vortimer asked.

"I have good eyes. I can see that he is telling nothing but truth."

Rayanor's masked face remained impassive, yet his voice carried a solemn tone. "Defeating Zelthrax will be a task of monumental difficulty. Her mastery over dark energies and the fabric of space itself makes her a near-insurmountable foe. We must be prepared for significant sacrifices and multiple failures before we can even hope to gain an advantage."

Aldred's jaw tightened. He was no stranger to the harsh realities of war, but the stakes seemed higher than ever. "Sacrifices," he echoed.

"Are you suggesting that we will lose many lives in this endeavor?"

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