Published at 12th of February 2024 12:35:28 PM

Chapter 747: 747 Quantum Arrival

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Chapter 747 Chapter 747 Quantum Arrival

?The battlefield, already a vortex of chaos and destruction, was suddenly pierced by a new and unexpected arrival. From a quantum tunnel, a small, sleek vessel emerged, its hull marked with distinct green lines that glowed with an otherworldly energy. It appeared as if conjured from the fabric of space itself, a silent harbinger amidst the cacophony of war. Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

Francus, his attention momentarily diverted from the Dreadnaught, watched in stunned amazement as the vessel maneuvered into position with a grace and precision that seemed almost supernatural. He could not help but feel a mix of curiosity and awe at the sight of this mysterious ship.

Without any warning, the vessel unleashed a barrage of bright green energy beams that streaked across space with unerring accuracy. Each beam found its mark, striking the demonic ships with surgical precision. The effect was immediate and devastating – demonic vessels, both large and small, erupted into brilliant explosions, their remnants cascading through space like a deadly meteor shower.

Even the formidable Dreadnaught, the mythical titan of destruction, was not spared. The green energy beams lanced through its defenses, causing catastrophic damage that rippled along its massive frame. The Dreadnaught shuddered violently under the onslaught, its dark runes flickering and fading as its power waned.

"Who... what is that?" Francus muttered, his voice a mixture of disbelief and relief. He had never seen anything like it – a single ship turning the tide of the battle in an instant.

On the comm channel, Grigor's voice crackled through, laced with the same astonishment Francus felt. "Francus, do you see this? This ship... it's decimating the enemy fleet!"

Rael added, his tone filled with wonder, "It's like it's dancing through them, untouchable. And those weapons... I've never seen anything like it."

Francus, still watching the spectacle, suddenly realized the origin of this miraculous intervention. "That has to be Vortimer's doing. Only he has technology like this. But that's not Vortimer's style. Could it be..."

His thoughts were interrupted as the mysterious ship completed its devastating attack run, leaving a graveyard of demonic ships in its wake. It then maneuvered gracefully, positioning itself between the Celestial Platoon's forces and the crippled Dreadnaught.

A voice, mechanical yet imbued with a strange sense of life, transmitted over the comm channel. "Celestial Platoon, this is Quantum Sentinel, aboard Vortimer's ship. We have engaged the enemy fleet. The Dreadnaught is disabled. Awaiting further instructions."

"Their target is likely the central planets, rich in vital resources," Aldred continued. "These planets are not just key to our survival but also hold strategic value. We cannot allow them to fall into demonic hands."

Francus, watching the map closely, frowned. "They're aiming for the heart of our territory."

Rael, his arms crossed, added, "And they're sending smaller Directly support the authors on WebNovel!

groups to distract us in other regions. Classic divide and conquer."

Aldred's projection highlighted several key locations on the map. "We must fortify these positions. I trust you to lead the defense and coordinate our forces effectively."

The image of Aldred faded, leaving the group in contemplation. The scale of the upcoming conflict was daunting, and the stakes could not be higher.

Quantum Sentinel, though silent, emanated a sense of resolve. His presence was reassuring, a symbol of the advanced technology and formidable allies they had on their side.

Francus turned to his comrades. "We have our orders. We need to prepare for what's coming. This war is going to test us like never before."

Grigor, his jaw set, nodded. "Let's get to work. We have planets to defend and a war to win."

Rael, looking up at the sky, where the remnants of the battle still lingered, said, "This is just the beginning. The demons won't back down easily."

The group dispersed, each to their respective tasks. The air was charged with a sense of urgency and determination. The Celestial Platoon was facing its greatest challenge yet, and the coming days would decide the fate of entire worlds.

As they prepared for the impending conflict, the shadow of war loomed large over them. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear – they would stand united against the darkness, ready to defend their galaxy at any cost.

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