Published at 12th of February 2024 12:35:19 PM

Chapter 754: 754 Building Stronghold

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Chapter 754 754 Building Stronghold

In the aftermath of their victory, Aldred's demeanor shifted subtly, a sign that he was delving into deeper, darker powers. With a fluid motion, he summoned the Phantom Doomblade, a weapon that was the stuff of nightmares. The blade, grotesque and pulsating with a life of its own, seemed to throb with the souls it had consumed – over a billion, a testament to its gruesome history.

Rayanor, observing the sword, couldn't suppress a frown. He had seen this blade several times before, and each time, it instilled in him an inexplicable sense of dread.

The Phantom Doomblade was not just a weapon of physical destruction; it felt like a predator, hungering for more than just flesh – it craved souls. Even the mere sight of it made Rayanor's skin crawl, a primal warning to stay away.

Aldred, holding the blade in one hand, picked up the Gauntlets of Endless Might with the other. In a shocking display, the blade seemed to open like a maw, consuming the gauntlets whole. The sight was surreal, as if the blade had a will of its own, a hunger that knew no bounds.

Rayanor's eyes widened in disbelief. "What are you doing? Those gauntlets are a rare treasure!"

Aldred, his gaze fixed on the blade, responded calmly, "They are more than that in combination with this blade."

Then, with a mere thought, Aldred willed the blade to transform. The Phantom Doomblade shifted, contorting and reshaping itself into a pair of gauntlets, a perfect replica of the Gauntlets of Endless Might. After a moment, he willed it back into its original form as a sword.

Rayanor, his curiosity piqued and mixed with a tinge of fear, finally asked, "What kind of blade is that, Aldred? I've seen many weapons in my time, but nothing like this."

Aldred sheathed the blade, its dark aura subsiding slightly.

"This is the Phantom Doomblade," he began, his voice taking on a grave tone. "It's more than just a weapon; it's an entity. It feeds on souls and can absorb other artifacts, integrating their powers into itself. It's a living weapon, one that grows with every battle."

Rayanor took a step back, his instincts as a seasoned warrior telling him that the Phantom Doomblade was a double-edged sword – powerful but dangerous. "And you can control it?" he asked, skepticism lacing his voice.

Aldred nodded. "Yes, but not without risk. It's a constant battle of wills. But the power it offers is unparalleled."

Rayanor looked at Aldred, a newfound respect mixed with caution in his eyes. "Just be careful, Aldred. Power like that... it can change a person."

Aldred met Rayanor's gaze, a hint of a somber smile on his lips. "I know. That's a battle I fight every day."

Aldred's eyes swept across the battlefield, where the remnants of demonic forces still clashed fiercely against the mercenaries of the Celestial Platoon.

His reputation for creating weapons of incredible firepower was unmatched. "Nothing will breach our defenses with these cannons in place," he assured confidently.

Even now, Aldred could not develop any technology that could match Vortimer's warships. They were that incredible.

Aboard his flagship, Aldred stood gazing out at the bustling activity covering the planet's surface. The landscape was alive with the sounds of construction and the constant movement of machinery and personnel. Beside him, Vortimer, his metallic form gleaming in the artificial light of the command center, provided a detailed update on the progress.

"The construction is proceeding at an optimal pace, Aldred," Vortimer reported, his voice resonating with a mechanical timbre. "Our teams are working around the clock to ensure the stronghold's completion."

Aldred's eyes scanned the holographic displays showing various parts of the planet. "How long until full operational capability?" he asked, his voice steady yet tinged with urgency.

Vortimer consulted a digital tablet, the data scrolling rapidly across the screen. "Based on current projections, we're looking at a completion timeline of six weeks."

Aldred turned to face Vortimer, a determined look in his eyes. "I want it done in three weeks, Vortimer. We don't have the luxury of time. The demonic forces will regroup and retaliate. We need this stronghold operational as soon as possible."

Vortimer's optical sensors blinked as he processed the request. "Three weeks is an ambitious target, Aldred. It will require doubling our efforts, but I believe with some adjustments and increased resource allocation, it can be done."

"Make it happen," Aldred said firmly. "This planet is not just a stronghold; it's a statement. We're showing the demonic forces that we can strike deep into their territory and hold our ground."

Vortimer nodded, his servos whirring softly as he made a note. "Understood. I'll coordinate with Shinari and Salamander to expedite the process. We'll mobilize additional resources and manpower immediately."

Aldred wanted to show how powerful the Celestial Platoon was. If he could build a stronghold here, and the demons could do nothing about it, that would prove that the Celestial Platoon was formidable.

In the opulent conference room of a space station orbiting a neutral world, the leaders of the human planets sponsoring Aldred's war efforts against the demons convened. The room buzzed with the low hum of conversations and the occasional flicker of holographic projections representing those who couldn't attend in person.

A large, circular table dominated the center of the room, around which the leaders sat, their expressions ranging from concern to cautious optimism. At the head of the table was General Elara, a veteran of many interstellar conflicts and a key figure in rallying support for the Celestial Platoon.

"As we're all aware, the Celestial Platoon, under Aldred's leadership, has made significant strides against the demonic forces," General Elara began, her voice clear and authoritative. "However, we must consider the long-term implications of supporting a faction that's barely three years old."

A man to her right, Admiral Varson, nodded in agreement. "Their progress is undeniable, but it's the sustainability of their campaign that concerns me. We've seen promising movements rise and fall. What assurances do we have that this won't be another fleeting effort?"

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