Published at 2nd of August 2023 12:30:46 PM

Chapter 112

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Heaven and hell



The golden birds continue to cry out. They desperately try to escape but are unable to move due to my barrier, and they appear quite bewildered.


According to the Fairy Dragons, the golden birds are indeed fast, but not as fast as they are. From their perspective, it’s like, “Is that all?” they felt.


“Your achievements are splendid. I am very satisfied. I shall prepare warm lands with blooming flowers and clean water for you in the future.”


“Thank you very much!”


“Master, are you sure about accepting such things?”


“There should be a place where we can find them. If I set up a barrier, there should be no problem.”


Having finished our work, we decided to have an early lunch. I also feed the Fairy Dragons. While eating, I talk to Sadakichi, one of the Fairy Dragons, and begin to understand their ecology.


They are said to primarily eat flowers, but they can eat almost anything. As for weapons, they have scales that can release powder from their feathers, which has effects such as illusion, confusion, and pleasure, affecting the mind. Naturally, they can produce various types of powder. However, they are not particularly skilled at hunting due to their weak strength. Therefore, they mainly eat easily catchable plants and flowers.


“You thought you could attack me even though you’re weak.”


They couldn’t damage me at all, but for them, it was a desperate attack. Moreover, they were using various powders for their attacks, but all of them were blocked by my barrier.


“Well, as long as you’re under my command, you won’t go hungry, so you can rest assured.”


Although it’s the emergency food supply, they say it’s delicious as they eat. For them, it’s like being in paradise. With just a little work, they can eat their fill. Furthermore, they seem interested in our bento, but they won’t be allowed to eat it. Well, I’ll treat them to it when we achieve significant results in the future.


After eating dessert and taking a break, I leave the watch of the golden birds to the Fairy Dragons and board Illymo again, moving over the skies of the Lunoa Forest. After flying for just five hours, we can see the place we’re heading to.


“The Juka Royal Castle… brings back memories.”


At first glance, it seems like the capital remains unchanged. I take out the “Mirror of a Thousand Miles” and observe the capital. And then…


…I saw something I shouldn’t have seen.


Along the walls of the royal capital, people were hanging. They were all severely injured, likely corpses. It was a scene of carnage, perfectly described as a hellish tableau. It seems certain that this was done by the cruel and ruthless individuals that Soleil mentioned.


No one can be seen on top of the walls. Only a few soldiers dressed in black armor guard the gate. While the capital has a significant presence of armored soldiers, the markets and other areas seem to be open.


However, the damage to the city walls is severe. Although I caused considerable destruction, now the entire wall is cracked and damaged.


“Illymo, Ferris, let’s descend for now.”


We set up a barrier and take a break in the forest. The sun is beginning to set.


“Now, we need to come up with a proper plan. And for that, we need to know our enemy.”


“Leave it to me. I know the city well, after all.”


Indeed, Gon was originally dispatched to Juka as a white fox. Moreover, he can completely conceal his presence, making him perfect for covert operations.


“Understood, Gon. Can I rely on you to explore the city until dusk?”


“I’m at your service.”


“While there’s a barrier in place, don’t let your guard down. If things get dangerous, run back immediately.”




With that, Gon disappeared. There are a little over two hours until dusk. As I contemplate what to do, Ferris and Luala seem idle.


“What should we do, Master?”


“Well, how about making some fried golden bird?”


I immediately teleport the golden birds here and take out a cooking set from my infinite storage.


“These birds start to rot as soon as they die. How quickly we cook them is crucial. Can you handle it?”


“Leave it to us!”


Luala wears something like a headband, but it’s tangled around her horns, giving it an odd shape. Well, it adds to her charm.


We quickly started preparing the food. The pre-processing is faster than I expected. They can handle one bird in about 30 seconds, displaying astonishing speed. Skillfully using wind magic, they swiftly drain the blood. It seems they’ll be fine.


Feeling relieved, I perform magical detection.


…To my surprise, I can only spot two individuals who seem to be barrier mages. Typically, for a military expedition that takes several weeks, barrier mages are essential. There is a danger of being attacked by monsters in the forests along the way, so it’s customary to bring more barrier mages than usual.


There are a few other mages, but their numbers are limited. Few possess strong magical power. These mages are likely responsible for healing.


This alone doesn’t reveal much, but could it be that they have something similar to the barrier stones I created? If that’s the case, it would explain this formation.


I try expanding my detection range, but I still can’t sense any significant magical power. At best, I can sense the magical power of large magical beasts.


“Master, master…”


A telepathic message comes from Gon.


“I have entered the capital city, and the situation is dire.”


“What happened?”


“The capital city is filled with corpses, and many residents have been killed.”


“I see… Are there any survivors?”


“Yes, there are survivors. It seems that the merchants and residents who refused to provide food to the enemies were systematically killed.”


“What is the situation like in the capital city?”


“A black-armored warrior has taken control of the town, and there is strict surveillance. They frequently confiscate food from the townspeople.”


“I understand. It’s time for you to come back.”




About 30 minutes later, Gon returns. When leaving the capital city, he happened to overhear a conversation among the soldiers. It appears that their armor has a magic-repelling effect, and they plan to collect supplies from the western town since the food supply in the city is almost depleted.


“They are despicable people. They don’t even consider the importance of provisions.”


“That seems to be the case.”


“Alright, understood. With this information, we can come up with a plan. Gon, well done. Ferris, Luala, let’s head back to the mansion.”


The processing of the golden birds was almost complete, with a big amount done. The freshly fried chicken looked delicious. I took a bite, and it was incredibly tasty. The flavor was rich, and there was nothing to complain about.


I stored the chicken in my infinite storage and teleported to where the Fairy Dragons were. I shared some fried chicken with them and prepared a bento box. They seemed quite delighted. Satisfied with the scene, we teleported back to the mansion.




“…Was the situation really that terrible?”


“Yeah, according to Gon’s report, a significant number of residents have been killed. Even when I looked through the telescope, there were bodies on the city walls…”


I suddenly remembered that it was mealtime and unintentionally cut off the conversation.


“Well, whatever. We’ll figure something out. Tomorrow, before we set off, we’ll go to Krumfar. We’ll borrow Kunogen’s unit.”


“Well, Kunogen’s unit? They have undergone extensive training, but there are only about 300 of them. It’s too few to fight against the Lamaron army.”


“No, we’re not planning to engage them directly. I have a little strategy in mind. Hopefully, it will work out… If it seems futile, we’ll retreat as soon as possible.”


“Please do so. Please make sure you don’t die under any circumstances.”


“Master’s barrier is the strongest. I assure you, there is no way he will die.”


“By the way, this fried chicken is delicious.”


“Mei seems to like it too!”


“Yes, it’s very delicious. If possible, I would like to breed these chickens.”


“I still have about 200 of them, so it would be interesting to breed them.”


“I’ll think about it and come up with a plan. Could you show me the real thing?”


“Sure thing! It’s like a dream to have golden birds available anytime. Mei, please do your best!”




Ferris, Luala, and Fairy all clapped their hands in joy. Truly, our home was the epitome of peace. It was a complete contrast to the hellish nature of the Juka Kingdom.


As I pondered over these thoughts, I also contemplated tomorrow’s operation…


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!