Published at 26th of March 2024 10:11:56 AM

Chapter 154

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Thump, thump, thump, thump…


The slow sound of fingers tapping on the desk reverberated through the conference room, reflecting the frustration of the person making the noise.


“So, what is it?”


With slightly widened eyes and a heavy sigh, Duke Konig, the commanding officer of the Lamaron Military High Command, adjusted his posture. Facing him with an unwavering expression, was General Almond, the Corps Commander of the Lamaron Empire’s Third Army. This day marked the final meeting of the year, gathering the staff officers, but it had taken an unusually heated turn.


“I’ll say it again. We should occupy the village of Daitas.”


Duke Konig shook his head, wearing an exasperated expression. “I’ve been hearing that from you for a while now. It’s pointless.”


“I fail to understand how you deem it pointless. Agarta expanded its borders without fighting, didn’t they?”


“Well, what I’m asking is whether Daitas Village truly defected. From what I’ve heard, the village chief and some young people simply entered Agarta to bring back food supplies. Isn’t it premature to consider that as a defection? Commander Almond?”


“You mentioned them bringing supplies, but they are receiving support from the enemy. What else can we call it if not treason?”


“Well, even if it is considered treason, there’s no need to launch an immediate suppression. Firstly, the Imperial Army lacks provisions. Mobilizing a punitive force against a village of about 150 people, mostly consisting of elderly, women, and children, would be a waste of resources. It would be better to wait until harvest time. Besides, the vicinity of Mount Banzabi will soon be covered in snow, and there’s no way Hideita would launch an invasion. Of course, the same goes for Agarta.”


“However!… If the enemy can cross the Ilveji River and occupy Mount Banzabi, they will have a clear path to the Imperial Capital. We cannot afford to hand over Mount Banzabi to them!”


As General Almond raised his voice, Duke Konig lifted his chin slightly, pointing at Almond.


“Well then, let me ask you, does the Imperial Army believe they would be defeated by the people of Daitas Village?”


General Almond straightened his back.


“There’s no way something like that would happen.”


“Then, for now, it’s fine. There’s no need to waste resources on it. Even if we send troops, let it be until spring.”


Saying that, Duke Konig abruptly left the room. As he walked down the corridor, he muttered to himself.


“Seriously, they’re all idiots. Why do they keep thinking about pointless things?”


“You’re absolutely right, Your Excellency, the High Command.”


His aide followed from behind. The Duke stopped and turned around.


“While I don’t think much can be done with that village, for now, loosen the surveillance, just in case.”


Giving such an order to his aide, he returned to his quarters.


Meanwhile, in the conference room, Commander Almond placed both hands on the desk, not attempting to hide his frustration as he let out a deep sigh.


“Seriously, what is going on…”




When he turned his gaze towards the voice, General Carius was sitting at the edge of his chair, eyes closed.


“General! Why aren’t you saying anything?”


General Carius remained silent, not making a single movement.


“…I have a bad feeling about that village. I have no evidence. It’s just a soldier’s intuition. My instincts are telling me that we can’t abandon that village!”


After making that declaration, Almond hastily left the conference room. Left behind were Commander Carius and the other officers who could do nothing but watch the situation unfold. In the midst of it all, General Carius slowly opened his eyes.


“Don’t engage in futile actions… I see, as expected of someone from Her Majesty the Empress’s lineage. Your words often resemble hers… I hope Almond doesn’t go too far.”


General Carius let out a deep sigh.


In Agarta’s capital, the ground had started to be lightly covered with snow. In this world, Christmas events didn’t exist. Consequently, there was no such thing as Santa Claus. However, before me stood Gen-san, the carpenter, with a bright smile and a bright red nose.


“I’m sorry, Gen-san, for bothering you during such a busy time at the year’s end.”


“Ain’t got nothin’ to carry, do ya? So, what can I do for ya?”


“Yeah, it’s about that…”


I informed Gen-san about the order I had.


“…I can make that in no time. I can even make it with any lousy materials. Even if it’s for a general or something.”


To the puzzled Gen-san, I replied with a smile.


“No, I want you to make something sturdy. I want something that won’t break easily, not something flimsy.”


“Well, if you go to the forest up north, there are plenty of Karwasan trees. They’re damn hard, you know. If we use those, we’ll definitely make something sturdy.”


“Well, take your time to finish it before it gets warm. There’s no rush, so take your time. But could you show me one once it’s done?”


“Sure thing! Leave it to me!”


Gen-san grinned, showing his usual white teeth.


“We’ll be done with work for this year today. Don’t push yourself too hard, Gen-san. Have a great New Year.”


Gen-san chuckled, waving his hand as he left the room.


“Now… I wonder how things will turn out…”


I muttered to myself without directing my words at anyone. Then, even though it was a bit early, I teleported to the residence in the imperial capital.


Upon returning to the estate, I noticed a commotion coming from the stable. Curious, I approached and found Geneha and Illymo, along with Harpies and Fairies surrounding them. Wondering what they were up to, I drew closer.


“When you cross the sea, there’s a pitch-black land. In the middle of it, there’s a volcanic mountain,” Geneha said.


“Geneha-sama, are you referring to the mountain where the Inferno Demonic Bird resided on our home island?” Illymo asked.


“Yes, exactly. That mountain,” Geneha replied.


“And near the entrance where the flames spewed, there was that stone,” Illymo continued.


“And then? And then?” someone chimed in.


“Well, I descended onto the scorching land…”


It seemed like they were all caught up in listening to Geneha’s tales of valor. I couldn’t help but let out a smile. Careful not to disturb their conversation, I quietly entered the estate.


In the dining area, Rico and Soleil were present. Being close to her due date, Rico mostly stayed at the estate, and I made it a point to have someone by her side at all times.


“Welcome back, Linos.”


“Welcome back, Lord Linos.”


They greeted me with smiles. I initially worried that Rico and Soleil might not get along, but as it turned out, they surprisingly got along well. Both of them had a love for fashion, so they often found themselves engaged in lively discussions on the topic.


Soleil stood up from her chair, attempting to greet me.


“Oh, it’s fine. Just stay there.”


I said as I headed towards the kitchen. Rico remained seated on her chair.


“Linos, may I assist you? Soleil, please help him,” Rico requested.


“No, it’s okay. Didn’t I say I’ll be the one cooking tonight? Soleil, just stay by Rico’s side.”




Slightly perplexed, Soleil sat down next to Rico. Meanwhile, I returned to the kitchen after a long time and began preparing the vegetables. As I worked, Gon returned.


“Ah, sorry for being late.”


“Gon, no problem. Please thinly slice the meat. A lot of it!”




Gon carefully sliced the Karscharole meat. While watching him, I lightly grilled the tofu, making yaki-dofu. Adjusting the heat, I chopped a large amount of Chinese cabbage and green onions, then made incisions in the shiitake mushrooms.


The lively atmosphere in the dining area continued as I focused on cooking, preparing a hearty meal for everyone.


During that time, everyone started returning one after another. Finally, Mei, Considy, and Ferris came back. Ferris was carrying two large pots on her shoulders.


“We’re back!”


Ferris cheerfully entered the estate. Mei and Considy followed suit. Mei’s belly had become rounder, and it seemed like the baby inside was moving. We were looking forward to our own childbirth as well.


“Master, I’ve brought the finished custom order pots.”


“Ah, thank you, Mei. And dwarves are truly amazing. Completing the order in just one week, I’m impressed.”


“We put a lot of effort into making them, so they turned out great,” Considy explained. She occasionally visited the dwarves and lately, she had been by Mei’s side, caring for her. I was truly grateful for that.


“I see. In that case, Ferris, please place the pots you’re carrying on the table. Ah, I’ll bring out the tabletop hearth I made with earth magic and put it there. Once it’s placed, go ahead and light the fire to warm up the pots.”


“Master, what about oil?”


“Don’t we have a lump of Karscharole oil? Use that to grease the pots.”


While Ferris prepared, I boiled pasta. Then, still holding the meat, I went to the dining area.


“Alright, everyone, today I present to you my special sukiyaki!”


I tossed the meat into the pot, seasoned it with sugar and soy sauce. The meat immediately released a delicious aroma and sizzled.


“Now, start with the meat. Oh, Harpy eggs, we have some, right? Crack them, scramble them, and mix them with the meat.”


Everyone looked at me with a puzzled expression as they ate the meat.


“Oh, it’s delicious!”


“It’s delicious!”


“It’s delicious, isn’t it!”


“What’s this? It’s delicious!”


Seems like it was well received. Enticed by the aroma, even Fairi joined in.


“When you finish the meat, I’ll add more meat and vegetables. Just wait until they’re cooked through. Oh, I have to add the pasta too.”


As I said that, I put more meat and ingredients into the pot, then seasoned them with sugar and soy sauce. While waiting for the ingredients to cook, I grilled more meat in another pot.


“Gon, come over here and eat! Fairi, you too. Ferris, you need more, right? Eat this portion too!”


And so, we enjoyed the sukiyaki. At first, I was skeptical about adding pasta to sukiyaki, but it turned out surprisingly delicious. Master Chef Peyris was already thinking of ways to improve the dish. Matokal didn’t say a word and simply continued eating, so it must have been delicious.


Since I made a huge pot, there was more than we anticipated. I shared some with Geneha and the Harpies, and they loved it. It was a great success for me as well. Next time, I’ll offer it as an offering to the spirits or Sandyu.


And thus, our year came to an end.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!