Published at 26th of March 2024 10:36:16 AM

Chapter 246

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Chapter 246: Linos Cornered

Leave a Comment / Reincarnation into a barrier master / By IX

“Since you’ve come all the way to my castle, it’s not fair for only me to speak. I’d like to hear some interesting stories from you, stories that I’ve never experienced before,” said King Poseidon with a pleasant smile, glancing over at us.


“Unfortunately, I don’t have the kind of story that would please King Poseidon. After all, I tend to take any woman I’m interested in to bed right away,” King Maintia spoke with a bashful smile. King Poseidon, without breaking his smile, nodded slowly.


“That’s fine too. But you came to me not being satisfied with just that. What do you want to ask me?”


It seems the conversation with King Maintia is getting lively. I exchange a glance with Luala next to me, trying to find a way to excuse ourselves from this conversation. This is something they can discuss amongst themselves.


“Father, I apologize, but I need to step out for a moment,” Luala stood up. Perfect timing, Luala. I should take this chance to step outside as well.


“Then, I…”


“Is that so… Well, this isn’t a conversation to have in front of a lady… Umu…”


I try to agree and leave with her, but King Poseidon reacts unexpectedly quickly, cutting me off. He looks at Luala kindly, but it seems he can’t remember her name. Luala sighs deeply and speaks with a hint of frustration.


“My name is Luala, Father. Don’t worry about me. I’m going to see my mother. Please call me when you’re finished.”


“Alright then. We’ll call you when we’re done. Take care.”




“Ah, you must be the one my daughter is indebted to… Yes, she has caused you trouble. Today, I want to thank you and have a thorough conversation. We have plenty of time. Speak freely.”


“Wow! To think King Agartha gets to talk at length with King Poseidon. You truly are a remarkable man.”


“King Poseidon’s stories will surely be of great benefit to our king’s future,” King Maintia and Layfence speak confidently. Thanks to them, I missed my chance to leave. Luala gives us a bow, clearly eager to leave, then quickly exits the room.


“Let me start by sharing a bittersweet tale of unrequited love,” begins Layfence. King Poseidon listens with a warm smile.


“I am Layfence Aug, serving King Agartha. When I was young, right after graduating from the Heideta Empire’s Military Academy, I fell in love at first sight with a princess I was guarding. But I was just a soldier and she, the emperor’s daughter… I never dared speak to her, merely serving by her side. Soon, everyone in the palace was talking about my feelings, which I thought I’d kept secret.”


It’s a common story from school days – being so obvious about your feelings that everyone can tell. Even though you think you’re hiding them, it’s clear to everyone else.


King Maintia is lost in thought, looking at the ceiling, while King Poseidon, still smiling, seems to be pondering something.


“Unrequited love across different social statuses… Yes, I can imagine that would be frustrating,” Poseidon muses.


“Indeed. That frustration drove me to better myself, to not let it happen again,” Layfence explains.


“Interesting. I’m satisfied with your story, Layfence. It was a good one.”


Is this the kind of story they want? It seems a bit anticlimactic. Even I could tell such a story – I’m confident in my tales of unpopularity.


Noticing King Poseidon’s gaze on me, it seems he wants me to share something too. I decide to share a story of unpopularity, then blend into the background until the conversation ends, leaving the kings to entertain our host.


“What about you, King Agartha?”


“Well, my story isn’t that interesting. But if it’s about unrequited love, I have one,” I start, feeling everyone’s curious eyes on me.


“Um… When I was young… No, a child. I liked a girl… But I never dared tell her. I was afraid she’d be repulsed and avoid me. So, I kept my feelings to myself. A friend noticed and asked if something was bothering me because I looked down.”


Everyone seems to be deep in thought, their eyes closed.


“Why didn’t you confess your feelings?” King Poseidon looks confused.


“Right. If you were that tormented, you should have taken her to bed. If not that, at least find a secluded place. Why not pursue your desire? I can’t understand,” King Maintia shakes his head in disbelief.


“Was she a princess? No? Someone of the same age and status? If it were a love across different social statuses, I’d understand… But to not act when your desired one is within reach… Isn’t that like fleeing from the enemy?”


Wait a minute, why is this getting so complicated? It’s a story from my high school days. It’s not that strange to be inexperienced in love, right? Sure, I was hesitant, but is that really so bad?


“No… It was just that… I didn’t know what to do. I was inexperienced in love,” I try to explain.


“Our king was originally a commoner. Commoners don’t have maids or attendants. So unlike both of you kings, he didn’t have anyone to help him. Please understand our king’s background,” Layfence tries to clarify.


The conversation takes unexpected turns, revealing different perspectives on love and relationships, each colored by our own experiences and status.


Layfence came to my rescue, but both kings still looked unconvinced.


“Well, I understand what you’re saying. I too think I should have confessed my love back then. But…”


“But what?” King Poseidon asked curiously.


“That woman and I eventually went our separate ways, but she remains in my memories as pristine and beautiful as she was back then. It’s better to have a beautiful memory than to tarnish it with reality. Memories shine because they’re cherished. By harboring my feelings, they’ve stayed vivid, and I don’t regret it.”


Silence followed. Then King Poseidon murmured softly, “A hidden love… A hidden love, huh…”


Hearing this, General Layfence and King Maintia turned their gaze to King Poseidon. His expression changed to a serious one.


“Memories that don’t fade and continue to shine, huh? Indeed, reality often differs from what we imagine. To choose not to act and keep it as a lifelong beautiful memory… Perhaps that’s a kind of elegance. Even if the love is hidden, it can’t be completely concealed. I can’t quite grasp it, but I suppose such love exists.”


Wait, is King Poseidon annoyed?


“King Agartha, you’re lucky King Poseidon is so understanding this time. But don’t expect it to happen again,” King Maintia said with a look of dissatisfaction.


Why am I getting scolded by him? That look on his face, as if he can’t read the room! If he doesn’t like it, maybe I should really send him back to King Roscano. Ordinary men don’t live surrounded by women like you do. We try our best!


“Very well, I’ll answer any of your questions. What would you like to know?” King Poseidon asked.


“I’d like to learn how to keep a long and enjoyable relationship with women. I have over 50 concubines, but once my desires are satisfied, they lose their appeal,” King Maintia asked earnestly.


King Poseidon, returning to his gentle demeanor, nodded and replied, “That’s easy. Do something for the women.”


“Do something, like what?”


“Understand their desires and fulfill them. I’ll teach you how later. Are you just imposing your desires? If it’s just physical, women won’t open their hearts. You need to open their hearts first.”


King Maintia seemed enlightened, nodding in agreement. King Poseidon continued, “And smile.”




“Always smile at women. It helps them open up more easily.”


King Poseidon’s advice, though simple, seemed profound. King Maintia looked at him as if he were a deity.




King Poseidon’s words seemed to have deeply interested King Maintia, who quickly bombarded him with questions. King Poseidon answered each one carefully. Layfence also chimed in from time to time, and their conversation grew lively. I listened, waiting for the right moment to discuss matters with King Poseidon.


“Anything else you want to ask? What about you, King Agartha?”


Seizing the opportunity, I brought up my request.


“I have a favor to ask of King Poseidon.”


“A favor? What is it?”


“I wish to form an alliance with you.”


“An alliance?”


“Yes, for a while.”


My statement was suddenly interrupted. I turned to see Layfence giving me a sharp look. He turned back to King Poseidon and bowed respectfully before speaking.


“The alliance our king mentioned is not of a military nature. Please don’t misunderstand.”


“Oh, I see. It’s not military?”


“Yes, exactly.”


Why is Layfence messing up my plan?


I glared at Layfence, and King Poseidon spoke up.


“So, King Agartha, you want more than just a conversation, a deeper connection? I have one condition.”


“A condition?”


“Yes, surprise me.”


“Surprise you?”


“Right. Tell me a love story that will amaze and move me. Only then will I open up and engage in deeper dialogue.”


“Great! I too would love to hear a story from King Agartha. Not a bland one like before, but something special. I’m sure you have it. I’d love to hear it.”


“Leave it to us, Your Majesties. Our lord, King Agartha, Barsam Daake Linos, will surely tell a story that satisfies both of you,” Layfence bowed respectfully.


Both King Poseidon and King Maintia looked at me with satisfied smiles. Why have the stakes been raised so high? A story that pleases these eccentrics? What should I even say? I’m really not experienced in love.


I want to go home. Seriously, what do I do now?

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