Published at 14th of June 2022 05:13:13 AM

Chapter 311

If audio player doesn't work, press Stop then Play button again

The screen dimmed, turning dark. And when it returned, the city had turned to daytime, leaving Aoko standing on the sidewalk in front of a hospital.

The game screen had changed to show her standing there in third person, while her perspective camera looked she was having a videochat with the viewers.

[joyfulWasp] XD Queen actually died!
[spiritedBuck] Quick! Are you still alive in real life?
[Zilfallion] So if you die in the game, you *don't* die in real life

Aoko looked around and then groaned. "Goddammit. I *just* got my car back in real life and you bastards blow it up in the game. This is why I can't have nice things. Freaking just like my subordinates used to be..."

[forsakenWildfowl] Nani?
[cruelMeerkat] Wait. So was Aoko really a sect leader or something?
[eagerOrange] *GASP* Are you the Drag-On Queen?!

Aoko scratched her hair and then spun around, looking at her surroundings. "And I don't know where the hell I am in the game either. Tch." She shook her head and then waved her hand in front of her. "Let's see... There."

A phone plopped down in front of her. As it did, the camera feed showing her face moved to match the phone.

[similarLard] That's cool!
[pridefulCake] More evidence that John's a time traveler.
[importedMallard] What is- I don't even... HOW?!

[zestyLlama] Eeey. That's the new jPhone!
[guiltyCardinal] Queen's living it large, huh?
[worriedOtter] No wonder she's playing 'Highway Robbery...'

[MIRAIZ ] run script: spawn BMW

A shadow flickered, covering Aoko's body.

"Hm?" She looked up and then cursed before diving out of the way. "@#[email protected]#! Orca, you bastard!"

A black BMW landed right where Aoko had just been standing, bouncing against the ground a bit after it landed.

Aoko glared at the phone and then said, "That's it. I'm turning this off until I figure out how it works." After saying that, Aoko reached out to tap the camera.

[crushedPepper] No!
[enviousOcelot] But the funnies!
[monswoon] Memes! They're the DNA of the soul! You can't take it away from us!

Aoko's feed blinked out, leaving just the third person view of her standing in front of the BMW. "There." She walked over and leaned against the side of the car, scrolling through her phone. "What the hell did Titor do when he updated this place anyway?"

[Hana Homura Ch. ] Lots of fun stuff, Aneue!
[Alfi Titor Ch. ] XD Uncle Titor made it so the chat can interact a lot, didn't he?

[vengefulQuiche] Praise Lord Titor, King of Trolls
[MIRAIZ ] @StraightGarbage Error. Scripts are temporarily disabled. Your account has been credited the funds used. Please try another command.
[StraightGarbage] Aw... Wait. Another command...?
[GoldenOrca] @StraightGarbage You should read the documentation

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!