Published at 22nd of November 2023 05:36:57 AM

Chapter 17

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The Lionhart family, known for its rich history and formidable martial tradition, held a secret that had been passed down through generations. It was an ability, a unique power that only a chosen few could inherit. I was among those fortunate few, burdened from a young age with the weight of responsibility and the unwavering expectations of my lineage. This gift, they called it the "Regal Gaze," was a reflection of the lion's pride that coursed through our veins. This ability, etched into our very eyes from birth, bestowed upon me a title even before I had the chance to prove myself.

The Regal Gaze, nestled within the deep pools of my gaze, allowed me to peer into the core of a person's soul. It was a rare ability, one that revealed their true essence and nature. When I looked upon someone, their soul materialised in my mind's eye, often taking the form of animals or even inanimate objects. This innate power exposed the honesty of the human spirit, revealing desires, intentions, and hidden truths. It was a weapon I had honed for combat, a way to understand my adversaries before the battle commenced.

Facing Neah in our upcoming duel, I intended to put this remarkable ability to use. As I peered into his soul, I was certain I'd find that he was not the formidable adversary the princess believed him to be. I was determined to prove that to her and to myself. I'd unravel the mystery that shrouded this enigmatic man piece by piece, revealing the truth hidden beneath the surface. With my Regal Gaze, the essence of Neah's soul would be laid bare before me.

Standing on the training ground, my anticipation built with each passing moment. My heart pounded with the promise of what was to come. This was the moment I would finally unleash my Regal Gaze upon Neah, the man who had captured the princess's attention.

As I gripped my sword, ready for the impending duel, the familiar figure of Princess Elara arrived before Neah. I couldn't help but greet her with a wave and a warm smile. "Good afternoon, Princess. It seems you've beaten him here," I remarked, my voice filled with a friendly tone. I hoped to put her at ease before the forthcoming battle.

The tension seemed to melt away as I exchanged words with the princess. Her presence had a soothing effect, calming my nerves. We chatted amicably for a brief moment. But then, as if on cue, Neah arrived with a provocative remark, casting an unsettling shadow over the tranquility.

"You guys seem to be having fun. Are you sure you still want to fight? "He taunted. Determination flared within me, and I replied firmly, "Of course, and I'll definitely show the princess your true self."

As we stood on the training ground, Neah contemplated the rules of our duel. "So, what kind of rule do you want to play by in this fight? No aura? Just swords? "

I looked at him, my gaze unwavering. "Please don't hold back. I've heard that you're also a battle mage, so fight like you mean it."

As I gazed upon the man before me, his black hair and obsidian eyes held an air of darkness, an aura that hinted at a complex soul. I decided to employ my Regal Gaze, the ability that had been the pride of the Lionhart family for generations. I focused my vision on him, intent on seeing the essence of his being.

However, to my surprise and growing unease, I couldn't discern anything. I searched, but there was nothing to see—nothing to reveal the truth about this enigmatic individual. It was a sensation I had only experienced once before, when I tried to peer into my father's soul. But even then, he explained that such a result occurred when the gap in skill was vast, rendering even the mightiest ability ineffective.

This realisation sent a chill down my spine. Could it be that Neah and my father were on the same level? The thought was unsettling and raised questions I was not prepared to answer.

"Hey, Rosalia, where are you looking? I'm right here. Focus on the fight." Neah's voice snapped me out of my momentary confusion. He continued, addressing Princess Elara, "Hey, Princess, can you be the one to start our duel? "

With Elara's signal, we began our bout, and I launched myself towards Neah, aiming to seize the upper hand. My Regal Gaze was active, giving me insights into his every move, every glance, and even his minute twitches. Yet, despite using this ability, I couldn't see his soul.

Then, in a fleeting moment, something broke through the darkness I was seeing—something I couldn't quite identify. As I kept my focus on Neah, my gaze became locked on an expanse of unending darkness, and within it, I caught a glimpse of what seemed like incredibly long tentacles sweeping across the floor.

The world seemed to tilt, and the next thing I knew, I was falling. When I opened my eyes, Neah was dangerously close, his sword pointed at my neck. The victorious tone in his voice was unmistakable as he declared, "So this is the extent of your skills. I guess I wasted my time here."

The realisation that I had been soundly defeated hit me hard. Despite my ability and my determination, I had fallen before this enigmatic man.

Neah began to speak, and his words held an unexpected twist. "I know that the princess might have told you a lot of things about me, like I'm amazing or strong or something, but there's one thing she definitely didn't tell you, and that is that I am not strong." The words hung in the air, a stark contrast to what I had been led to believe about this man.

Princess Elara interjected, her voice carrying a hint of frustration. "But you are strong, though."

Neah swiftly responded, urging her to silence, "Please, Princess, shut up for now." A frown creased the princess's face, and the confusion etched on my own was mirrored in her expression.

I listened intently to Neah, captivated by his enigmatic presence. He continued, "But let me tell you something: don't try to overcome me with pure strength alone, since I am not to be overcome by such a thing."

His words left me with more questions than answers. What was the true extent of Neah's power? What was the nature of the darkness I had glimpsed earlier in our duel? These enigmas shrouded him like a veil, and I was determined to uncover the secrets he held.

I couldn't accept the sudden defeat; it felt like a roaring tempest of determination surged within me. Without hesitation, I beseeched him for another chance, my voice laced with fervor. "Please, Neah, one more bout. I can do better; I know it. I just need another opportunity."

Princess Elara watched in silence, her eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and curiosity. Neah, after a moment's contemplation, finally relented. "Fine, Rosalia. One more round. Make it count."

My heart swelled with newfound resolve as I readied my sword once more. The fight was far from over, and I was determined to show Neah the lion's spirit that burned within me. This was my chance to peel back the shroud of his mysterious abilities and emerge victorious, with my family's legacy as my guiding force.

As I prepared myself once more, my mind raced to recall what had happened during the previous bout. Why did I fall so easily? While walking back to my side of the training ground, I scanned the area, searching for any clues. That's when my eyes caught a deformed part of the ground—the very path I had walked over earlier. A sudden realisation struck me like a lightning bolt.

Before I could voice my thoughts, Neah unexpectedly praised me, his tone filled with a strange mix of admiration and amusement. "Wow, would you look at that, Rosalia? That's right, it is magic."

I couldn't quite comprehend why he was saying all this, but my curiosity got the better of me. "What kind of magic is it? "I inquired, my gaze fixed on him.

He explained, his voice calm and matter-of-fact, "It's called Trap Magic: Moving Terrain. It's a simple magic that allows you to manipulate a specific space on the ground infused with mana."

I absorbed his words, trying to understand the intricacies of the magic he had used against me. Neah locked eyes with me, a moment of silence passing between us before he continued. "Don't worry, Rosalia. I wouldn't use the same move twice in a row without showing something new. You have my word."

His assurance didn't completely ease my concerns, but it fueled my determination. I tightened my grip on my sword, my resolve steeling. I was ready for the next round, prepared to face whatever tricks Neah had up his sleeve. This time, I wouldn't let a mere magic trap hinder my fight. My family's legacy and my own pride as a Lionhart were on the line, and I was determined to emerge victorious.

In the second bout, I heeded the princess's signal, vowing not to rush in recklessly like before. I closed the distance between Neah and me cautiously, my eyes constantly scanning our surroundings. Neah stood still, his stance unwavering. When I finally moved within striking range, I attacked swiftly, hoping to catch him off guard. But he deflected my blows with effortless grace.

My Regal Gaze, which had previously seen only darkness, finally revealed something behind the obscurity—a steadfast, immovable turtle with a perfect defense. As my sword met his, it bounced back, and Neah seized the opportunity to strike back. But then something inexplicable happened. The form of his soul changed—a large snake, poised to swallow me whole. I raised my defences, but his attack didn't come. The image transformed again, this time into a pack of wolves, relentlessly gnawing at me.

Attempting to step back to strategize, I witnessed a sight that would haunt my nightmares—a white, ethereal hand reaching for me, time seeming to slow to a crawl. Adrenaline surged through me as I stared at the spectral appendage. Just as the hand's owner was about to reveal itself fully, Neah emerged from the darkness. His hands closed around my collar, and his voice, filled with disappointment, cut through my fear. "You keep looking elsewhere, Rosalia. I told you to make this one count."

With a swift motion, Neah disarmed me, and my sword clattered to the ground. It marked my second defeat at his hands, a bitter reminder of the vast chasm that separated our skills. My pride as a Lionhart had taken a blow, and I knew I had much to learn if I were to face opponents like Neah on equal footing.

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