Published at 22nd of November 2023 05:37:12 AM

Chapter 4

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Neah's heart raced with anticipation as he walked towards his first class for the Squire Aspirants. The academy's grand auditorium was filled with fellow noble students, all eager to embark on their path of combat and valour. Neah entered the hall with confidence, yet he chose a seat right in the middle, aiming to blend in rather than draw attention to himself.


As the class began, the instructor, a seasoned knight, stood tall at the podium, his voice resonating with authority and wisdom. He spoke about the various physical training techniques that would be essential for the Squire Aspirants to excel in their chosen paths. From swordplay and hand-to-hand combat to endurance and agility, each aspect was meticulously explained, leaving Neah enthralled and eager to hone his skills.


Amidst the practical teachings, the instructor also delved into the esteemed Knight/Warrior Ranking System, a ladder of prowess and prestige that inspired Neah. He learned that every noble student started as a humble Pawn, akin to a budding bud yet to bloom into a full-fledged flower. The thought of working his way up the ranks filled Neah with determination, and he imagined a future where he could be a formidable Knight, a master of his craft.


The instructor further explained the stages of the Aura System, a mystical energy that resonates within each individual. From the initial Embryonic Aura stage, where a faint, colourless energy surrounded them, to the coveted Signature Aura stage, where one's aura took on a unique form reflecting their very soul, Neah's thirst for knowledge only grew. He yearned to uncover the secrets of aura manipulation and unlock his true potential.


The instructor guided them through the intricacies of harnessing their aura, emphasising the importance of control and discipline. Neah was captivated by the concept of Aura Forms, where a knight could shape their aura to suit their preferred combat style or weapon. The idea of having a signature aura that reflected his identity and beliefs left him feeling inspired and eager to forge his path and be recognised for his individuality.


As the current class continued, the instructor paused for a moment with a glint of pride in his eyes. "Before we adjourn for today," he announced, "I'd like to share a story that embodies the essence of perseverance and the pinnacle of martial achievement." The students turned their attention to him, eager to listen.


"Her name is Serena of the House of Cornelia," the instructor continued, his voice tinged with admiration. "At the tender age of 14, she accomplished what many would deem impossible. With unmatched talent and unwavering dedication, she achieved the rare feat of reaching the Stage of Chromatic Aura—an accomplishment even seasoned warriors strive for years to attain."


The mention of Serena's remarkable achievement elicited gasps and whispers among the students. Neah couldn't help but feel a mix of inspiration and pride at his sister's mention. Her exceptional talent and dedication served as a beacon of aspiration for him, driving him to push himself to new heights.


As the grand auditorium emptied, Neah's mind buzzed with possibilities. He was determined to make the most of his time at the academy, honing his skills, discovering his aura's true potential, and, ultimately, ascending the ranks of knights and warriors. With newfound knowledge burning in his heart, he prepared himself for the next class, eager to embrace the challenges and revelations that awaited him on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery and martial excellence.


Ordinarily, there was only one class every day that lasted for 4-5 hours, but Neah found himself still hungry for knowledge. As the afternoon approached, he decided to venture to the next auditorium, where the subject of discussion was magic.


The magical arts were a realm previously unknown to Neah. In his past life, such fantastical concepts would have been considered mere fiction. Yet, in Terra Veritas, magic was very much real, and he was eager to unravel its mysteries.


In the magical class, the professor delved into the intricate workings of mana, the lifeblood of all magical endeavours. Neah's previous knowledge had been limited to the mana core, but now he discovered the existence of mana circuits—a network within one's body that facilitated the flow and manipulation of mana.


The concept fascinated him, and he found himself captivated by the potential it held. While he may not have been born with an innate talent for magic, the prospect of honing his control over mana through these circuits filled him with a newfound excitement.


As the hours passed, Neah soaked up the teachings like a sponge, eager to absorb every detail. The complexities of magic were vast and multifaceted, but he approached them with the same determination and thirst for knowledge that he had for combat and aura training.


After the magical class concluded, Neah returned to his dorm, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. Grabbing some food along the way, he sat down and began to meditate, attempting to internalise and solidify the professor's teachings.


In the tranquilly of his meditation, Neah's mind buzzed with thoughts of mana circuits, weaving intricate patterns in his thoughts. Concentrating deeply, he focused on the energies within him, trying to sense any changes or manifestations.


And then he felt it—a faint, almost imperceptible presence. A tingling sensation flowed through his body, and he knew in that moment that he was touching mana. It might have been a mere glimmer, but to Neah, it was a revelation of immense proportions.


An overwhelming sense of happiness and excitement washed over him. The idea that he could eventually harness the power of magic, even if it was a mere glimpse of mana, filled him with hope and determination. He understood that the path to mastering magic would be arduous, but with his newfound knowledge and the support of his family, nothing seemed impossible.


With the taste of mana lingering in his senses, Neah resolved to pursue this newfound path with the same fervour and dedication he had applied to his aura training. As he lay down to rest, he knew that the journey of self-discovery and exploration had just begun, and the road ahead held boundless wonders and possibilities.


And so, with the glow of magic sparking in his eyes, Neah looked forward to the next day, eager to continue his quest for knowledge and power. As he drifted into a well-deserved slumber, visions of mana circuits and potential magic spells danced through his dreams, igniting his imagination and fueling his determination.


Neah's mind was alive with the magical possibilities he had learned about earlier that day. As he drifted into his dreams, visions of great mages and their awe-inspiring spells danced before his closed eyes. He imagined powerful wizards casting potent magic, manipulating the elements, and shaping reality with their extraordinary abilities. Neah's dreams were filled with the wonders of the arcane, leaving him eager to unlock his own potential.


The first rays of dawn heralded a new day, and Neah's determination remained unwavering. He dedicated a couple of hours to intense training in the courtyard before the start of his classes. With his wooden practise sword in hand, he diligently honed his combat skills, channelling the teachings of the knight and warrior classes. Every strike was infused with the imagery of the great knights.


As the sun climbed higher, Neah shifted his focus to mastering his aura control. He closed his eyes and concentrated, envisioning the aura as he had learned in class. Though still elusive, Neah persisted, feeling the faint stirrings of the colourless energy that surrounded him. Each attempt brought him closer to the realisation of his aura, and he remained resolute in his quest to command it.


Despite his zeal for training, Neah understood that the pursuit of knowledge extended beyond combat and aura control. With the rest of the day filled with classes on various subjects, he reluctantly concluded his training session, knowing he needed to balance his efforts.


Throughout the day, Neah's mind remained engrossed in the lessons, eager to absorb every morsel of knowledge like a thirsty wanderer in the desert. His pursuit of martial excellence and mastery of magic were not mere fantasies; they were the driving forces that propelled him forward.


While Neah already had his hands full with sword training and grasping mana, his thirst for knowledge seemed unquenchable. With each passing day, his mind brimmed with curiosity and an insatiable greed for more understanding of Terra Veritas' secrets. As he finished attending the two major classes, he found himself drawn to the allure of yet another realm of knowledge.


His next destination was the alchemy class. The alchemists were renowned for their ability to transform the mundane into the extraordinary, to unravel the essence of materials, and to concoct potions, elixirs, and artefacts of remarkable power. The thought of wielding such mystic arts captivated Neah, and he hurriedly made his way to the alchemy laboratory.


The room was filled with the aroma of various herbs and substances. The alchemy professor, a seasoned alchemist with an aura of profound wisdom, stood before a row of tables laden with flasks, beakers, and vials. Neah found himself on the edge of his seat, eager to delve into the secrets of this enigmatic discipline.


In the class, the professor introduced the principles of alchemy—the Four Fundamentals. The first, "To Know," emphasised the importance of understanding the properties and qualities of various materials. The second, "To Will," focused on the alchemist's intent and concentration in directing the essence of the materials. The third, "To Dare," was about taking calculated risks and embracing the experimental nature of alchemy. The fourth, "To Keep Silent," stressed the value of discretion and guarding the secrets of the art.


As the professor performed a demonstration, turning base metals into shimmering gold, Neah's eyes widened in amazement. The intricacies of alchemy seemed like an intricate dance of elements and energies, and he felt a strong pull to partake in this alchemical symphony.


After the class concluded, Neah stayed behind to speak with the professor. He bombarded the alchemist with questions, eager to learn more about the practical applications and the philosophical aspects of the craft. The professor, pleased with Neah's enthusiasm, gave him a book on basic alchemy and encouraged him to explore the art further.


With newfound determination, Neah spent his spare hours devouring the contents of the book. He experimented with simple concoctions, mixing various herbs and components to create basic potions. While some of his attempts failed, he learned from each mistake and refined his techniques.


Neah's pursuit of knowledge didn't stop there. His insatiable curiosity led him to explore another captivating realm of study—the craftsmanship class. Here, he immersed himself in the intricate craft of forging enchanted weapons, armor, and artifacts. The artisans in this field were revered for their extraordinary ability to infuse magic into their creations, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Under the guidance of the craftsmanship instructor, Neah explored the intricate art of imbuing objects with magic. He learned about the different runes and symbols that could channel mana into an object, granting it various enhancements and properties. The process of crafting magical items was delicate and precise, requiring immense skill and knowledge.


As he practised in the workshop, hammer in hand, Neah marvelled at the craftsmanship he was learning. The combination of his growing aura control and his newfound understanding of mana circuits infused his creations with an essence he had never imagined possible.


As the weeks went by, Neah's journey of growth and knowledge at the academy intensified. However, it was far from an easy path for him. The training he underwent in combat and aura manipulation tested the limits of his naturally weak body. Each day was a struggle, but Neah was determined to prove that being a Hollow wouldn't hold him back.


The magic he yearned to harness still eluded him, as it was beyond the reach of a mere twelve-year-old hollow. But Neah remained patient, knowing that progress in the arcane arts took time and persistence. During magical practise, he could only feel a faint whisper of mana, like a distant echo, leaving him hungry for more but determined to be patient.


Each day, Neah juggled between alchemy, craftsmanship, combat training, and aura control, struggling to balance the intensity of each discipline. He practised relentlessly, with sweat and determination. Despite the exhaustion, he felt an indescribable thrill in the pursuit of knowledge and mastery.


His interactions with his peers remained limited to brief nods and acknowledgments. While he observed their progress from afar, he refused to let himself be distracted. The journey to greatness was his alone to tread, and he wouldn't be swayed from his path by idle chatter or camaraderie.


The demanding schedule and the challenges he faced took a toll on Neah's body, but he refused to falter. He saw every obstacle as an opportunity to grow stronger. The academy became both a sanctuary and a battlefield, a realm of wonder and trials where he could discover the depths of his potential.

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