Published at 22nd of November 2023 05:37:07 AM

Chapter 8

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One busy afternoon at the academy, as the sun cast long shadows across the tranquil grounds, Neah found himself locked in a relentless struggle. He was obsessively practicing a magical spell far beyond his current capabilities. Hour after hour, day after day, he repeatedly attempted the spell, and with each failure, the crushing burden of self-doubt grew heavier.

As days turned into weeks, Neah's self-esteem plummeted. The elusive spell seemed like an unattainable mirage, just beyond his reach. His relentless pursuit had transformed him into a recluse. His presence in class was a mere formality, and in the cafeteria, he sat alone, consumed by his inner torment.

Neah's classmates observed his gradual withdrawal, sensing the change in him. However, he refused to share his struggles, convinced that they would only validate his perceived shortcomings.

Then, on one fateful day, as he attempted the elusive spell yet again, something unexpected happened. The incantation spiralled out of control, resulting in a small explosion that tore through his room.

Debris and remnants of the explosion lay scattered across his once-neat sanctuary. Wooden furniture was strewn in disarray, walls scorched, and belongings scattered. His room, a place of order and concentration, was transformed into a chaotic battleground of frustrations.

The tumult of anger and despair reached a breaking point. In an uncharacteristic burst of emotion, he drew his sword and began to swing it recklessly. Papers, books, and magical implements were torn apart and strewn on the ground as his room descended into chaos.

Exhausted and emotionally spent, Neah dropped his sword, its metallic clang ringing through the room. As the dust began to settle, he surveyed the wreckage, an undeniable reflection of the consequences of his obsession.

Recognising the need for a significant change, Neah decided to start with the daunting task of cleaning up the destruction he had wrought. Hours passed as he meticulously restored some semblance of order to his room. Despite his best efforts, traces of the violent outburst remained, a reminder of the turbulent emotions that had surged within him.

After clearing away the wreckage, Neah found himself in an empty room, stripped of its previous contents. The pristine condition brought an eerie calm. With nothing else to occupy his thoughts, he decided to lay down on the floor, using a few rugs as his makeshift bed.

As the weight of the day pressed down upon him, Neah let himself drift into an uneasy slumber. There were no dreams, no thoughts, just the absence of consciousness.

Neah awoke to the soft rays of the morning sun filtering through the window of his modest room. The aftereffects of the previous day's outburst still clung to the air, but he was determined to face the new day with a renewed sense of purpose.

Rising from his simple cot, he tidied himself with a splash of water from a basin, a luxury he was fortunate to have. After preparing for the day, Neah gathered his essentials and made his way to the academy for his classes.

The morning lessons passed without significant incident, but the weight of his actions still loomed over him. However, he couldn't bear to wallow in his guilt. After class, he sought out the academy's messenger service to send a letter to his family.

His letter bore a request for new furnishings and daily necessities to replace the items destroyed in the outburst. The academy's messenger promised to deliver the message to his family, who would hopefully arrange for the items to be sent.

With the matter addressed, Neah returned to the academy's training grounds. As he wielded his sword and struck the target dummy, the memory of past sparring sessions with his siblings played vividly in his mind. He recalled the techniques of his older sister, Serena, a skilled swordsman whose movements resembled a graceful dance. He remembered the days of combat practice with his older brother Benjamin, their swords clashing daily, honing their abilities.

With each strike, Neah lost himself in the past, using his siblings' techniques as a means to improve his own. He was fueled by the memory of their camaraderie, reminding himself of the essence of his family's bond, despite the physical distance that now separated them.

As Neah spent his time on the academy's training ground, the hum of activity surrounded him. Students from different backgrounds honed their skills, and conversations drifted through the air like leaves carried by the wind. Neah had isolated himself from most interactions and focused solely on his training. But, as fate would have it, one snippet of conversation wormed its way into his consciousness.

Two students were talking, their voices just loud enough for Neah to overhear. "Hey, have you heard about Sir Alexander from the house of Cornelia?" The words hung in the air like a promise of hidden stories.

His curiosity piqued, and Neah couldn't help but listen. The reply came, "Yeah, isn't he amazing? If not for his older sister, he could be the youngest graduated student here."

As those words sank in, Neah felt a swell of pride for his older brother, Alexander. He couldn't deny that his siblings were indeed remarkable. Serena, the oldest, had already become a knight. But then the conversation took an unexpected turn.

"Well, they are both amazing, but have you heard of his recent achievement?" The other student leaned in, eager to hear more. "Oh, yeah, what is it?"

The speaker's voice grew hushed, as if sharing a well-kept secret. "It's rumoured that he's defeated a dragon in the far west. He brought the creature's head to the royal family, who requested the subjugation."

Neah's grip on his sword tightened involuntarily. As the words sank in, he felt a complex mix of emotions. Pride swelled within him—an unadulterated joy for his brother's accomplishment. Yet, beneath that pride, a quieter, gnawing feeling of self-doubt took root.

His mind whirled with thoughts. His siblings were achieving remarkable feats, and their names echoed throughout the academy. Serena's prowess as a knight was respected and recognised, and now Alexander's dragon-slaying exploits are the talk of the campus. It was hard to escape the realisation that he was the youngest and yet the one with no remarkable achievements to his name.

Neah continued to practice his swordplay, trying to drown out the internal storm of emotions. The clang of steel against wood provided a temporary escape from his troubled thoughts. He moved through the motions mechanically, his mind filled with a sense of incompleteness and a nagging doubt about his own capabilities.

The other students on the training ground went about their exercises, oblivious to the emotional turmoil brewing within Neah. He knew that he was still young, with much to learn and achieve, but that knowledge didn't quell the sense of inadequacy that had gripped his heart.

As the sun cast long shadows over the training ground, Neah finally sheathed his sword. His limbs felt weary from the exercises, but it was his spirit that bore the greatest burden. The gap in power and achievements between him and his remarkable siblings weighed heavily on his mind.

He couldn't help but feel the growing distance between himself and his family, whose names shone brightly in the annals of the academy. Neah turned to leave the training ground, his footsteps heavy and his heart burdened. The conversations and laughter of the other students faded into the background, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions raging within him.

With each step he took, Neah was painfully aware of the path he had chosen. He knew it was one of self-discovery, a journey that only he could undertake. But the pressure to live up to the Cornelia name was a heavy one, and the weight of it settled upon his shoulders as he left the training ground.

Neah retraced his steps to his quarters, the emotional weight of the day's events heavy on his shoulders. His siblings' remarkable accomplishments loomed large in his thoughts, casting a shadow over his own aspirations. He couldn't help but feel like the runt of the Cornelia family.

As he approached his room, he couldn't help but dread what awaited him inside. With a sigh, he opened the door, and the sight that greeted him was almost poetic in its melancholy. The remnants of the outburst were still visible—scorch marks on the walls and slashes from his impulsive swordplay.

The room was clean, but it couldn't hide the scars of what had transpired. It was a stark reminder of his moment of weakness, a testament to the storm of emotions that had overtaken him. Neah had allowed his frustrations and doubts to manifest physically within his sanctuary. He couldn't help but see a reflection of his inner turmoil in the disarray of his room.

Despite the sobering reality, he couldn't bring himself to clean up the room any further. Neah stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him. He let his gaze sweep over the scene of chaos, acknowledging the turmoil within him and recognising the long road that lay ahead.

In the quiet of his chamber, Neah contemplated his place in a family of remarkable individuals, each pursuing their own path of greatness. Neah's journey was far from over, and he knew that the path he had chosen would be fraught with challenges.

With the faint glow of the setting sun illuminating the room, Neah closed his eyes. The emotional storm within him raged on, but he was determined to face the uncertainty and turmoil head-on. It was a pivotal moment of self-reflection, a reminder of the hurdles he needed to overcome to find his own place in the world.

As the day slipped away and the room darkened, Neah surrendered to his inner struggles, ready to confront the challenges that lay ahead. He settled down in a corner of his chamber and found solace in the remnants of the day's turmoil.

With a sigh of despair, he reached for a book that had miraculously survived the chaos, its cover scorched and tattered. It was a reflection of his current state—scarred but still holding the essence of a story.

As Neah flipped open the book and lost himself in the world of its pages, the room fell into an oppressive silence. The setting sun's last rays vanished, and the room was cloaked in darkness, mirroring the desolation within his heart.

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