Rise of a Manor Lord - Chapter 141

Published at 30th of November 2023 12:45:27 PM

Chapter 141

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“I will not,” Lord Proudglade said angrily. “You have deceived us all, and I will prove to everyone gathered here today.” He glanced at Lydia. “Lydia! I command you to tell us if your lord can speak words he does not believe!”

Lydia trembled hard as the obedience fetish tortured her, and Drake immediately knew why. She was choosing to obey the compulsion he’d given her earlier—the one that prevented her from divulging his secrets—to resist the obedience fetish. That must be agonizing.

“She cannot answer!” Lord Proudglade bellowed. “That is all the proof we need!”

Drake rushed forward and grabbed Lydia before she could hurt herself any further. “Lydia, I know you believe I can say things I don’t believe, but I can’t! Westin changed your memories to make you think that. Tell them what you remember. It’ll be okay!”

Still Lydia suffered, trembling as tears streamed down her cheeks and the fetish tortured her. How could he stop this? He couldn’t compel her to do anything. He’d given up that power over her the day they met, and now she was dying because of it.

There was only one way to save them. He looked to Westin. “Tell them what you did to her! Right now!”

Proudglade turned to his son. “Silence!”

Westin ignored him. “I made Lydia remember Lord Gloomwood telling her he can speak words which he does not believe. I changed Lydia’s memories so she would remember that.”

“You hear that?” Drake shouted at Lydia. “It’s fine! Answer him! It’s just a trick!”

Lydia gasped, trembled in his arms, and fell against him. He clutched her close to keep her from collapsing. She had just endured an unthinkable amount of pain attempting to protect him... but she didn’t have to protect him right now.

“Lord Gloomwood can say words he does not believe,” Lydia whispered.

She felt so faint and fragile in his arms. His desire to keep her safe intensified a hundredfold. He’d done such a shitty job of that so far.

Lord Proudglade turned to Grayson. “Arrest this criminal.”

“No,” Drake said with a scowl. “You heard Westin. She remembers it wrong.”

Lydia stared up at him in disbelief, pale and visibly exhausted. “Lord? Are my memories compromised?” She swallowed and blinked. “He changed what I remember?”

“Yes,” Drake lied softly. He’d known that, one day, he might have to lie to her again, and he doubted this deception would work longer than it took for her to remember everything else he’d done that he shouldn’t be able to do. For now, temporarily confusing her was enough.

“I can’t speak words I don’t believe, so you didn’t betray me. You’d never betray me, and you’re safe now. The manor is safe. Everyone’s going to be fine.”

Except Westin, he supposed.

Lydia pressed close once more. Everyone in his manor had saved his life, but Lydia most of all. It didn’t matter whether this looked appropriate to the others or not. His loyal and amazing steward needed his support right now, and he was not going to let her fall.

He glanced to Sky to see her smiling with relief. Valentia looked calm as well. With one last assist from Westin, he’d finally covered up his ability to lie... for now.

This was the last deal he had made with Westin. The deal that earned the man the right to justify his crimes and minimize the damage to his family. At Drake’s request, Westin had changed his own memories so he believed he had made Lydia falsely believe Drake could lie.

After he forgot he’d allowed Drake to fill a vial with his blood.

Drake still wasn’t sure when he would tell Lydia the truth about his abilities. Definitely not until they were back safe in his manor. Yet he couldn’t keep it from her forever. They’d been through too much together for her to fully accept that all those memories were a lie. For now, he’d be satisfied that they’d deceived the noble court.

Negotiations continued for some time after Drake finally proved his innocence to Inquisitor Grayson, and through him, to the noble court. As much as Lydia obviously wanted to be a part of the negotiations to clear his name, she’d endured so much just to get here. Drake asked Valentia to escort her back to his carriage and get her some tea, and Valentia made it clear to everyone she intended to do just that.

Drake was in no danger from his enemies any longer, at least not those gathered here. Inquisitor Grayson was apologetic. Lord Proudglade looked... broken. And so it was Felix Proudglade, Westin’s older brother, who ended up doing most of the negotiations with Drake.

Sky and Inquisitor Grayson would go on ahead to clear the way and inform the Judge of what they had learned. Westin would remain in the joint custody of Drake and Felix until he presented his testimony to the noble court, at which point the Proudglade family would surrender Westin to face the noble court’s justice.

Finally, to make up for all the assassination attempts, Lord Proudglade would allow Orson, his best golden knight, to duel Cresh, Drake’s champion, for possession of Blood Woe, Cresh’s enchanted axe. The duel was to be unarmed wrestling. Orson was going to get his mustachio’d ass handed to him, but that was kinder than what Cresh wanted to do to him.

Orson lived, Cresh got his axe back, and Drake forgave Proudglade Manor just a bit of their dickishess. Cresh bared all his teeth when the deal was finalized and thumped his tail in satisfaction. He even nodded at Drake. The big lizard might actually respect him now.

A little.

As for Felix and his father, he couldn’t imagine what it must feel like to send your own brother or your own son to be executed, even if you understood their crimes were technically unforgivable. Fortunately, he wasn’t the one who had to do that. Sucked for them.

A day later, it was all official. Drake’s innocence was announced to everyone in the noble court and the capital at large. Lord Redbow was now an enemy of the noble court, with multiple manors soon to be called to go after him and remove him from power... after they decided who would be the next Lord Blackmane and Frostlight.

Lord Proudglade’s alliance was shattered. Lord Mistvale still stood with Proudglade, as he always had, but Lord Frostlight was dead and Lord Redbow no longer had a vote. Finally, Lord Brightwater had made it clear she was no longer considering an alliance with anyone.

That made Drake and Sky the strongest manor alliance in Korhaurbauten, especially after they finally found out the truth about Lord Ashwind. After Lord Redbow fled, Lord Ashwind begged to join Drake’s alliance as well... to ask for his help.

Lord Redbow, without Lord Proudglade’s knowledge, had secretly kidnapped Lord Ashwind’s only son. That son now remained a hostage of the fugitive Lord Redbow. Getting the son back alive still might not be possible... but Drake said he would try.

Drake also understood, a little better, why Lord Ashwind had betrayed him. Everyone in this fucked up world wanted to protect their family, just like back home. If he did manage to get back Lord Ashwind’s son, Drake would get some free ferrocite and another loyal ally.

The trial took but a day. Westin denied nothing. Drake attended to ensure that Westin left nothing out and changed nothing in his story, but he took no joy in the task.

He couldn’t. Not now that he knew Westin’s reasons for launching his plots to try to save as many people as he could. He was simply glad it was finally over.

The noble court announced their decision that night. Lord Proudglade would be censured at the next cabal and pay a heavy tithe, but since he had truly been unaware of his son’s actions, his manor and the rest of his family would be spared a worse judgment.

Protecting his family was the last goal Westin sought. That was the last deal Drake had made with him. The deal that finally assured the noble court and the Judge he couldn’t lie.

The time for Westin’s execution came the following morning. It was a warm, clear day with excellent weather and a gentle breeze. It was a chance for Drake to watch as the man responsible for almost every problem he experienced since coming here lost his head.

Yet though he was invited to the execution, Drake did not attend.




With Lydia at his side, now rested and much recovered from her grueling ordeal, Drake strode down the hallway leading to the Judge’s private office with her at his side. Lydia was the only person with him today (Samuel, after all, still knew he could lie) but despite the Judge recently trying to execute him, he felt safer now than he had in a long time.

For the first time in weeks, he could truly feel comfortable no one was trying to murder him. Not even Lord Proudglade. The man was too busy burying his dead and noble son.

Atticus the train conductor met them in the room with all the scribes and record keepers, who were all still hard at work. “This way, please.”

Soon after, Drake and Lydia stood in the Judge’s private office. This time, there was no one in here but the three of them. Drake stood silent and waited for her to speak.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet with me,” the Judge said. “I know you are both eager to return to your manor and your own affairs.”

“You’re the noble court,” Drake said evenly. “I didn’t think we could refuse you.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate all that you have done for us. Particularly you, Lord Gloomwood. If not for your bravery and cleverness, I would have allowed my entire court and capital to be forever fooled by one incredibly ambitious young man.”

“Westin was only interested in making things better for people and putting an end to evil manor lords,” Drake said. “Have you thought about how you can do that?”

“Every day,” the Judge said quietly. “But the fact that you even now speak up for a man who caused you much harm shows me I was right to place my faith in you.”

“You tried to execute me.”

“But before that, and before my memories were changed, I trusted you and even worked with you to try to uncover the people who’d gathered against you. That has to count for something, doesn’t it? I was your ally.” She smiled as if she expected him to say yes.

Drake sighed. “Judge, can I ask why you asked us to come speak with you?”

He hoped it wasn’t about the vial he’d filled with Westin’s blood. He’d made sure Westin made himself forget that he’d donated his blood when he made himself remember changing Lydia’s memories. Drake would keep that particular vial very close to his vest.

The Judge looked to his steward. “First, Steward Lydia, I wished to personally apologize for handing you over to Lord Proudglade. Your valor is commendable and your bravery without question. You are a woman I would love to have on my own staff.”

“Thank you, Judge,” Lydia said graciously. “But I am where I intend to stay.”

“I understand,” the Judge said. “But your part in saving the noble court from this unprecedented attempt at treachery still deserves recognition. Tomorrow, I will announce that you are now a friend of the noble court.”

Lydia bowed. “Thank you, Judge. That is generous.”

“It is only what you have earned.”

Drake had no idea what a ‘friend of the noble court’ meant. If he was able to choose Lydia’s reward, he’d simply tell the judge to pay her a ton of money. But still, he wasn’t going to interrupt their moment. Lydia, at least, seemed tremendously pleased.

“As for you, Lord Gloomwood, the noble court must also offer you recompense.”

Drake simply raised an eyebrow. Could he ask for a ton of money?

“As Judge, I pardon you for the crime of exchanging magical artifacts with Skybreak Manor. You need pay no tithe. It is now as if that crime never occurred.”

So the Judge was offering not to stupidly blame him for a former manor lord’s stupid actions. How noble of her. Also, completely fucking useless so far as he was concerned.

“In addition, I offer you a token of the court’s favor,” she added.

Drake had no idea what that was.

Lydia leaned close and spoke quietly. “That means you can ask the noble court for anything. To grant you a boon. To forgive a crime, if that crime is forgivable. To summon a cabal. You should discuss your options with Samuel and Zuri when we return home, but know even one token is incredibly valuable. Manor lords would kill for them.”

“But they can’t actually,” Drake said. “Right? I’m not going to get killed over this.”

“No,” the Judge assured him. “Only you can spend the token.”

Drake nodded. “Thank you, Judge.” He wasn’t going to blame everything on her. She’d been tricked just like the others, and staying on her good side was good for his manor. “But since we’re talking about how you can thank me, I have one other request outside of a token.”

The Judge raised one slim gray eyebrow. “What is it?”

“I ask that you also forgive Lord Skybreak’s tithe and crime regarding the exchange of magical artifacts. She, like me, was not the lord who started that, and she also agreed we should confess and end it. So if I’m forgiven for that crime, she should be forgiven too.”

“Done,” the Judge said. “I had assumed you would ask that, but am pleased you did.”

“Just don’t tell her before I do.”

“When do you wish to tell her?”

“After we leave. This afternoon should be fine for the official announcement. I want to see the look on her face when I tell her what else I pulled off today.”

The Judge actually smiled. “Understood, Lord Gloomwood.”

Silence fell between them. Drake glanced at Lydia, who said nothing, then back at the Judge. “Is there any other business you wish to discuss before I return home?”

“There is one other matter,” the Judge said. “One that, before I discuss it with you, I need you to assure me you will keep secret from all save Lord Skybreak.”

That sounded suspicious. “Why?”

“Understand that I am not the one making this request. A visitor for whom I have great respect has come to the capital to see you, and it is they who have requested this secrecy. They wish only to offer you counsel, yet they also wish to keep their arrival and alliance with your manor secret for now. If you can agree to all that, I will introduce you.”

Who was this person? Why was the Judge willing to bend so far for them? Yet if they were this important, it sounded like it would be worth at least meeting with them. Even if he had to keep it secret from everyone but Sky.

“Very well,” Drake said. “Introduce me to this advisor. I will not tell anyone outside my manor, other than Lord Skybreak, that we’ve met with them.”

The Judge nodded, then looked past him. “Atticus?” She was speaking to the man in the train conductor outfit standing outside the door. “Send Lady Gloomwood in!”

Drake turned around as the door opened and caught his breath. A Lady Gloomwood? That wasn’t possible. He was the only Lord Gloomwood in this world now.

The door opened, and an older, dark-haired woman Drake judged to be about the same age as his mother stepped into the office. The door closed behind her. She wore a fine green silverweave tunic and pants, and dark boots that looked made for travel.

This so-called “Lady Gloomwood” was about his mother’s height as well, with her same short dark hair and coy smile. She also, oddly enough, shared his mother’s narrow nose and piercing blue eyes. Also, wait a minute. She had his mother’s build too, which was...

No. This wasn’t possible. He was seeing things. What in the actual fuck.

“Hello... son.” The woman he’d known only as Marissa Hughes—or Mom—now stood in the office of the Judge in the fucked up fantasy world to which he’d been sent to by dark magic on a dark night in the New Mexico desert. His mother was here now, somehow.

Did that mean he could actually get home?

“I’m sorry it took me so long to find you,” Marissa said. “It was a long and stressful trip. However, I am tremendously pleased to find you are still alive.” She looked to the Judge, to Lydia, and then back to Drake. “It’s time we had a talk.”

Author's Note:

RIP Westin Proudglade. This wraps up "Book 2" as I'm calling it. I hope you enjoyed it!

Book 1 focused on Drake stumbling around this effed up fantasy world navigating a minefield of traps to secure his new manor. Book 2 showed him growing as a manor lord, disassembling the efforts of his enemies, and gaining the favor of the powerful noble court.

As for book 3 and beyond? I'll start dropping that here on 11/7. I took a two week break on my Patreon, and since the Patreon is three weeks ahead, that's now rippling out here. If you want to jump right in Book 3, it's already rolling on the Patreon (along with a fun story showing how Samuel first arrived at Gloomwood Manor) but it'll all be coming out here soon enough.

Have a great week (and weekend) everyone! See you in early November!

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