Rise of a Manor Lord - Chapter 40

Published at 29th of May 2023 06:38:42 AM

Chapter 40

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The next morning came far too soon for Drake. Mornings sucked. After Valentia woke him up by loudly clearing her throat, he groaned, blearily peered out at the sunlight, and acknowledged he’d have to get back to his manor before he could sleep until he wasn’t tired.

The sun had been up for a while already, and he didn’t see the use in paying for another day. They needed to put as much distance between themselves and Captain Ro’s now dead band of Redbow soldiers as possible. He forced himself to roll out of his fluffy covers and warm bed and brave the chilly air inside his room.

Yawning and only half awake, he pulled on and laced up his new red boots. As he looked himself over, he saw his new tunic and pants were visibly wrinkled, but the Redbow armor would hide that. At some point Drake would have to stop sleeping in his clothes, but given how cold it got at night, he’d only do so if he got some very comfortable sleepwear.

Did they have sweatpants in this world? He hoped so. At least his hoodie and jeans and sneakers were safe back at the manor. They were the only such clothing items that existed in this world, so he was going to treat them like priceless treasures.

Valentia helped him into his Redbow armor, and he then helped her into her feathersteel. He was getting the hang of how armor worked in this world. There were only so many ways to tighten a strap or situation a piece once the basics were nailed down.

He left his new club, pack, and satchel in his room for the time being. When he walked through the washroom and knocked on the door to the adjoining room they’d rented for Anna and Jeremy, he half expected to find both asleep.

The door opened almost immediately. Anna’s blond hair was disheveled and her raggedy clothes looked even more ragged, but she already looked far more perky than he felt. Kids always did seem to get up early.

“Time to grab some breakfast and get on the road,” Drake told her. “Is your dad up?”

“I will rouse him, lord. He responds best when I wake him.”

This kid really was taking care of her father instead of the other way around. “Sure, that’s fine. Let me know when you’re both ready to go, and we’ll have a look around town and see about getting you some new clothes.”

Anna winced. “I’m sorry, lord, but I can’t afford new clothes.”

“Which is why I’m buying them for you. And some decent shoes for the road.”

She gasped and clasped her hands together. “Lord... I don’t....” Fresh tears welled in her eyes, which made him all sorts of uncomfortable. What if she refused to accept his help?

“This isn’t charity, Anna. The rags you’re wearing aren’t suitable for someone who’s going to be traveling with me, and I can’t have you catching a cold on the road if it rains.”

“Yes,” she said quietly. “Of course, I understand.” Yet her grateful smile didn’t fade.

“So, we’re going to get you several good travel outfits, a thick coat or cloak if they have it, and some good boots. And since we’re shopping, we might as well get the old man something. Can both of you ride a horse?”

Her lower lip trembled dangerously once more. “But lord, horses are so expensive.”

“Again, we have the coin, and we should probably get a packhorse as well. So if we get horses, can your father ride? Without falling off and slowing us down?”

“We can. We will. Daddy used to be an excellent rider.”

“Good to hear. So get your old man up and get him dressed, then both of you knock on the door when you’re ready to go. After that, we’ll all head down together and go shopping.”

She bobbed up and down. “I will, lord. Thank you, lord.” She darted off without closing the door. Drake sighed and closed it for her.

When he walked back into the other room, he found Valentia standing by the door with absolutely no expression on her face. He knew what she was thinking. “Too benevolent?”

She shrugged incrementally. “As you said, we can’t have her catching cold on the road, and we will move faster if we are not limited to Jeremy’s stumbling pace. So if you are asking for counsel, I have nothing to add.”

“So are we taking breakfast in the room, or eating down in the common room?”

“I will have meals sent up. The common room is likely busy this time of the morning, and we don’t need any more eyes on you than are necessary.”

“Great! Get me some sausage and eggs if they have them. And maybe some fresh milk?”

A trace of a smile ghosted across her lips. “This is not the manor.”

“Does that mean I don’t get any sausage and eggs?”

“You will get whatever the innkeeper has prepared for dinner this morning, which is likely some bland gruel and, with luck, fresh bread. Eat hearty. We have a long walk ahead.”

Drake sighed and rubbed his chin. “I guess I’ll have to.”

After a thoroughly disappointing breakfast that was at least edible (Drake still didn’t know if he could once again eat meat, since no one had offered any meat) they exited the inn as a small group to look for somewhere to buy Anna some clothes. Valentia, who seemed to know this town surprisingly well, knew a trader who might have some children’s clothing.

Buying things in this world wasn’t going to be anything like it was on Earth. Most places might not even have anything to sell unless they had a surplus of travelers coming through on a regular basis, and even then, the inventory could be random. Drake had never really been a fan of the big box stores taking over the US, but what he wouldn’t give for one right now.

Sachi slipped out of a nearby alley as they walked, still wearing her leather armor. That armor looked as dirty and well-used as it had looked last night. She looked no different than she had when she slipped away, and Drake wondered if she’d slept. He wondered if she needed to.

He needed to tell her about Samuel, but he shouldn’t risk that until they were on the road. There were too many possible ears in this town. And this morning, at least, they were in luck. The trader Valentia recommended had just delivered a shipment of fine children’s clothes to Redbow Manor, and those assholes had refused to buy half of what they ordered.

As such, the trader was more than willing to bargain to make up his loss, and Drake watched, amused, as Valentia negotiated him down to the point where he was on the verge of tears. Or, most likely, faking it. Regardless, a deal was struck, and shortly after, Anna was dressed in the prettiest and frilliest blue dress he’d ever seen. She seemed dumbstruck.

Even Jeremy seemed pleased. At the sight of his daughter cavorting about in her fine new clothes, he had a small smile on his face for the first time in... ever. He also offered Drake a brief look before his eyes darted away. Still not all the way there, but back a little.

“It’s like she’s a little blue cupcake!” Sachi said. “And just about as sweet as one.”

Anna threw her arms around Valentia, blinking with wet eyes. “Thank you, Val! I love it! I love it so much!”

Drake offered Sachi a warning look. “We aren’t eating any cupcakes.”

“Of course not.” Sachi winked mischievously as, after a moment, Valentia playfully ruffled Anna’s blond hair. “We need to put some meat on her first.”

They bought four good travel cloaks from the trader as well (Valentia insisted she had no need of a cloak) and some dry provisions that would keep them fed and full of energy for more than a few days. Between the inn, the food, and the clothes, Valentia’s remaining coins soon vanished, which allowed Drake to finally pitch in. After she sorted out the currencies.

Finally, they negotiated for horses, which took a good chunk of the morning. The only man they found willing to sell horses had only one horse to spare. Apparently, the same Redbow mercenaries that captured Drake had recently purchased all the horses for sale at an enforced discount. Just another reason not to feel bad about eating those guys.

So they could use the single horse they’d purchased as a packhorse or steed for Jeremy and Anna. He decided they’d all lug their heavy packs a bit longer. As they settled up and acquired an agreeable brown gelding, Drake considered how life must be for normal folks.

Were all the manor lords in this world assholes? He had a sample size of two right now, though from what he’d heard from his folks, Proudglade Manor and its people were pretty far up the asshole scale as well. Plus, they were self-righteous pricks about it.

Still, on the plus side, Anna immediately fell in love with the new horse. Once informed he had no name, she immediately decided to name him Brownie, because... he was brown. She was ten years old and highly traumatized. Drake decided to let Anna name the horse.

Finally, as the sun crept upward, they got back on the road, with Drake, Sachi, and Valentia all walking and Jeremy riding on Brownie with Anna. Drake would wear his Redbow armor at least as far as the border into Skybreak lands, at which point they would pack it up and simply travel in his clothes and heavy cloak. The armor Valentia wore had apparently been customized for her, and simply wouldn’t fit him properly.

Once they were finally on the road with the sun almost directly ahead, Drake increased his pace to catch up with his catgirl. “So, Sachi.”

“I’ll be happy to shoot you a rabbit tonight, lord. Or two rabbits.”

His mouth watered. “Meat would be great, but this is about manor business. I would have told you last night, but Samuel? The butler? He’s actually still alive.”

She stopped, spun, and stared at him so intently he felt like he’d just come face to face with a prowling tiger. Her pupils narrowed. It actually sent him back a step.

“Hey, I’m just the messenger! I thought you liked the guy?”

Her tail twitched dangerously as she stared, silent. Her ears had gone flat on each side of her head. Had what he said upset her that badly?

Behind him, he heard the steady clopping of horse hooves halt. Valentia lightly pressed a hand to Drake’s elbow. She then stepped forward, standing just ahead of him.

“Samuel’s rarity is regenerative. Few knew. Our lord figured it out and saved him.”

Sachi’s tail twitched back and forth for another moment. She hissed softly, eased her ears back into a more normal configuration, and parted her lips to reveal soft teeth. Her nose twitched, and then she inclined her head. “Thank you, lord.”

Drake took a moment to make sure she was back to her normal self. “Sure. You’re welcome.” What had all that been about?

“I should scout ahead for enemies and do a little hunting. I will return around dusk. Try not to get into too much trouble until I’m back.”

Before Drake could say anything, Sachi turned and hurried off with her tail held high.

As Sachi steadily vanished in the distance, and it became clear she had no intention of doing anything else terrifying, he glanced at Valentia. “What was that about?”

“Sachi has known Samuel longer than any of us, even before she joined Gloomwood Manor. He is the one who convinced her to join us. Had the blood pact not made it impossible, she would have shredded Lord Crow from nose to toes after what he did.”

“So that was her happy?”

“Overcome with emotion would be more accurate.” Valentia started forward again. “And yes. You just made her extremely happy.”


Next Week: Drake gets a present, fails at diplomacy, and hatches a new plot.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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