Rise of a Manor Lord - Chapter 45

Published at 29th of May 2023 06:38:35 AM

Chapter 45

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Once they were inside the guest prison, Drake heard a wooden bar being dropped into the braces he’d seen on each side of the door as he entered. Karth’s rangers had just barred the door from the other side. Yet another reason he was glad the lower floor of this house was stone. He doubted any fire marshal in his world or another would give this place a permit.

He looked at Anna and Jeremy. “Check out the kitchen cabinets for what we’ve got. Make yourselves some food. I need to have a chat with my new favorite battle maid.”

“Can I make you something, lord?” Anna asked hopefully.

That might keep her busy, and it might also keep her from worrying. “Why don’t you get your father taken care of first, then yourself. Then make a little snack for me and Valentia. We can talk while you’re working, and then we can eat once you’re done.”

Anna smiled and hurried to the kitchen, which looked to be a mixture of stone, clay, and wood. “This way, Daddy!”

Jeremy took a much longer look at Drake than he had previously. His gaze was almost... there... now. Drake watched him curiously until the man nodded, then looked away. Jeremy followed his daughter into the kitchen. Then, Drake glanced at Valentia.

“We’re alone now. You don’t have to pretend you can’t speak.”

“You might prefer I did,” she said quietly.

Drake chuckled despite her obvious ire. “I’m sorry I had to do that out there. I mean it, Val. But if we’re going to work together, trust has to go both ways. I had a good reason not to surrender you to those hunters, and I need you to trust me to do my job as Lord Gloomwood.”

“I certainly look forward to hearing your justifications.”

He chose the right door randomly and entered a room with a wooden floor and wooden walls, though it was clear there was stone underneath. It seemed the second floor had been built from lumber, but the first and walls were all stone. He supposed people used what was readily on hand to build buildings, which was why Gloomwood Manor had so much wood.

The room had a single large four-post bed that looked even nicer than the one at Heart Grove’s inn, a small writing desk with a scattering of books he might read if he had nothing else to do, and two other chairs with a round table in between. Maybe for tea.

If only Lydia was here. He definitely missed Lydia, and he’d definitely appreciate her running interference with Valentia right now. Still, he was on his own. If he could convince Valentia to come around to his side, he might have a chance with Lord Skybreak.

“Before you verbally tear me a new asshole,” Drake said, “let’s have a seat at that nice table. Also, try to berate me quietly. Anna’s still a little sensitive to shouting.”

Valentia marched across the room to the table. Drake followed. Valentia pulled out a chair and sat, then motioned for Drake to take the other chair.

He sat down and waited for her to unload on him. However, she didn’t look angry. She looked more dejected than anything. Was that progress?

“Well?” he asked.

“You were foolish to surrender yourself to Lord Skybreak.”

“You might be right,” Drake agreed. “But I don’t think you killed Steward Rodney, and given they were going to torture and then execute you for that, I need to know who set us up. I can’t compel you to tell me anything, but I can ask. Did you kill Rodney?”

“I did not.”

“And why couldn’t you just say that to that nice ranger earlier today?”

“Because I did watch Rodney die, and once those rangers knew that, they wouldn’t relent until I told them how he died. And what we were doing when he died. Those answers would compromise a secret we have maintained with Skybreak Manor for decades.”

“So you chose to let them torture you to death for a murder you didn’t commit?”

“Better I die in silence than implicate our manor in a crime.”

Drake grinned. “I figured your selfless reasoning went something like that. Good thing I didn’t ‘compel’ you to answer me in front of them, right? That would have put us in a pickle.”

She eyed him without any of the good humor he was hoping for.

“Okay, back to this secret arrangement.” Drake considered. “You didn’t bring any of this up before we encountered those Skybreak rangers, and because I trust you, I’ll trust you didn’t think it was necessary for me to know. But I need to know now, so it’s time to fill me in.”

“You don’t seem angry I didn’t inform you about this earlier.”

“I might be angry with you later depending on how you explain it. But I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt. Also, you not telling me is how I knew you didn’t kill Rodney.”

“How’s that?”

“If you had killed Lord Skybreak’s steward, you’d just have admitted doing it. Since you seemed so intent on sacrificing yourself to save me back there.”

She angrily shook her head. “I am your battle maid. My role is to protect you.”

“And despite that ice queen act you pull, I bet you were also hoping to save Anna, Jeremy, and Sachi too. Even Brownie. You were willing to die to save us all, weren’t you?”

Valentia simply glared at him.

“Now who’s benevolent?”

Her glare softened. “You are far too reckless with your own life. I swore to keep you safe, and had I gone with them, you would be safe. Will you not allow me to keep you alive?”

“We’ll keep each other safe,” Drake said patiently. “It’s no longer a one-sided arrangement. Now, what were you up to with Rodney?”

Valentia settled back in her chair. “Skybreak Manor and Gloomwood Manor regularly exchange magical items and weapons based on need and debt. I was picking up one such item from Rodney and his protectors when we were ambushed by those Redbow mercenaries.”

Drake was tempted to ask “What was the item?” but it probably didn’t matter after all this time. Instead, he asked the other question. “And the mercenaries killed Rodney?”

“I still don’t understand why they didn’t kill all of us, so perhaps there was a second part to their plan of which I’m unaware. But yes.”

“So why not just tell those rangers all that?”

“They might not have believed me. Even had they, they would have insisted all of us come here and speak to Lord Skybreak regarding the discrepancy. My goal was to ensure you made it home to the manor where the others could protect you, which, again, I could have accomplished had you simply allowed them to take me instead of doing... whatever this is.”

Drake nodded. “So you were trying to be a hero.”

Her lip twisted in annoyance. “I was trying to keep you safe.”

“So tell me this. Why is our side hustle with them bad?”

She frowned. “What?”

“Why can’t you tell anyone we’re exchanging magical items and stuff?”

“By decree of the noble court, all magical items and weapons acquired by any manor are to be reported to the noble court. All exchanges are also to be reported. And while they can be taken in battle, only officially allied manor lords can engage in free trade of magical items.”

Right! Westin had mentioned that the first day Drake arrived. Manors were not allowed to exchange magical items unless allied... but his manor, and Skybreak Manor, had been trading them for years, apparently.

“So basically, you’re telling me we’ve been smuggling magical items and weapons back and forth without telling the feds, and now we’re about to get busted.”

Her brow furrowed. “Please don’t complicate these matters with your odd speech. My day has been frustrating enough without your indecipherable metaphors.”

“And this arrangement has been going on for years?”

“Decades. I do not have all the details, but I know such exchanges have taken place regularly for as long as I have served at Gloomwood Manor. I must thus assume the covert agreement between our manors stretches back several lords or more.”

“And why aren’t we officially allied? We seem friendly enough.”

“Were we officially allied, as documented in the noble court, any manor who attacked either of us would know we would be compelled to come to the defense of the other if they were attacked. They would take that into account. Our lords did not wish them to do that.”

“So if either manor got in real trouble, the other could join the fight and lock the bad guys in a pincer when they least expected it. A kick in the balls they wouldn’t expect, because they would have no way to know we’d agreed to come to each other’s aid.”

Valentia nodded grudgingly. “Did you study military battles and tactics in your world?”

“More than a few. It’s a nice trick, but it sounds like it’d only work once. And you’d have some questions to answer at the noble court after.”

“Correct. A significant tithe would likely be required of both manors after the battle. We are fortunate neither manor lord has ever had to call in the favor.”

“Yet our manors have still violated decrees of the noble courts simply by trading magical weapons and items and maintaining this off the books alliance. So once this all comes out, both our manor and Skybreak’s will have decades of crimes to answer for. But if you’d surrendered to them, wouldn’t they have learned that anyway?”

“Lord Skybreak would never allow her thralls to interrogate me to the point where I would reveal our secret,” Valentia said. “She has no more interest in others knowing than I. Eventually, I would tell her the truth in private, after you were safely back in the manor.”

“And she’d... let you go after?”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. Regardless, you would be safe instead of here.”

Drake nodded. “That was a decent plan.”

Valentia nodded primly. “Thank you. It is not too late. Tomorrow, you will surrender me and return home. That is not only in our best interest, but in the interest of our strongest ally.”

“You’re not wrong. But I’m also not risking you getting thrown in jail or executed.”

Her cold look eased once more into worry. “Please, Clint. You must put the manor ahead of me. This is the best way to ensure Gloomwood Manor remains safe.”

In other words, Drake knew, it was the best way to keep him safe. He might not always agree with Valentia's decisions, but it was still reassuring she had his best interest at heart... for whatever reason.

“Once again,” Drake agreed, “you’ve made excellent points all around.”

Her brief smile faded as she read his expression.

“But I’m still not willing to toss you away without first exploring our other options, and not just because I’m determined to protect my people like you protect me. I still have another way to use you, which means you don’t get to just go off and sacrifice yourself.”

Valentia locked eyes with him once more, and their staring contest was the most intense yet. Eventually, to his great delight, she sat back and rubbed her temples.

“Please tell me you have at least some sort of alternative other than running away. They will send rangers after us, leading to a battle between our manors that we must avoid.”

“A plan other than the escape hatch? Of course I have one. Before we skip out of town, if we skip out of town, we’re going to see what they have on you.”

She frowned. “What do you mean by that?”

“Karth is certain you killed Rodney,” Drake said patiently. “He’s seen proof. If he’s that certain you did it, other people here must also have seen that same proof. It’s possible Lord Skybreak may really believe you killed her steward. We need to know why they’re all so certain you did it, what their proof is, and how many people have seen that proof.”

“Why does any of that matter?”

“Because you’ve been framed, Val, and we still have no idea who did it. Or how they did it. If we roll over this time, it’s possible we could toss your life away and gain nothing but a short delay before they frame another of us for murder. This might be the only chance we’ll have to learn how you were framed and stop it from happening to anyone else.”

Valentia opened her mouth to argue. But as she watched him, no argument came.

“I refused to surrender you and walk away because I can first demand proof that forces these guys to show their hand,” Drake said. “Even if it does prove you guilty, at least now I’ll know how to save the next battle maid. See? I can be ruthless.”

“Or you could be dead,” Valentia reminded him. “Even were I to accept the logic of your plan to learn more about our situation, it still puts your life at risk. My plan did not.”

“That’s true, but even after a short time, I feel like leading a manor isn’t just about running the odds. I can’t just play it safe if I want us to grow stronger. Sometimes I’ll have to take a risk if the reward is worth it, and if I’m confident I can pull it off. Which I am, with this.”

She crossed her arms. “Your confidence will get you killed one day.”

“But at least you understand my plan now, right? I need to find out who framed you and how. If I’d just given you up, we’d never know how they fucked us. We’d never be safe.”

A hesitant knock interrupted them both. “Lord?” Anna called through the closed door. “I’ve brought snacks!” If she’d heard their debate, she didn’t let on.

Valentia hopped up and walked for the door. “Thank you! I’m coming.”

Drake looked after her. “So are we good now?”

She opened the door. “Why don’t you simply enjoy your snack?”

She couldn’t lie. She didn’t need to. And at last, she looked... calm. That suggested she finally understood and accepted his plan to learn how she’d been framed. She even looked like she might be okay with it, which suggested she might truly be starting to trust his judgment.

Now he just had to convince Lord Skybreak to trust him and he’d be on a roll.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!