Rise of Rurik - Chapter 1099

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:31:24 AM

Chapter 1099: Win the Koblenz Fortress

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The soldier looked solemn, and a shield wall began to attack.

Looking at the hills advancing slowly, not daring to move recklessly, uniformly dressed in neat formations, the army's coercion is extremely strong, and the melodious sound of the horn even further accentuates the chilling atmosphere.

The defenders of Koblenz were all Frankish standing armies, but they were nothing like a professional slaughtering team.

The flag captain Fred's face trembled, and his hand with the sword trembled even more! Na! The ranks are neat and tidy, and the army fights?

"Brother! Hold on firmly! Hold on to the door!"

However there is no answer.

The defending soldiers were surprised and waited for the unknown engagement. Although the brothers had long agreed to fight resolutely, they obviously saw the approaching shield wall and immediately judged that this was a strong army.

Are they really Norman mercenaries from the Eastern Kingdom? With the intelligence symbol of the encounter.

The army of the Baron of Nassau? Absolutely! A dynamic army must have the strength of the Earl of Ingol.

So, indeed another Norman army? A brand new Norman army that has truly converted to the Lord?

Sergeant Frank's arrogance decided that he would surrender easily, and the present guy felt that the situation was very difficult, but he did not hesitate to complain.

The soldier's battlement probed his head and raised his sword to signal his will to exist and fight. Prepared stones at your fingertips, intending to smash to death those who dare to attack the city.

However, the emphasis on bows and arrows makes these soldiers who are heavily armored are only a few archers.

The specific situation of the defending army, the blue fox and the black fox are all in love, considering the identity of the opponent, the blue fox cautiously decided to go all out.

Wearing heavy armor and a funny compact helmet, the blue fox commanded meticulously: "Crossbow! Wooden bow! Slingshot! All line up. Warriors, give way first."

The shield wall is divided into many mouths, and archers are in formation. The shield wall took a stance, especially the crossbowmen, and began to step on and charge again.

The six trolley arrays equipped with torsion slingshots were aimed at the main gate, and the soldiers began to work hard.

Everything moves in an orderly manner, just as the battle does.

The Guang warriors watched the slopes outside the brothers' fort and made tactical preparations, and the battlefield entered a brief silence.

"What are you doing?" the defending soldiers exclaimed.

Fred, the captain of the flag guard, knew exactly what the other party was up to, and noticed the archer. "Only God knows. Be calm and prepare your shield, as if shooting arrows."

Indeed, the blue fox spent some time preparing to win the siege with one blow, trying to drag the battle into a protracted war.

Seeing that the preparations were completed, the blue fox simply walked into the battle formation and stood directly among the six torsion slingshots.

He patted his back with a smile on his face, and asked deliberately, "Those Franks are brave, but they are leaning over. How's it going? Try to shoot."

Embarrassed by the question, he stretched his thumb and glanced at the city gate: "Slightly far away."

"Turn the scale up one and try. Oh, and replace the javelin with a cast-iron bullet."

"A force shot might kill anything."

"It doesn't matter. Just scare."

Now, the Ross Army, bearing the name of the Baron of Nassau and even the flag of the Eastern King, attacked the "tortoise shell" at their own pace.

They all stand a stone's throw away to ensure their absolute safety, and the maximum range of the torsion slingshot is to cover the entire Koblenz fortress.

One command, slingshot shooting with projectiles!

The slightly rotating conical cast iron, but the power is heavy, draws a parabola at an angle, and smashes the stone wall one after another.

The smashed granite debris flew horizontally, and the sudden artillery bombardment made the guards who were probing their heads shrink their heads.

Instinct drove Fred to sit and protect himself against the wall.

Knowing something, the instinctive feeling is that it can save life by smashing the chainmail.

There was a deadly silence in the fortress, all the surprised defenders hid, and the only flag was blowing in the wind.

"Old, I feel good. My eyesight is very good, and the projectile didn't kill one." A shooter expressed deep regret.

Lanhu smiled slightly, squinting his eyes: "The effect is actually wrong, they are scared to hide. Very good, attack with all strength."

There is no need to hesitate, and even the preparation for the rain of arrows is avoided.

The Ross army started a full-scale attack, but the messy charge did not appear, but the army formation broke apart on its own.

"Go!" An extremely strong Nordic blond blond warrior shouted, followed by the filial piety of all twenty heavy armored men.

The huge pine wood was carried, and it was thought that it would be able to knock down the heavy wooden door in one fell swoop with the freshly chopped wet wood, after all, it seemed that the door was strong outside.

The twenty strong men wore iron reinforced chain mail, and the iron helmets on the top of their heads were all face protection, and they stood with iron.

Such heavy armor is to resist all kinds of things thrown by the strong attack gate defenders, and the brothers who assist in the attack are all those who suppress the enemy at the head of the city.

What is a good war veteran? The blue fox is the same, experienced many battles and learned a lot of experience in war. Especially how to arrange siege tactics, Ross King is indeed a teacher.

The thin wooden rope is braided into an arrow-proof shield that requires two combined forces to lift, and it can also prevent falling rocks. The man with the armor followed closely with the pine battering ram, and the sword and shield man continued to defend. The trolley equipped with the torsion slingshot accompanies the advancement, and the bowman has taken the lead in entering the land of arrows.

Those defenders who only looked at a pair of eyes didn't see a fighting method at all.

"Strange, my family has been in the army for generations and fought with Charlemagne. What's going on? Good! Blast the door!"

Although Fred was conscious, it was too late. Although the three gates of the fort are all fortified, and the gates are fastened, it is fine to just click to prepare to deal with the general siege.

Horrified, he yelled at the inside of the fort: "The door! Block the door with all your strength!"

However, the pine wood battering ram had already started sprinting, and twenty heavily armored and strong men rushed together. Even the defenders did not take clear countermeasures, and the pine wood had already slammed into it.

Even the city gate itself swayed violently, and the strong momentum caused the rushing heavy armored warriors to slam into the door due to inertia, and the follow-up brothers slammed into the body again. The scene was like a group of fish squeezed in a can.

"Idiot! Get up! The door hasn't fallen yet."

"Get up quickly, lift the wood up and continue to hit."

The twenty men who had been knocked out of their heads clumsily got up, and the defenders finally started to fight back.

The stones were thrown, and the defending soldiers were immediately sniped by bowmen who were waiting to work, and even the projectiles of the torsion slingshot took their lives hastily.

The defenders in the city gate area were completely suppressed, and the attacking troops took the initiative with only minor casualties.

A bulletproof shield made of wooden slats guards the battering ram's wings, and it is held above its head. More warriors put their shields on their heads just because the guys hiding behind the walls were busy throwing rocks.

The crossbowmen eyed the battlements, shooting only if the enemy appeared. Those inferior arrows are thrown into the air, seeking to hit the enemy, only to disrupt its defenses.

The blue fox will watch the whole battle situation from the rear. So far, everything is under control, and the development of the battle situation is completely within the estimation.

"Brother, it might be better if you prepare all the long ladders." Heihu couldn't hide his eagerness to try.

"Maybe. Now, just wait for the door to be knocked open."

"Okay!" A steel sword was drawn, and the fat black fox held his ordered sword: "It's enough to be a real warrior, enough to convince the public. Let's see the sword that kills a few enemies in blood."

"Hold on, take back the sword first." Lanhu held his brother's right arm holding the sword.


"I'm afraid of being hurt recklessly."


"I'm afraid of everything. But, I can work hard! How can I make money if I die?"

"Look at it?" Heihu felt that he was despised by his second brother, and his fighting spirit was even stronger.

"It's still a chance. Later, the city gate will collapse and let the heavy armored warriors fight, just follow. Remember, in the future, the real aristocrats in the local area will be charged soldiers. They are nobler than everyone else and die hastily."

"Forget it. Think the same! Why be afraid?!" Heihu's eyes were on fire, looking at the second brother and questioning him.

"?" Lanhu wanted to laugh, so he simply laughed, and then pinched his brother's neck meaningfully: "Fearless? A joke. So stand in the back, an absolutely safe place. Be sure to remember! You don't have to fight to kill the enemy yourself. Rumors that those warriors are brave and ruthless are deceived. What are they fighting for? Wealth, status, don't give a lot of money, help them desperately, and finally get all their wealth. Learn!"

The black fox is still ignorant, since his brother is willing to fight by himself, then forget it. Maybe my brother's words were reasonable, and he was really on the battlefield. The sixteen-year-old Nordic fat man was infected by the warm atmosphere and wanted to see blood flow into rivers.

Standing on the other side, Fred, the captain of the flag guard, still resisted, but some of his own units had already chosen to flee.

Although all three doors were bolted, the front door was being attacked, but the wooden support on the ground was added, and the soldiers in chainmail were nervously waiting for work.

Those with strong willpower completely turned their backs on their creed, and actually took off their chainmail, wearing a wide-bladed iron sword around the waist of their helmets, carrying ropes and withdrawing to a safe area on the south wall of the fortress, releasing the ropes. Rope down and escape like a monkey.

Seeing the scene, Fred felt that he was deeply backstabbed.

"What are these idiots doing? Traitors?!"

Shouting and scolding, Naihe completely drowned out the cries of the Normans who stormed the front gate.

The Norse slogan was repeated incessantly, and the rhythm of the whole book was accompanied by the impact of the pine battering ram. Thanks to the fortress on which the Roman barracks was based, its stone foundation is strong enough. The initial blow made the door shake, and it only needed to continue to collide until it collapsed. Just like a knife cutting off the blood, if you just hold on, the door will collapse.

"It's collapsing!" Zhina shouted, and now hundreds of soldiers noticed the violent loosening of the wall at the city gate.

The collapse happened suddenly. Thanks to the heavy armored warriors who hit the wall, they hurriedly threw pine battering rams. The brothers ran very fast but were very embarrassed. They crawled away like dogs, and the door collapsed behind them.

The falling rock crushed the wooden door and injured some of the defending soldiers. A fatal breach appeared in the Koblenz fortress. The bewildered defenders barely got up, and suddenly saw a group of strongly glowing axe-wielding irons.

The sun shines on the body of the heavy armored warrior, and the reinforced iron sheets on the chest and back of the iron helmet strongly reflect light. These guys are the berserkers defined by Ross who are prepared for the chaotic battle. They rely on heavy armor to break into the enemy's line, and then slash the nearby places, fighting like a mad dog and a mad bear.

A group of fighters with excellent strength and endurance. The first wave of forces that had just slammed into the door with a pine wood, and now also rushed into the Koblenz Fortress.

"Look! The Berserkers have already rushed in! They still have strength." Heihu was very surprised, the wood was obviously extremely heavy, and a group of ruthless seemed to have infinite power.

Lanhu regained his energy and pointed his hand: "Have you learned it? Let those rush to kill! Know their specific identities?"


"Some Uncles, and some Mellaren."

"Ah? The fellow of Ankras?" Heihu was even more surprised when he heard it.

"It's just because my fellow villagers look at the long-term friendship club and work hard, and they're usually poor. I'm willing to give good wine and meat, so I'm fighting the hardest battle now. I've been raised as a strong man, and I hope that any battle will die. It cost so much, It must be used as long as possible, so the heaviest armor can only withstand it.”

After listening to my brother's bitter words, the black fox understood a little.

The younger brother who watched the battlefield was very humbly, and the old blue fox taught him even more: "If you are good to the ministry, do it for you. Now indulge in robbery, capture slaves, and satisfy the desire to make a fortune. Watch the fortress, and the wealth will go to some soldiers. Then, As the lord of the locals, what do you get from a battle?"

" empty fortress?"

"! The wealth of the whole area, the farmers in the area will be taxed, and it will make more money than a post-war looting."

Lan Huyi poured out his life insights to his younger brother, and especially warned him about his true identity, and warned his younger brother to be reckless in dealing with any war issues. After all, leaving the Earl of Gothenburg, which is in the hands of Frankish world governance and rectification in the autumn, is not a happy day for the fief. The brotherhood develops in their respective fields, and the family can become a nobleman. Mutual assistance and win-win.

After Blue Fox was eager to deal with Nassau affairs, he made a good governance structure for the northern fiefs, where there would be the Counties who were mainly commercial, and would train a strong army in order to maintain commercial security. The strong army can assist the king in his battle in the near future, and the two younger brothers in the Frankish world can solve the incident in the far distance.

But the younger brother must be self-improving, his hard power is strong, and his thoughts must mature quickly.

Just as they were talking, more ordinary warriors swarmed in along the gap.

The heavy-armored Berserker who rushed in first had already killed the defenders in the dark, wearing armor heavier than the Frankish infantry, holding a battle axe that was closer to a blunt weapon, and the force was heavily slashing and ramming, and the defenders should not smash it. Bleeding.

After a brief hand-to-hand combat, the defenders collapsed.

The initial slaughter soon turned into an action of capturing prisoners. The defending soldiers, who were covered with their arms by their conscious awareness, felt that they had been smashed to pieces by Norman prisoners of war. The battle axe fell, and the wooden axe handle that replaced it was rammed just right, and the unconscious defenders were **** and taken prisoners.

Speaking of the interior of the Koblenz Fortress, although the defenders were still fighting, the battle ended quickly.

The flag captain Fred did not die, but Ben went through a lot of hard work and was captured alive. Being forced to move so much by the multi-faceted round shield was annoying, and several Rus warriors shared the result of a captured victory.

Like fighting, or fighting turned into hunting. It was as if a pack of wolves rushed into the flock, catching captives everywhere, and rushing into warehouses and soldiers' quarters to search for loot.

Because the blue fox has promised that the brothers can loot the village, but they looted the fortress of Koblenz unscrupulously according to their ability.

When the battle was over, the people of the riverside villages in the distance were horrified by the battle, but they couldn't help watching the siege of the Nassau Baron's army even though they felt terrified.

And the warriors who were responsible for waving the flag and shouting, composed of real Nassau baronial farmers, looked at the fortress that had fallen in a short time, and the cry of God was completely replaced by silent fear. The honest farmer finally saw the real war, and the battle was unreasonably unfolded in the cruelest way.

The fortress of the kingdom! It was easily conquered and occupied by the outside Ross.

" What about the cheers?" Noticing that the group of farmers at the back had shut up, the blue fox, who was a little full, stepped further back aggressively, drawing his sword and pointing straight: "What are you doing standing still? Shout! Waving the flag! Blowing the trumpet! Drumming!"

Finally, the intimidation forced him to wake up, and the farmer waved the flag numbly.

Only the two priests, Konrad Bahbert, remained silent, and only cut off the fear and guilt in their hearts by making a cross on the chest.

With a contemptuous glance at the godly staff, Lanhu felt that time was enough, loosened his stiff body after fighting for a long time, and gestured to his younger brother: "Okay! Look at the blood of hope. Son, this is the first time I see you. It's scary, but hopefully it can be endured."

After being told by the elder brother, Heihu swallowed hard, drew his sword again to strengthen himself, and hammered his chest with the ruby-encrusted hilt. "I've been through a lot, I'm afraid."

"I'm worried about vomiting and fainting. I hope I can hold back the **** smell of the battlefield. Anyway, I'll be able to adapt to it anyway, so let's follow it now."

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