Published at 16th of February 2023 05:09:18 PM

Chapter 1053

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"Can new products be launched again?" Zhang Tuohai became energetic.

The spirit has entered the production interface. This time it is much more advanced than the last time. In addition to the basic flour and other tools, you can also choose raw materials to give full play to the creator's new thinking and creativity.

Zhang Tuohai felt that it was meaningless to make those ordinary breads. The existing materials were nothing more than making some slices, croissants and the like. He could also get these things through normal channels. There was no need to waste skill points, and it was more useful than the whole point s things.

After some thought, Zhang Tuohai had an idea, and chose the fully fermented herring made by the ancient method, and then made a pineapple bun shell with flour, and stuffed the herring into it.

When making it, Zhang Tuohai also played a trick, that is, these pineapple buns are not as soft as normal pineapple buns, but very crispy, and the shell of the pineapple buns can be smashed with a little force .

"Finally finished."

Zhang Tuohai let out a long breath.

After the production was completed, Zhang Tuohai submitted the confirmation.

This time, it took five minutes before the evaluation popped up.

[Herring pineapple buns: Bread beyond normal human cognition. The shell is crispy and easily broken. The herring used as filling has been fully fermented and exudes a strong taste. It challenges the limits of normal people's tolerance and can even Causes a person with a sensitive sense of smell to faint. Recommended as a weapon, not food. 】

[Experience value of bread-making skills +1. 】

"It actually gave experience points." Zhang Tuohai raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that the skills really recognized what he did.

"Try the effect."

Zhang Tuohai rubbed a herring and pineapple bun, held it in his hand, and looked around to find the target.

Just then, he saw a hunting hyena in the weeds to his left.

The hyena crouched in the grass, looking towards the road, waiting for the arrival of its prey.

Seeing Zhang Tuohai carrying the black wild boar, it was timid and did not dare to attack, but was ready to wait for a weak target to appear.

At the same time, Zhang Tuohai also discovered it.

"I'll use you as an experiment." Zhang Tuohai threw the herring and pineapple bun at the hyena.

Seeing something flying over, the hyena instinctively wanted to run, but the herring pineapple bun was so fast that it hit its head directly.


The pineapple bun's crispy shell shattered to reveal the herring inside.

Rich juice flowed down its cheeks to its mouth.

The hyena instinctively licked it.


The hyena screamed and fell straight down.

Zhang Tuohai drove over on a pig, and found that the hyena had been smoked and passed out.

"What a tragedy, let me help you out." Zhang Tuohai drew out his dagger and chopped off the dog's head at once.

A black object fell out of the hyena and rolled down to Zhang Tuohai's feet.

Zhang Tuohai picked it up and took a look.

[Hyena's dog treasure: ingredients, after eating, can temporarily enhance reproductive ability. 】

"Trash." Zhang Tuohai glanced at it in disgust, and then threw it into the storage space.

His strength is already very strong, and he doesn't need this kind of thing to supplement him.

Maybe some players may need it, and when they have money, they will sell it.

Zhang Tuohai made up his mind.

Riding the black wild boar, Zhang Tuohai rushed towards the stone wilderness again.

This journey is not close, Zhang Tuohai walked for half a day before arriving at the stone wilderness.

As the name suggests, the Stone Wilderness has a lot of gravel on the ground. It is said that this place was originally a quarry, but it was abandoned after the monsters invaded it.

However, there is still a lot of useful stuff left here.

Zhang Tuohai found a dilapidated cart in an abandoned village.

Zhang Tuohai threw the wine barrel and some food on the cart, pretended to be a passing vendor, and walked straight to the camp of the Crow Thieves.


Farouk is a small thief in the Crow Thieves Group. Because he just joined the gang, many miscellaneous things were assigned to him, such as watch.

Farouk was bored and looked at the desolate road with a grass root in his mouth.

This area is remote and uninhabited, which caravan will pass by here?

He really couldn't understand why his boss chose such a place as his residence.

Is it not good to choose a road with frequent business trips?

When Farouk was extremely bored, he suddenly heard a voice on the road.

"Is someone here?"

Farouk sat up suddenly, rubbed his eyes, and was shocked to find a pig cart appeared on the road.

A huge black wild boar pulled a flatbed cart loaded with a lot of goods.

"Is there really a blind businessman?" Farouk's whole body was shaken, and then he jumped up and ran back.

As a result, as soon as he ran into the camp, he ran head-on into a mountain of meat.

"What's the matter, hands and feet? Look at you, what big things can you do?"

A fat man with a height of two meters and a diameter of two meters rubbed his stomach and asked in dissatisfaction.

"Caravan, I saw a caravan, a whole load of goods!" Farouk said loudly.

"Really!" Roshan stood up upon hearing this.

"It's true!" Farouk said firmly.

"Take me to see, if it's fake, hang you on the flagpole to dry for three days."

As Roshan said, he picked up a huge iron rod and carried it on his shoulders.

Dozens of thieves around also stood up one after another upon hearing the words, holding their weapons and following Roshan towards the side of the road.

Only a man in white, with a crow mask and red pupils slowly stood up from the stone, adjusted his bow and arrows, and followed slowly.

She is the leader of this gang of thieves, the Blood-Eyed Raven.

If she didn't need some miscellaneous helpers around her, she wouldn't be bothered to bring this group of guys.

In her eyes, these people are a bunch of dirty pigs.

When she arrived slowly, the group of thieves were surrounding a dilapidated flatbed truck, vying for a barrel of beer.

"Give me, give me a drink."

"Don't jump in line, I'll come first."

"Damn it, don't drink it all up, I haven't drunk it yet."

"Roshan, put the bucket down quickly, and you'll be gone if you drink any more. There are still so many people waiting behind you."

A group of thieves looting over a barrel of beer.

For them, there can be no food, but absolutely no beer and tobacco.

This is their only way to reduce stress and eliminate a few worries.

Seeing how this group of people were scrambling, the blood-eyed crow didn't bother to care, and picked up an apple from the pile of goods on the car.

There was still dew on the apples, apparently freshly picked this morning.

"Oops, my stomach hurts."

"what happened!"

"It hurts me to death!"

Dozens of thieves suddenly fell to the ground, rolled, and some even started to solve the three emergencies on the spot, and all of a sudden, the whole area was filled with stench.


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