Published at 16th of February 2023 05:21:21 PM

Chapter 603

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Zhang Tuohai hurried to manufacture 20 improved Tomahawk missiles, replacing the old Tomahawk missiles in the vertical launcher.

At this time, according to the global Eagle report, the fleet was 73 nautical miles away from Zhang Tuohai.

"I drove 27 nautical miles in an hour. It's not slow."

Zhang Tuohai took a look at the situation of the fleet at this time. The Seahawk anti submarine helicopter has begun to search the sea ahead.

The electronic warfare system also captures the radar wave of the other party, which can determine that all kinds of radar of the other party have been turned on and are on alert.

"The vigilance is very strong. Let's try the power of the new missile with you."

Zhang Tuohai directly pressed the launch button.

A Tomahawk modified missile rushed out of the cell, turned a corner in the sky and fired at the distant fleet.

"Xiaoai, get ready for electronic warfare suppression. Once they find a missile, start electronic warfare suppression, interfere with their radar as much as possible, and assist the missile to break through the air defense fire network."

Zhang Tuohai stared at the screen and said.

"I see."

Xiao AI immediately mobilized all his computing power to prepare for electronic warfare suppression. Therefore, he even stopped the live2d virtual image directly.

At this time, in the command cabin of Iowa class battleship, an old man in a suit was sitting on a leather sofa, listening to the report of his men in chief officer's uniform.

This man is Renard, chairman of United pharmaceutical.

"Mr. chairman, there is still no reply from the destroyer Maggie, and there is no information from the Devil Island base. In addition, according to the news from the peninsula laboratory, a large number of armed thugs suddenly appeared on the peninsula. Therefore, it is suspected that Devil Island has also been attacked by these thugs. It is estimated that the destroyers such as Maggie may have damaged their communication equipment, so they cut off contact."

"Then hurry up and find out where the Maggie is. Remember, for us now, every warship is extremely valuable and can't have any loss." Renard said in a deep voice.

"I see. I've informed you." The chief officer said.

"Has the defense of the fleet been arranged?"

Leonard hooked his finger. Immediately behind him, a young woman in messenger clothes poured a glass of red wine and handed it to him.

"Air defense, anti submarine and anti-ship radars have been turned on, towed sonar has been launched, anti submarine helicopters have gone to sea to search, air defense missiles have been in place, and single ship combat preparations are ready. Will you please start according to the combat formation?"

The chief officer asked.


Just as Renard was about to continue his command, a bleak vent alarm sounded.

"What happened?" The chief officer asked the crew around him.

"Air defense warning, radar found a missile attack." The crew said with a telephone.

"Have you determined the type of missile and the target?"

The chief officer asked hurriedly.

"Because the fleet is too dense, the attack target cannot be determined for the time being. However, the types of missiles have been analyzed. They are Tomahawk cruise missiles."

Said the crew.

Hearing the crew say this, the chief officer's heart was relieved.

He was really afraid that it was a special anti-ship missile. At this time, the fleet was still in a dense formation. Once attacked, it was not easy to maneuver.

However, cruise missiles are not afraid.

It's just a subsonic missile with a fixed landing point. It's really easy to be attacked without defense. However, it can't break through its own air defense fire network with all kinds of air defense radars and firepower, not to mention ten or twenty Tomahawk missiles.

"Is there a problem? Can you intercept it?" Renard asked with some worry, and the red wine glass in his hand trembled unconsciously.

At such an old age, he went to crazy virus research in order to obtain immortality.

Now, it's not easy to see some light. The hope of eternal life is less than a hundred nautical miles away. He can't fall here. In that way, isn't everything he spent before in vain?

"Don't worry, Mr. chairman, our ship is completely taken over from the army. Moreover, it has received special training. It's just a Tomahawk missile. It's completely OK..."

Before the chief officer finished his words, a violent explosion came from a distance.

The violent vibration came along. Even the experienced chief mate almost didn't stand firm. Leonard, who had raised his glass to drink, was unprepared and spilled wine all over his clothes.

"What's going on? Where did the explosion come from?" Renard pressed down his panic and asked pretending to be calm.

"Go and find out." The chief officer yelled at the crew around him.

He just blew the cow out, but it exploded in less than a second. Didn't he hit him in the face?

At this time, he secretly prayed that the missile must not break through the air defense system, otherwise, he would be miserable.

"The chief officer of the report found out that the Tomahawk missile was very special. We launched two sea sparrow missiles for terminal interception. However, the missile suddenly began to make an irregular snake maneuver, bypassed our interceptor missile, hit the vertical launch system of the June Flower, causing the explosion of the missile inside. The June flower has disintegrated and sunk. The explosion just now It was the death explosion of the June Flower. "

"Damn it!" The chief officer clenched his fist when he heard the crew say so.

Junhua is an Aleppo missile destroyer, responsible for the leader and escort of the fleet. Now it has been sent to the soul, leaving a jumwalt class Arsenal ship alone. The whole fleet is equivalent to opening the door.

"Immediately let the acquaintance top up and watch the fleet's leading defense. In addition, start the left and right defense systems to prevent missiles from breaking through the defense zone again. In addition, let al Jazeera laboratory send aircraft to assist in the investigation and find out where the missiles were launched!"

The chief officer roared at the crew.

The crew stumbled to convey the order.

"Chairman, I'm sorry I can't stay long. I'm going back to my post to supervise the war."

The chief mate saluted Renard and hurriedly turned to leave. He didn't dare to stay here again. If he continued to stay, he must be the one who had the problem.

The people here at United pharmaceutical were terrified, but Zhang Tuohai was very excited.

He looked at the sinking missile destroyer Junhua on the screen and waved his fist excitedly.

This improved Tomahawk cruise missile is also very useful. It sank a missile destroyer at one shot.

He waved his big hand and said to Xiao AI: "continue to launch missiles and kill the escort ships. By the way, keep the flagship for me. I'll dismantle it. However, kill the weapon system first and don't leave any hidden dangers."

Zhang Tuohai said coldly.

"Do you want to keep that Perry Class Frigate? We haven't disassembled this type of ship."

Xiaoai asked.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at it and then said, "strike first. If you don't sink by luck, you'll dismantle it. The armament is far from aliburke. It's boring. Focus on the Iowa in the middle. For others, just follow your luck."

Zhang Tuohai's appetite has been spoiled. After dismantling Aleppo and jumwalt, Perry class frigates can no longer enter Zhang Tuohai's eyes.

"I see."

Xiao AI started the missile vertical launch system.

Tomahawk missiles broke through the cell and rushed towards the United pharmaceutical fleet.

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