Published at 16th of February 2023 05:11:47 PM

Chapter 958

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The chicken rolls are made into a pot of porridge.

The Green Battle Flag, the Freedom Front Alliance, the former government army, and the die-hard supporters of the former president gathered in Chicken Roll City.

They do not belong to each other, and there is a gap between any two factions, and they all have their minds to completely wipe out each other in this chaos. Therefore, any meeting between any two teams will lead to a fierce battle Rush.

The sound of machine guns, explosions, and the whistling of artillery were mixed together, and the whole chicken roll city became a blood mill, with corpses everywhere in the streets and alleys, countless buildings were damaged in the scuffle, and civilians injured by stray bullets It is packed with hospitals and small clinics. It makes people feel as if they have come to the Middle East where wars are frequent.

In the beginning, the forces of several parties were relatively restrained, and their goal was to seize the key parts of the city.

However, as more and more people fell on the long street, several forces gradually became jealous and began to focus on killing and injuring the other party's personnel. The fighting became more and more fierce, and more and more people died.

Because too many people died, the sunk cost was too high, and these forces were even more unwilling to withdraw. They constantly mobilized their forces to invest in this flesh and blood mill, resulting in a higher sunk cost, and it was even more impossible to get out. They continued to invest costs and fell into a In a vicious circle.

The battle lasted from dawn to dusk, and from dusk to dawn, and the whole city of chicken rolls was bleeding like a river.

Just when everyone was exhausted and slowly regaining their composure, along with the morning sun, overwhelming drones came to the sky of Chicken Roll City.

"What is this?" Everyone raised their heads and looked at the formation of drones in the sky in doubt, wondering which company had such a big budget to send so many drones.

Although they also have dozens of them, there are roughly tens of thousands of drones in the sky.

Who made such a big handwriting?

Just when everyone was wondering, one after another precision-guided bombs fell to the place where everyone gathered.

Boom, boom, accompanied by bombs, the people of these forces were blown to pieces.

"Damn it, run, they're coming for us."

Everyone ran around with their heads in their arms, some got into the car and got into the small alleys between the tall buildings, some accelerated and rushed directly to the outside of the city, and some directly got into the residential buildings and ruins.

However, they found that no matter where they hid, they would be spotted by small drones and killed. Sometimes, in order to kill them, seven or eight drones will be gathered to hang bombs and launch suicide attacks.

Who can stand this?

Who can stop this?

The remaining people from several major forces in Chicken Roll City were wiped out bit by bit by the huge drone swarm.

When the sun was rising, the huge chicken roll city seemed like a ghost town, with corpses, discarded weapons and blood all over the ground, and the buildings were emitting wisps of smoke, a scene of ruins.

There were bursts of roaring cars on the road in the distance, and pickup trucks came from the north and drove into Chicken Roll City. The leader is Zhang Tuohai.

This large group of drones is all his, and the controllers are the cowboys of the Agricultural Association. Although these cowboys are not capable of fighting individually, and their fighting will is also a little bit weak, they are good enough because they have enough people, and they are very good at defending their property. Shangxin, Zhang Tuohai simply let them control drones to fight

They don't have to face the danger directly, and they can't see the corpses and blood. These people are much more courageous. After several training sessions, they become more proficient, and even a few ace players emerged.

These drones and precision-guided bombs were not bought by Zhang Tuohai, but sent by those military-industrial complexes.

These people have always thought of opening up a land route to the south, and Zhang Tuohai wanted drones and precision-guided bombs. The two sides combined together and reached an agreement. The military-industrial complex provided weapons to Zhang Tuohai. After Zhang Tuohai took power, he opened up a land route. channel so that their weapons can pass through the chicken roll country.

Both sides know that the other side is using them, but they are both tacitly aware that they will each get what they need, and when it comes to war or peace in the future, it will depend on who has more control over the initiative.

"So many people died, wouldn't it be too cruel?"

Miranda looked at the chicken roll city with corpses strewn all over the place, and felt a little unbearable.

"It was a necessary sacrifice."

Zhang Tuohai shook his head and said: "Moreover, most of these corpses are gang backbones and separatist warlords. They are all mosquitos who are used to sucking blood. It is impossible to make them suck flower dew instead. We can only choose Get rid of them, only by removing these stumbling blocks of the new era, can we usher in a brand new era, an era in which ordinary people can live and work in peace and contentment.

Miranda nodded. She knew that what Zhang Tuohai said was true, but after seeing so many corpses, it was inevitable that she would feel emotional.

The car soon arrived at the TV station.

The buildings here are relatively well preserved, and Zhang Tuohai specially told them to keep those cowboys.

This is an important department. Controlling this place is equivalent to controlling public opinion. With it, Zhang Tuohai can control a large area of ​​territory without bloodshed, which is of great strategic significance.

Zhang Tuohai got out of the car and entered the TV station.

After the staff saw him coming in, they skillfully set up the camera position and let him make a TV speech.

They have done this set of work several times, and they are very proficient.

Soon, Zhang Tuohai made a televised speech, saying that he had actually taken control of Chicken Roll City and became the actual controller of Chicken Roll City. Now he will be the president of Chicken Roll Country. Surrender within one day, otherwise they will be wiped out immediately.

The TV broadcast was quickly transmitted to the whole country, but no one took it seriously, because there are too many people who have said the same thing in the past two days, who knows who will be replaced in a few minutes?

Instead of worrying about who becomes president, think about what you can have for dinner.

Even the green battle flag, which suffered heavy losses in Chicken Roll City, didn't take it seriously. It is constantly gathering forces and preparing to conquer Chicken Roll City again in a few days.

In their eyes, this is the closest they've come to taking control of chicken taco country.

Since such a little-known guy can control the chicken roll city, it means that the whole chicken roll city is extremely empty, and the warlords and the Laoshizi Freedom Alliance front have almost fought in the last melee, as long as they Gather the army again, and with a wave of leveling, you will be able to go to Luo Chicken Roll City and become the actual leader of the entire chicken roll country, instead of a grass head king who only controls half of the territory and divides the territory.


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