Royal Road - Chapter 171

Published at 19th of December 2023 08:23:31 AM

Chapter 171

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Thank you to fay for the ko-fi~

During the Wei and Jin dynasties, there was a strong emphasis on natural expressions of emotion and the importance of valuing one’s offspring. It was not uncommon to see parents holding their children on their laps while receiving guests, let alone just holding hands. Others didn’t comment on Liang Feng’s actions but instead focused on his only son. Although children entering school at an early age was becoming more common, it was still relatively rare for a child to start schooling before the age of eight. When they saw Liang Rong’s composed and mature demeanor, many people silently nodded in approval.

When they arrived at the riverbank, Liang Feng announced the beginning of the Shangsi Day purification ritual. As before, it was a simple ceremony with copper basins and willow branches. However, this time, it was not just attended by a dozen or so officials but also more than fifty students from the county school and their teachers. With the number of participants multiplied several times, the ceremony took on a more solemn and serious tone. Additionally, due to the recent eclipse during the Great War, people were even more focused on the traditional purification ritual as a means of warding off disasters and plagues.

Everyone diligently cleansed their hands as part of the ritual, and then a large number of eggs and dates were thrown into the river. These were special eggs and dates provided by the Prefectural Governor’s residence, and they only floated a few feet before someone on the bank used hooks and nets to retrieve them. The miraculous victory at Yangyi had brought some trouble to Liang Feng, but at the same time, it had added numerous halos to him as a Buddhist disciple. Collecting a few more of the eggs he had thrown would surely protect his own offspring.

After completing the entire process, Liang Feng, accompanied by Liang Rong, walked towards the tents. Taking his seat at the main position, he smiled and addressed the crowd, “Today is Shangsi Day, and we should celebrate together. Our county school has just been established, and the students who enter are all outstanding talents from Shangdang. Why not take this opportunity to assess their abilities?”

This was the part everyone was eagerly anticipating. Some students had entered the Prefectural Governor’s residence directly last year on Shangsi Day. What arrangements would be made this year? With so many students in the county school, the competition was expected to be intense, so they had to give it their all.

Instead of directly giving a topic, Liang Feng turned to the Libationer, Fan Long, who was sitting beside him, and said, “Please, Libationer Fan, provide the topic.”

This was a considerable show of respect to the County School. Fan Long bowed slightly and suggested, “How about using the theme ‘Think in Advance and Prepare; Without Preparation, There is Trouble’?”

This was a quote from “Zuozhuan” in the story of Wei Jiang advising Duke Zhao of Jin, which emphasized the importance of being prepared and cautious to achieve great things. Duke Zhao of Jin heeded this advice and became a regional power.

At first glance, this seemed like a compliment to Liang Feng, given his strategic preparations that enabled Shangdang to defeat the Xiongnu’s overwhelming forces. However, there was a deeper meaning to this choice of topic.

The passage from “Zuozhuan” talked about the division of the three armies of Lu. The three major families in Lu, namely the Ji family, the Shu family, and the Meng family, divided the national army among themselves. Each family took responsibility for one-third of the army. Ji issued an order that if anyone from his private army joined the national army, they would be exempt from taxes. Those who did not join the national army would have to pay double taxes. The other two major families each had their own methods, which involved using private soldiers as slaves.

After implementing this policy, the Ji family absorbed all four parts of the national army, while the other two major families each took two parts and one part, respectively. This divided the national army into twelve, with the three families getting seven parts and the government getting five. The Ji family became the most powerful lineage in Lu, while the government lost its influence.



Such a story is remarkably similar to what happened in Shangdang. Prefectural Governor Liang, who implemented the tax-exempt farming system, might also prosper like the Ji family, isn’t that right?

Taking it a step further, when Ji gained excessive power, it aroused the suspicion of Duke Zhao of Lu, leading to a coalition of other nobles to suppress him. As a result, the three powerful families joined forces, Duke Zhao suffered a great defeat and fled to the state of Jin. Unexpectedly, Ji Pinzhi bribed the Six Ministers of Jin, allowing Duke Zhao to temporarily reside in Ganhou. Eventually, Ji Pinzhi took over the position as the ruler, becoming the true monarch of Lu.

Is this hinting at something?

A simple question on classical texts, and it has implications reaching so far. It’s a great test to examine the true attitudes of the students towards Prefectural Governor Liang. Fan Long’s intellectual prowess is truly outstanding.

Liang Feng, who was now well-versed in the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Three Commentaries, couldn’t help but smile when he heard this question. He nodded and said, “This topic is excellent. I have two more questions, one involving calculations and the other a policy discussion. I also request that you answer all three.”

This is much more challenging than last year’s Spring Festival banquet! However, the students know that this is a golden opportunity to showcase themselves in front of the Prefectural Governor, and it even relates to their future career prospects. They dare not be negligent. One by one, they bent over their prepared desks and began writing their answers.

Liang Feng didn’t leave the others waiting either; he ordered the setup of winding waters and the playing of music. This obviously suited the tastes of the officials in the Prefectural Governor’s residence. With the elegant music in the background, a lotus leaf floating to someone’s position signaled their turn to compose poetry and engage in intellectual discussions. In fact, Liang Feng wasn’t particularly interested in these activities, especially the extended four-character and five-character long poems. However, such convivial drinking and merriment served as an excellent means of strengthening the bonds among the aristocracy. It also allowed the officials, who had been busy throughout the winter, to relax and foster connections.

After the lotus leaf had circled half the group, it gently landed in front of Wen Qiao. Without hesitation, he pondered for a moment and then began to recite a poem about the Spring Festival. His voice was clear and melodious, and his striking appearance added a special flavor to the four-character long poem.



Once the poem was finished, many people clapped and praised him. Liang Feng also smiled and said, “Your literary talent is truly exceptional, and nobody can surpass Taizhen’s excellence in this regard. Listening to your eloquent words, it’s evident that Taizhen excels in both writing and reasoning. Your management of affairs is highly organized. Seeing it now, it seems that Taizhen’s talents are somewhat underappreciated.”

Liang Feng had been in control of Shangdang for a long time and had built up considerable influence. Even though he was only a prefectural governor, in the eyes of aristocrats like Wen Qiao, it might not be particularly prestigious. Nevertheless, his every word and action had a profound impact on people, and the idea that Wen Qiao’s talents were underappreciated resonated.

Wen Qiao’s face blushed slightly as he bowed and said, “Prefectural Governor, your words are too kind. I have only been responsible for official duties for a year, and I have just realized the challenges of governance. Your single-handed efforts against the Xiongnu and your ability to turn the tide are truly admirable.”

“Without proper governance at the county level, how can there be effective state administration? I have read Taizhen’s memorial, and it is indeed a piece of precious advice. When the chaos of war subsides, there will be more achievements to come,” Liang Feng replied with a smile.

In the Prefectural Governor’s residence, there were strict evaluations in place to prevent incompetent officials from interfering with essential matters. Among all the evaluations, Wen Qiao was undoubtedly outstanding. While there were many aristocrats who were only good at showing off and not at doing real work, there were also numerous talented individuals among them. Therefore, regardless of their backgrounds, Liang Feng aimed to utilize their talents to the fullest.

Upon hearing Liang Feng’s words, Wen Qiao was briefly taken aback. Nowadays, each county in Shangdang has its own county magistrate responsible for affairs. How could there be a place “without proper governance at the county level”? However, after a moment of contemplation, he understood. There might not be any vacant official positions in Shangdang, but it was possible that opportunities existed elsewhere. Just as in Yangyi, Gao Hong had been appointed as the county magistrate. Could it be that Prefectural Governor Liang was planning to raise an army and launch a counterattack against the Xiongnu?

This thought ignited a fire within Wen Qiao. Based on his family’s wealth, he didn’t lack official positions like these, but having his abilities recognized, especially at his young age, was genuinely uplifting. However, he retained his aristocratic demeanor and deeply bowed, saying, “Thank you for your kind words, Prefectural Governor.”

Everyone present was intelligent and understood the implications behind Liang Feng’s words. Duan Qin raised his wine cup, took a sip, and inwardly chuckled. It seemed that these people couldn’t fathom that their lord was not currently interested in reclaiming the Taiyuan counties occupied by the Xiongnu, but rather, the neighboring Yue Kingdom. With Yue under his control, Shangdang would have a substantial and secure rear area, safeguarding its foundations. Thus, officials assigned to Yue must be exceptionally capable, and Wen Qiao was indeed an excellent choice.

The water in the river continued to flow smoothly, and the atmosphere among the people grew more cheerful. Laughter and conversations could be heard from time to time. However, for the students who were busy answering the questions, the situation was quite challenging, especially given the difficulty of the test questions. When the test ended after an hour and a half, there were still many students who had barely written a few words. Among these individuals, some had just recently enrolled in the school, making it even more challenging for them to tackle such complex questions.

The test papers were collected and initially reviewed by the officials from the county school and the Prefectural Governor’s office before being presented to Liang Feng. After a thorough examination, Liang Feng sighed softly. It appeared that most of the students who answered all three questions correctly were indeed from noble families. Even among the minor aristocrats, their family background made a significant difference. To allow commoners to excel would require decades or even centuries of educational efforts.



After reviewing the test papers, Liang Feng selected a few students with exceptional talents and engaged in conversation with them, offering them a chance to join the Prefectural Governor’s office. He commended the others for their efforts and encouraged them to continue their studies. With various matters settled, it was already midday, and Liang Feng didn’t delay any further, giving orders to set up a feast.

The chefs in the Prefectural Governor’s residence were all well-trained by the Liang family, and their dishes were not only unique but also incredibly delicious. The aroma wafted through the air, attracting attention from afar. Downstream, inside a colorful tent, some ladies were intrigued by the delightful scent. One of them playfully wrinkled her nose and said, “Oh my, the officials over there have finally started their feast. What’s that delicious smell? It’s making my stomach growl!”

This playful remark brought smiles to the faces of the ladies in the tent. Since the Prefectural Governor was hosting a feast, the ladies in the downstream camp were also able to have a meal. The order was given, and a sumptuous feast was quickly laid out before them.

While some people enjoyed their meals, others couldn’t focus on eating. Xue Wu’er sat leaning against a table, pushing her food around with her chopsticks, unable to take a bite. The plan she had carefully crafted was effortlessly avoided earlier. Upon her return to the camp, she received a stern scolding from her mother. Now, her mind was preoccupied with the upcoming plan, and she had no appetite.

She called a servant and whispered, “Please go and find out when the feast on the other side is likely to end.”

Based on what she had heard from her father, the Prefectural Governor had been in poor health, and his feasts never lasted too long. She wondered how long this particular feast would continue. The servant obediently left to gather information. Xue Wu’er then pulled out a small mirror and scrutinized her appearance, making sure her makeup was perfect. Although her looks might not compare to her elder sister who married into the Pei family, she was still charming. As long as she wasn’t talking to a block of wood, there was always room for some excitement. She silently cheered herself on, settled her thoughts, and patiently waited for the right moment to come.

The sumptuous feast lasted for a good couple of hours, and after everyone was sated with food and drink, Liang Feng did something unusual. Instead of ending the feast early, as he usually did, he instructed his attendants to set up archery targets. This was quite unexpected to many, as the Prefectural Governor typically only engaged in throwing arrows as part of the festivities. However, Liang Feng didn’t immediately begin the archery; instead, he smiled and turned to his son, Liang Rong, saying, “Rong’er, would you like to start with a round?”

The idea of the Prefect’s son participating in archery was surprising to many. After all, he was just a young boy. Could he even handle a bow and arrow? Curious gazes turned toward the boy. During the earlier event, Liang Rong wasn’t sitting idle. He was questioned about poems and historical references by various scholars, and he confidently answered all their inquiries. This had earned him admiration from those who witnessed it. Now, it was no longer about scholarly knowledge; it was about archery skills.

With many eyes on him, Liang Rong focused only on the warm smile in his father’s eyes. He nodded vigorously, saying, “I’d like to start the game, Father.”

Liang Feng smiled and had his familiar small bow brought over. They set up a target at a distance of thirty paces. While this target was within the range of a soft bow, hitting the bullseye was not an easy task, especially for such a young child. Liang Rong, with the assistance of a servant, rolled up his sleeves, took the bow and arrow, and stood firmly in front of the target. All those watching were fixed on him, but he didn’t appear overly nervous because his father was there, standing quietly behind him.

With his father’s anticipation, what else mattered? Liang Rong took a deep breath and drew the bowstring. The small, flexible bow was stretched to its limit. With a steady hand, he released the arrow, and with a satisfying “thud,” it hit the bullseye directly!

A chorus of amazed exclamations filled the air. While it was common for aristocratic families to practice archery and horsemanship from a young age, for someone as young as Liang Rong to exhibit such skill was truly remarkable. Not to mention hitting the bullseye with his very first shot!

Seeing his own accomplishment, Liang Rong’s face lit up with happiness. He turned and returned to Liang Feng’s side, asking, “Father, how did I do?”

“Rong’er, you are an excellent archer. Your hard work has paid off,” Liang Feng praised without hesitation.

“Father, you should join and shoot a round too!” Liang Rong eagerly suggested. While he appreciated the compliments from others, he was more excited to see his father perform in front of everyone.



Upon hearing this request, Liang Feng smiled and said, “I’ll give it a try.”

Immediately, Yiyan, who had been standing by Liang Feng’s side, handed him a bow. This bow had a draw weight of less than one stone, only slightly stronger than an ordinary soft bow, but it was the only one Liang Feng was proficient with now. With Yiyan’s assistance, he rolled up his sleeves and gently plucked the bowstring. “Place the target at fifty paces,” he said.

Fifty paces was the standard distance for archery contests, and it provided a safe distance for many scholars not to embarrass themselves. Hitting a target at fifty paces was enough to rival many “skilled archers.”

Disregarding the awe-filled gazes of others, Liang Feng walked up to the target, stood firmly, and drew his bowstring. His tall and graceful figure, like a pine or a bamboo, exuded a breathtaking and elegant aura when he suddenly pulled the bowstring. The bowstring vibrated with a “whizz,” and the arrow flew out, hitting the corner of the bullseye!

While not a perfect bullseye, this level of archery was truly commendable. Applause and praise immediately resounded. However, Liang Feng did not stop there; he drew the bowstring once more. After three arrows had been shot, exclamations of amazement filled the air. It was at this moment that the spectators noticed that these three arrows had all surrounded the bullseye, forming a triangular shape. This type of archery was obviously more challenging than hitting the bullseye directly.

“Governor, your archery is superb!” Everyone was praising, but what they were thinking deep down was something else.

It seems the Governor is gradually recovering his health!

For a common scholar, appearing with a sickly countenance and a weak, willow-like demeanor might be the epitome of elegance. However, as the governor of a region and a bulwark against the invading Xiongnu, having robust health was undoubtedly more important. Seeing such archery, how could it not put everyone’s minds at ease?

Seeing the target handed to him, Liang Feng couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief. The extra training in push-ups and marksmanship these days had not been in vain. As long as he could perform the expected result, the purpose had been achieved.

Handing the bow back to Yiyan with a smile, he said, “Today is a joyful occasion, so let’s celebrate with some archery.”

With the Governor’s performance, how could others be content with being left behind? People formed teams, and they began the archery games in earnest. Laughter and words of praise filled the air, growing louder.

“Miss, the archery contest has begun at the feast. It’s said that the Governor scored three bullseyes, and his performance was outstanding,” a servant girl who was gathering information hurriedly approached Xue Wu’er and reported softly.

Archery games as well? Wasn’t that Governor rumored to be frail and often ill? How could he still shoot bullseyes? Xue Wu’er’s heart was in turmoil, and she began to feel uncertain. She couldn’t stay too late in the women’s camp since she was there.

But it had come to this point, and there was no other option. She continued to wait absentmindedly, and as the sun gradually shifted towards the west, it was almost dusk when the feast finally ended.

Xue Wu’er’s heart tightened, and she quickly checked her makeup once more before getting up under the service of her maid. She hurriedly rushed to the other side.

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