Royal Road - Chapter 203

Published at 22nd of December 2023 12:40:25 PM

Chapter 203

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At this moment, Yiyan is organizing the security defense of the Governor’s Mansion. In the previous battle at Leping, the elite guard suffered heavy losses, and those carefully selected and loyal guards from the Liang Mansion, who were once dependable, fell in battle. They were insufficient to ensure safety. Now, with this new batch, they have just been promoted from the military. Even if they are fiercely loyal and exceptionally skilled, they still need careful training to adapt from being soldiers to personal guards.

As usual, Yiyan personally oversees the training of these individuals. How to arrange visible posts, how to deploy hidden sentinels, as well as vigilance and discipline—everything must be done to perfection upon their arrival in Jinyang. Yiyan hasn’t forgotten the matter of Wang Jun’s assassination and the staged incident. If there is a real conflict with the future Governor of Bing County, he will make that person understand the true strength of the Liang Mansion’s troops!

However, when he heard the summons, Yiyan’s heart skipped a beat. Immediately, he clenched his fist, suppressing the restlessness within. At this moment, a summon undoubtedly meant official business. Having just arrived in Jinyang, there were undoubtedly numerous matters to attend to, leaving no room for distraction.

Collecting himself, Yiyan followed the servant to the study. After announcing his presence, he entered the room.

Inside the study, Liang Feng sat with his hand supporting his forehead, not bothering to look up. He simply said, “Boyuan, you’ve come. Please, have a seat.”

The convoy had departed in the early morning, and now, the sky was approaching dusk. The journey had been strenuous, and entering the city meant dealing with the officials of Jinyang. Considering the lord’s health, it was indeed excessively demanding. Yiyan’s lips moved slightly, but in the end, he refrained from speaking and sat silently in front of the desk.

“How are the arrangements for the soldiers?” Liang Feng inquired.

“They have been temporarily settled in the military camp within the city,” Yiyan replied.

Two thousand troops were not something that could be accommodated casually. However, a military camp was not an ideal place either. The forces Liang Feng brought were private troops, suitable for a temporary stay, but they would eventually need to establish their own camp. With the city gates under the control of the future Governor of Bing County, the location of the camp had to be carefully considered.

Liang Feng nodded, “Tomorrow, I will summon General Fen Wei and I need you to accompany me.”

“Does the lord wish to employ Linghu Sheng?” Yiyan inquired.

“Exactly. Linghu Sheng holds a high position and belongs to a prominent family in Bing County. He will undoubtedly be more concerned about the local affairs and military matters. Before the arrival of the newly appointed governor, we must open the military barriers and make these Bing County troops serve our cause…”


Liang Feng had not finished speaking when Yiyan interjected, “Frequently change the formation, draw out their elite forces, wait for them to defeat themselves, and then take advantage, seizing the opportunity to disrupt their plans.”

Liang Feng’s voice abruptly stopped, and involuntarily, he looked ahead. A pair of gray-blue eyes were staring at him, profound and unfathomable.

At that fleeting moment, Liang Feng lowered his gaze, “Exactly. Stealing beams and replacing pillars is the key.”

Both referred to the strategy “Steal a Beam to Replace a Pillar” from the “Thirty-Six Stratagems.” This tactic was originally designed to constrain allied forces and opportunistically absorb them. In the context of the “Confrontation Strategy,” it served both as a political maneuver and a strategic move. While not entirely upright, it was precisely suitable for the situation they were facing.

Liang Feng knew, and Yiyan knew as well. However, in this world, there was no third person who understood the true meaning of these words. It’s because the “Thirty-Six Stratagems” is not a product of this era.

When Liang Feng first arrived in this world, he was severely ill, weak, and everything from his past seemed distant. The body he accepted had fragmented memories, like a blind person feeling an elephant, stumbling along. And Yiyan was the only one he could freely confide in.

Because Yiyan was a Jie, illiterate and unfamiliar with books, and because he didn’t recognize the “Liang Feng” from the past. This little guy was like a fledgling bird, absorbing and listening to all teachings, gradually becoming the person he hoped to be.

He taught Yiyan a lot, from military drills to the “New Book of Discipline,” from institutional development to the “Thirty-Six Stratagems,” along with numerous historical and military texts. While instructing the other, he also learned bit by bit, integrating himself into this era.


For himself, confined to the room and unable to act, this was more important than anyone could imagine. And now, he seemed to no longer need to invest anything; that person had left a permanent mark on him. Yiyan could understand the implied meaning in his words and pick up on topics that no one else could. It came naturally.

Yiyan didn’t notice Liang Feng’s trance at this moment. He only knew that he hit the mark, “Does the lord want me to show weakness or reveal my strength?”

These were two completely different approaches, and Liang Feng snapped back, “General Fen Wei should know the military might of Shangdang. You must make him realize that what he knows is not enough.”

With Linghu Kuang around, Linghu Sheng couldn’t possibly be unaware of the situation in Shangdang. However, seeing is believing. Revealing strength in front of Linghu Sheng was a way to make him genuinely value himself. Wrestling with the Governor’s Mansion was not a simple matter, and extracting forces from Jinyang for personal use required careful handling.

“I understand. Those lower-ranked commanders, should they also have contact with Er Yi? Most of them come from humble backgrounds and are easily looked down upon. However, during the charge, they are always in the forefront,” Yiyan added.

Military families have never been highly regarded by the aristocracy. Even someone like Linghu Sheng, with his background, faced this reality, not to mention other officers with even lower status. Yet, at the same time, they were frontline fighters, with extraordinary significance. And Yiyan himself was a significant figure—a Hu slave who gained the attention of a lord. If they had talent and loyalty, could they also rise to prominence?

This was a considerable temptation for many.

Unexpectedly, before he gave any orders, Yiyan had guessed the intentions behind them. A faint smile appeared on Liang Feng’s lips, “You might find yourself attending banquets more often in the future.”

Looking at that elusive smile, a pang of discomfort swelled in Yiyan’s heart. Gently gripping his knee, he said, “Since we’ll be living together in the military camp, there will be plenty of opportunities for discussions. Rest assured, I will handle it with discretion, my lord.”

This was much simpler than he had imagined. Having quickly discerned the main issue, Liang Feng paused, “How are the arrangements for the personal guard?”


This question seemed redundant, but Yiyan still provided a detailed answer, “We have set up covert sentinels at the gates and in the rear courtyard. The study has someone on rotation, and the officials’ residences outside the main hall have suitable personnel. If there is an enemy attack, holding out for several days won’t be a problem.”

It was evident that regardless of how many enemies Yiyan could personally withstand, the personal guard could defend for a considerable time. With the auxiliary troops stationed outside coming to the rescue, it probably wouldn’t take an hour. One could say that the Governor’s Mansion was already as solid as a rock.

Liang Feng nodded again, “You’ve done well, Boyuan. Today’s matters are intricate; you can rest now.”

This was a polite way of signaling the end of the conversation. Yiyan silently saluted and turned to leave. In no time, he disappeared. Surprisingly, the departure was so straightforward that Liang Feng was momentarily stunned. Could it be that Yiyan knew he carried too heavy a burden at the moment and didn’t want to press him further? Or perhaps the initial fervor had faded, and Yiyan was becoming more rational?

Before he could comprehend, the study door was pushed open again.

“My lord, are you feeling unwell?!” Jiang Da rushed in, seeing Liang Feng’s expression. He immediately clicked his tongue, “What time is it? You’re still working?!”

Caught by Jiang Da, Liang Feng hadn’t fully reacted. However, the doctor’s authority was supreme, and he couldn’t refute it. He could only let the other carefully check his pulse.

After feeling the pulse, Jiang Da’s expression improved slightly, “Thanks to General Yi’s reminder. My lord, you’ve been exhausted along the way. How can you endure it so stubbornly?!”

Surprisingly, it was Yiyan who had called the doctor in. Liang Feng’s expression became somewhat odd. But after a while, he suppressed the discomfort. He smiled, “I am well aware.”

Giving him a glare, Jiang Da said, “Zhi Chuan will probably arrive later. We should have a thorough consultation today. My lord, go back to your bedroom and rest for now.”

Liang Feng didn’t insist, readily standing up and heading out.

“The lord has invited me for a meeting at the mansion tomorrow?”

Today, Liang Feng took control of the Governor’s Mansion, causing quite a stir. While others discussed it with enthusiasm, the local gentry and officials in Jinyang were not so relaxed.

Nowadays, it’s not like in the past. Half of Jinyang is empty, and the high-ranking families have long vanished without a trace. The ones left are mostly unable to leave. Their wealth and land are all in Bing County, and if they leave, they won’t survive in other provinces. Many also hold unspoken thoughts, hoping that the chaotic times will provide them with more directions for investment, sitting on the sidelines and waiting for the right moment to sell.


However, regardless of the type of person, facing such a formidable new Governor, there was inevitably some apprehension. When someone is strong, there’s nothing to fear. What’s feared is the terrifying unit that is as disciplined as the central army in the capital. How could a local powerhouse have such a private army? But no one dared to speak against these troops. Liang Feng is the Governor, different from others, and is entitled to have private troops. Just two thousand, what’s the big deal?

So, he brought two thousand troops with him to his post. How many are left in Shangdang?

Just thinking about this question sends shivers down one’s spine.

But on the flip side, is having such a powerful Governor a good thing? For present-day Bing County, indeed, it is. In just one day, the city, once lifeless and dull, has come alive. Even though it’s dark now, many devout citizens are still kneeling in front of the Governor’s Mansion, praying for blessings.

If the news spreads, there might be more refugees, even aristocrats, flocking to Jinyang. The whole situation in Bing County is bound to change. In such a scenario, those officials who were initially indifferent and prepared to show off their might to Liang Zixi would think twice before acting. It requires careful consideration for the next steps.

This applies to both civil officials and military officers.

Therefore, when Linghu Sheng received the invitation from the newly appointed Governor, his heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t surprising for Governor Liang to show goodwill towards him, but who could have expected that this goodwill would come so quickly! Just arriving in Jinyang, without entertaining other high-ranking families, he was invited first, the intention was too obvious.

“Father, since the Peace General has not arrived, should we temporarily decline the invitation from the Governor?” Linghu Ni whispered from the side.

This concern was appropriate, given that having a close relationship with the Governor might arouse suspicions from the future Peace General of Bing County.

However, after contemplating for a moment, Linghu Sheng shook his head, “We still need to go. Yuan Jun has gained the lord’s favor. If we don’t go, it will be more troublesome.”

Linghu Kuang is known to be under Governor Liang, and this fact is widely recognized. The Linghu family has, in essence, tied themselves to the Governor’s ship, and going to meet him is a matter of duty. Moreover, given his status and position, his military rank is so high that even officials in the central government would show deference. If he meets the Governor, there’s a possibility that when the Peace General of Bing County arrives, he might try to pull him over. If he refuses to meet, he will immediately make enemies.

“What if Governor Liang wants to win over Father?” Linghu Ni expressed some concern.

It’s important to note that the Governor holds the imperial edict and serves as an imperial envoy. The “Fu Jie” is the symbol of their status. During the Jin Dynasty, the powers of the imperial envoys were divided into three categories. An envoy with the power to kill officials of the second rank and below; an envoy with the power to kill those without official positions, and if it pertains to military matters, they share the power with the first category; a temporary envoy with the power to kill those violating military orders, but limited to military matters. At least, a Governor must be a temporary envoy. Using this as an excuse, killing a general in battle is not uncommon.

Not to mention Linghu Sheng, even someone as prominent as Lu Ji, with his position, was killed by Sima Ying back then. If he joins Governor Liang and earns the resentment of the Peace General, how will things turn out?

Linghu Sheng coldly smiled, “If the Peace General tries to win me over, that would be a good thing. Balance and counterbalance. Without constraints, how can there be equilibrium? If the Peace General knows the Governor’s intentions, he might not kill me but instead try to show goodwill.”

Killing him wouldn’t be a loss for Liang Zixi. If he doesn’t lead troops, killing his own high-ranking general would only be self-harm. Others witnessing this situation would not bow down; instead, they would worry if the butcher’s knife would fall on their heads. The balance of interests is clear, and as long as one is not too dull, one won’t fail to understand.

Linghu Ni finally understood and nodded, “Father, be careful at the banquet tomorrow!”


The author has something to say:

“Thirty-Six Stratagems” originated from the Southern Song Dynasty general Tan Daoji (?—436 AD), according to “Book of Southern Qi · Wang Jingze’s Biography”: “General Tan has thirty-six strategies, and escaping is the best strategy for you and your son.” It means when the situation is hopeless and cannot be reversed, the best strategy is to retreat.

The number thirty-six is symbolic, and it wasn’t until the Ming and Qing dynasties that the present “Thirty-Six Stratagems” were compiled based on this common saying.

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