Royal Road - Chapter 206

Published at 22nd of December 2023 12:40:25 PM

Chapter 206

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Early in the morning, Li Jun woke up from his dreams. This was quite unusual. Since the lifting of the siege in Jinyang, his troops finally had a peaceful time. With credit for defending the city and the commander not yet in office, he took advantage of this leisure time to relax. While not every night was filled with revelry, he did find himself in a drunken stupor under the table for most of the ten days. However, yesterday there was no feast, and he rarely got drunk. Instead, he was disturbed by the noise outside his door.

Frustrated, he scratched his stomach, threw on some clothes, and walked out of the tent. Upon seeing the situation in front of him, he couldn’t help but widen his eyes. The training ground outside was already packed with soldiers, engaged in drills. Some were sparring one-on-one, while others formed groups of three to five, practicing formations. Each one was sweating profusely, resembling a real battle.

Blinking in disbelief, Li Jun called over a personal guard, “What’s going on here?”

The guard, accustomed to such sights, replied casually, “These are the private soldiers brought by the Lord. They’ve been training for several days now. They form up and leave the camp before dawn, running for several miles. They only come back to occupy the training ground, and it seems they won’t finish until mid-morning.”

In the past few days, Li Jun had been sleeping until late morning, unaware of these activities. However, now that the accommodations were settled, and the leader was a miscellaneous general of the same rank, it was difficult to intervene. He couldn’t help but wonder why General Yi was working so hard. He remembered that during the day, this group had to double as guards for the farmers and assist in organizing the refugees. Wasn’t he afraid of exhausting his men and causing unrest among his subordinates?

A bit of curiosity arose in Li Jun’s mind. He adjusted his clothes and walked towards the training ground. General Yi was tall with distinctive features, making him easy to spot. However, as Li Jun approached, he noticed that Yiyan was accompanied by several people, and to his surprise, there were a few groups of lieutenants under his command.

Frowning, Li Jun cleared his throat, “General Yi, training so early in the morning?”

Yiyan turned around, bowing in apology, “I apologize for the disturbance, General Li.”

Li Jun waved his hand with a smile, “The training ground is empty if not in use. General Yi, feel free to use it. But with the current training, can the soldiers handle it?”

“Being a soldier is about fighting. Training now is better than facing death on the battlefield,” Yiyan replied indifferently.

While the words were logical, Li Jun found them somewhat harsh. Nevertheless, Yiyan always seemed aloof, clearly a seasoned warrior, and it wasn’t easy to find fault with him.

Chuckling, Li Jun said, “The military discipline under the governor’s command is effective. Brothers, learn from it later… Tian Yin, why are you and the others here?”


Tian Yin was one of Li Jun’s lieutenants, and he quickly bowed, “Reporting to the General, we had nothing to do this morning, so we came to observe General Yi’s training.”

Li Jun snorted, “Don’t disturb others. You guys, follow me.”

With that, Li Jun gestured towards Yiyan, “General Yi, continue with your training. We’ll take our leave.”

Yiyan nodded, and without further ado, Li Jun led his lieutenants away.

With a few uneasy subordinates in tow, Li Jun returned to his quarters, sitting down with a thud and reprimanding, “You guys have quite the audacity. Are you planning to form a private connection with that Yi fellow? Don’t you know the commander has yet to take office?!”

While the commander had not arrived, Li Jun would never engage in close relations with the trusted subordinates of Governor Liang. Therefore, even though they shared the same quarters, he did not pay much attention to Yiyan, just exchanging a few nods. Unexpectedly, his subordinates had rushed to join in the excitement.

The few men immediately knelt down, and Tian Yin lowered his head, saying, “General, we have no intention of forming connections. We were just observing how the private soldiers under the governor’s command perform. This Yi fellow is not to be underestimated!”

“Oh?” Li Jun scratched his short beard under his chin. “What have you all observed?”


“Boyuan rose from a common soldier to a general in just two years. It’s said that he is invincible in battles and conquers all in his attacks. He is the leader of the various forces in Shangdang…” Tian Yin paused for a moment. “Moreover, it’s rumored that General Linghu has close ties with him, and many victories are attributed to him.”

Li Jun’s expression immediately turned serious. “Is Linghu Kuang’s rapid rise due to this Yi fellow?”

“Yes. It seems that Boyuan always assists Linghu Kuang from the sidelines. When General Linghu was in Jinyang, he never won a battle. However, when he joined forces with the troops from Shangdang, he had an undefeated record!” Tian Yin emphasized.

This might explain why the governor deliberately promoted that little brat, Linghu Kuang. Li Jun’s reaction was swift; he quickly grasped the situation. Wait a minute, does this mean that Yiyan is a good partner who doesn’t covet glory? If he goes to battle with him, Governor Liang will have to promote others more or less for his use. This is an extremely rare quality. Nowadays, ambitious officials seeking glory are commonplace, but who suppresses their own achievements and allocates credit to others?

But what if it’s true? Risking his life, he would only get some leftover crumbs from the upper officials. However, following Governor Liang, just like that Linghu Kuang, claiming significant achievements, ascending to higher positions, and not worrying about friendly forces dragging him down – how wonderful!

Wait a minute. A chill ran down his spine, and Li Jun shook his head. “Perhaps the governor’s heavy reliance on Linghu Kuang is to please General Fen Wei? After all, Linghu Kuang is from a prominent family, unlike us common folks with a military background.”

Li Jun wasn’t from a prestigious family, so even if he rose to the rank of a miscellaneous general, he would still be stuck in the military camp guarding the city. If he were replaced by a noble, he would likely have luxurious mansions and beautiful maids, living a life of luxury. If the governor valued this status, what did it matter to them?

Tian Yin chuckled, “General, you may not be aware. I’ve inquired, and the one currently guarding Huguan, Wu Ling, was also promoted by the governor. With an ordinary background, he too has risen several ranks within two years and is now able to defend such a crucial town. Governor Liang truly does not discriminate based on family background!”

This information was far more important than anything else. Are there officials like this? Certainly, but they are hard to come by. Unless they are fierce generals like Zhang Fang, who suppresses their own achievements to allocate credit to others, who would not seek personal glory?

Such a person is the best to win over. Moreover, Tian Yin is genuinely curious about their military training, unlike someone content with poverty. With Li Jun, Wu Ling, and Linghu Kuang as role models, how could he give up? In the end, they formed a connection. Banquets were not something that particularly interested Yiyan. But for the greater cause, why not?


As the sun set and the moon rose, it was soon time for the banquet. After getting ready, Yiyan brought only two personal guards and arrived at Li Jun’s camp. Inside the tent, the feast was already prepared, with five or six dancing girls standing by. As a general, Li Jun naturally had the privilege of inviting dancing girls to accompany them, and these women were among the most beautiful in the camp.

“General Yi has arrived! Please, have a seat!” Li Jun, contrary to his aloof demeanor in the past few days, warmly greeted him.

After expressing his gratitude, Yiyan took his seat. Naturally, a charming dancing girl was assigned to attend to him. However, whether it was due to his peculiar appearance or demeanor, the girl seemed somewhat stiff, carefully serving food and pouring wine, not daring to get too close.

Yiyan naturally didn’t pay much attention to her. “Thanks to General Li’s invitation, I also brought some light wine from Shangdang. Please enjoy, General.”

Unexpectedly, this stern man also knew proper etiquette. Li Jun laughed heartily, “Why still call me General? I’m a bit older than you, so let’s address each other as brothers! Shangdang’s porcelain is famous, and I didn’t expect it to also produce good wine. Please pour, my brother!”

The wine was indeed excellent, freshly brewed by the Liang household, rich and pure, and more flavorful than the usual grain wine. After being besieged in Jinyang for a year, where could they find such good wine? Li Jun exclaimed with satisfaction, “If this is a light wine, I’m afraid I’ve been drinking horse urine all this time!”

Yiyan raised his cup and took a sip, “I have plenty of this kind of wine. If Brother Li likes it, I’ll have someone send more later.”

“Haha, I didn’t expect this meal to be exchanged for such good wine, Brother Yi. If I had known, I would have invited you a few days ago!” Li Jun laughed heartily, casually putting his arm around the dancing girl beside him. “But Brother Yi seems to live quite reservedly these days. I haven’t seen you enjoy drinking and reveling. What’s the matter? Don’t you like the women in Jinyang City?”

Yiyan glanced at the stiffly smiling dancing girl beside him and replied calmly, “As a newly arrived governor, there are still many matters to handle. I don’t have the leisure for merrymaking.”

Li Jun raised an eyebrow, “Governor Liang’s methods are impressive, truly astonishing us brothers. With such a governor, the pacification of Bing County is imminent… But the Xiongnu are still a threat from both front and rear. I, foolish brother, have been guarding the city for a year and can’t help but feel uneasy when I think about it. Unlike Brother Yi, who is valiant and undefeated in battles!”

“Brother Li is too kind. I’m just following the governor’s orders,” Yiyan put down his cup, “Considering my background as a servant in the Liang household, rising from nothing, every step has been guided by the governor. To be favored by the governor is a lifelong benefit.”

Yiyan was typically impassive, but when it came to Governor Liang, he spoke with great respect, expressing his loyalty and righteousness. Li Jun’s heart stirred slightly; it seemed that the information Tian Yin had uncovered earlier was not fabricated. As long as he could gain the favor of Governor Liang, promotions and wealth would be minor matters. Just look at Yiyan, a former Jie slave who had risen to the rank of general. What couldn’t be achieved?

With this thought in mind, Li Jun pondered, “Governor Liang is undoubtedly talented, but I’m afraid he doesn’t see me in a favorable light. Alas, it’s shameful to admit that though I’m a few years older than Brother Yi, I am still just a miscellaneous general. It might be difficult for me to advance further…”

“Brother Li, why belittle yourself? In the beginning, Third Brother Linghu was also rescued from prison by Governor Liang. Now he has been promoted to General of the Chariots and Cavalry. Brother Li has defended Jinyang for a year, which is already a great achievement,” Yiyan replied casually.

Unexpectedly, Linghu Kuang was rescued from prison by Liang Zixi! Li Jun was surprised, and his interest intensified. This meant that Governor Liang could use them.


With a thoughtful expression, Li Jun said, “So, Brother Yi, I still have some value?”

“Jinyang has just been relieved from the siege, and Bing County is still in turmoil. There are plenty of opportunities to make contributions and establish a career,” Yiyan didn’t directly answer, but the implication in his words was clear.

Li Jun’s heart suddenly lightened; there was hope! Slapping the table, he laughed, “I like straightforward people like Brother Yi! Come, let’s not talk about official matters today, just drink!”

With these words, the accompanying people immediately began to enthusiastically persuade them to drink. Yiyan didn’t refuse and joined them in drinking. Such wine wouldn’t get him drunk even after four or five jars, so why not establish connections with these people? With this attitude, the atmosphere of the banquet naturally became lively.

Given several stern glances from the sisters above, the timid courtesan sitting next to Yiyan finally summoned the courage to soften her posture, attempting to lean against the Jie Hu beside her. However, before she could reach him, a hand holding a wine cup blocked her path.


Those icy blue eyes, untouched by the intoxicating wine, turned towards her. Startled, the courtesan immediately sat upright and continued pouring wine in an orderly manner. Yiyan paid no further attention to her, turned his head, and continued drinking heartily with the others.

As the night deepened, a troop of soldiers was making its way along the mountainous road towards Bing County.

“General, in half an hour, we’ll reach the pass ahead,” an attendant reported.

Seated in a carriage, a handsome man in exquisite attire urged, “Faster. We must reach Jinyang within three days! Time waits for no one!”

The attendant dared not defy the order and nodded in acknowledgment. The already weary procession quickened its pace, heading towards the distant heartland of Bing County.

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