Searching For You - Chapter 256

Published at 16th of October 2019 12:00:11 AM

Chapter 256

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She thought for a moment. "Okay. I will trouble you with this task."

The two walked around and play more games. They could barely haul their bags of toys anymore. Atlas finally called his people to come get the bag from him.

"My friends happen to be passing by and I asked if they could stop to help get these bags. Tomorrow, I will drop these off at Harvest Shelter for you."

"Your friends?" She was curious to see what his friends were like. Are they like him, a recluse?

"Mm.. they're only passing by." He wanted to clarify that they were only stopping by to pick up the toys so they may not have time to hang out.

Soon, something caught her eyes. She spotted a white stuffed owl animal with big round deep gold eyes. The instant she saw the owl, Hue Chi popped in her mind.

Haha... I found his doppelganger.

She walked up to the pebble shooting range. She scored perfect all rounds and won some stuff animal but kept the white owl.

Atlas stares at the owl's face and eyes, and somehow a part of him feels irritated. The owl feels familiar.

That evening, Yu Sha and Atlas created a legend in the gaming blocks. Rumors of them spread among the booths and people of the couple who swept all the games.

Soon, Atlas two friends arrived and took the bags from them. They greeted Yu Sha and assured they'll safely store the animals for Atlas and left.

Yu Sha turned to Atlas. "Are you hungry?"

"Just a little. You?" Although he wasn't hungry, he knew that she was only snacking street food. He would like her to have a proper meal.

"Should we find a restaurant and sit down for a bit?"

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She has been on her feet for the last few hours, so she quickly agreed. "Mm... sounds like a plan."

They found a nice restaurant to dine in. The food was served, Atlas barely touched the dishes, mostly it was him watching Yu Sha indulge herself. That alone was enough to make him full, but their undisturbed time was short lived. A cold threatening aura approached their table.

Yu Sha had just fed a spoonful of food into her mouth when she feels suffocated and chills piercing through her. She can't help but glanced to the side, the direction the threats came from. She moved her eyes up and met eyes to eyes with Prince Hue Chi glaring at her. His demeanor and the airs around make her felt like she was caught doing something she wasn't supposed to. Unexpecting his sudden appearance, Yu Sha choked.

Atlas reached over with a glass of water for Yu Sha. She cleared her throat and greeted.

"H… He... Hello? What are you doing here?"

Hue Chi wasted no time, he went straight to the point. "To discuss work."

"Huh? I'm off the clock. Can't that wait?"

Still glaring at Yu Sha like she did something wrong, he replied coldly, "Can't."

Atlas interrupted, "The Miss is still eating. Can't she have sometimes to finish her food first?"

Yu Sha remember she hasn't introduced them. "Atlas this is.... My boss." She didn't want to expose his identity. He hid his identity from the beginning so she wished to honor his choice.

"Boss, this is my friend Atlas."

Hue Chi smirked and reached his hand for a handshake. Atlas returned the gesture. The two man gripped their hands firmly while glaring at each other. Electric sparks from them, clashing in the airs. What goes through those eyes of them, only men with the same interest would understand.

Yu Sha suddenly feel cold. The room became freezing cold, unbearable sending her chills. "Why is the air so cold suddenly?" She rubbed her arms as she looked around to see if there are any vents nearby blowing cold airs.

The men heard her complaint and at the same time, let go of their grip to take off their shirt and put it over Yu Sha in perfect timing.

Startled, and somehow felt cornered, she scooted back and declined. This overwhelming feeling of dread makes her feel that she shouldn't accept either one's shirt.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine without your shirt."

Hue Chi pulled a chair and sat waiting for Yu Sha to finish eating. Although he was not in a good mood, he agreed, she should eat first. The airs around him and his gazes make Yu Sha have digestive distressed. She lost her appetite. She couldn't be herself, beat and yelled at Hue Chi for his spoiled attitude in front of Atlas. She wants Atlas to only see her good side.

How could he come here and destroy the good time I was having? Is he doing this on purpose? She calmed her anger and put the silverware down on the table.

"I'm done eating. Atlas, thanks for the wonderful time tonight. I have matters to discuss with my boss. I will excuse myself first."

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