Published at 29th of July 2022 10:55:43 AM

Chapter 187: Episode 181: Rio VS Sakata

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When Rio promised to win against Hiroaki at tomorrow's rendezvous, he and Christina discussed what was needed and left the reception room together. Then we discover Celia and Flora waiting outside the door with Vanessa and the rest of the escorts.

"This is..., all of you"

Rio greeted him with his flourishing face. Christina sighs and opens when she finds Flora's face.

"... Flora. I told you to go to bed early today."

"Um, but I was worried about Master Hart..."

And, Flora said why she was here, seemingly ill-decided. Is Celia in the same mood or is she snorting?

"I'm afraid so. But don't worry."

Rio smiled and waved his wear to reassure Flora and Celia, who stood next to her. Then...

"Sir Amakawa will make arrangements with the brave tomorrow. It's too late, so I just broke up tonight. For once, Sir Amakawa's room is available…, did Dr. Celia come to pick up Sir Amakawa?

Christina asks Celia while urging the break-up of the place.

"... that, yes. I still thought Hart should stay in that house."

and Celia spoke in a firm tone as she glanced at Rio's face. Flora glances over and stares at Rio and Celia's face.

"So, how do you like it?

Christina chuckled, pointing the water at Rio.

"And even if I told you..."

Rio replies with a troubled face.

"... I understand Sir Amakawa's concerns, and I can agree with them. But don't you mind? It's a clean and well-known fact that you two are in intimate company, so it's more unnatural to care about the public and distort the relationship. I was wondering if I should be allowed to stay as long as I occasionally visit Rodania. Most importantly, Dr. Celia wants it."

That's what Christina says, she sees Celia.


Celia stared at Rio and nodded deeply, not saying she was right.

"... I'm in awe. If Celia doesn't mind."

"Yeah, it's settled!

Celia brightens her expression with joy, as Rio conceded.


"Shall we go home, then? We can't keep His Highness any longer, and we need to prepare for tomorrow's meeting."


And Rio let down his mouth like it didn't even seem right.

"Shall we go too, Flora?"

Christina smiles at the interaction between Rio and Celia and speaks to her sister Flora. But Flora looks envious somewhere, staring at the interaction between Rio and Celia and not reaching her ears.


And when Christina calls back...

"... heh, ah, yes!

Flora replied haphazardly.

"We're coming, too."

Christina says breathlessly, "Oh, boy.

"Yes, sir"

Flora snorted as she saw Rio and Celia.

"It's been a long time since I've slept in a room with my sisters without water, so I'd like you to look a little happier. Or maybe you're not too happy?

"Oh, no, I'm glad! Glad to hear it."

When Christina giggles and says, Flora hastily explains.

"Well, let me ask you something tonight."


Now it was a solid nod, Flora.

"So long, Dear Christina, Dear Flora. Excuse me, sir."

Celia smiles at the interaction between the princess and sisters and says goodbye.

"Yes, I will send out a messenger to pick you up tomorrow at noon, thank you. Sir Amakawa."

"I'm in awe"

When Christina reconfirms what she needs, Rio nods softly. Thus, the occasion was to be dissolved.

◇ ◇ ◇

On the way home. Rio was rocked by a carriage and headed to the mansion where Celia lived.


There are only two of us in the carriage, Rio and Celia, but there is silence. Celia looked at Rio's face sitting across the street with a face that said no heart or something. Then...

"Thank you for your help tonight."

And, Rio opens his mouth.

"... it's not just tonight. You own the house, so you can stay as long as you like when you stay in Rodania."

Celia responded with a slight pointy mouth.


Rio smiles bitterly and shows difficulty. I am still concerned about Celia's future. If a man were immersed in the house of an unmarried female aristocrat, he wouldn't even enter into an affair.

"... it's okay. I don't want to get married politically."

Celia says that what Rio is afraid of is foreseeable. As an aristocratic woman, that's quite a problem statement. Nevertheless, based on the history of Charles-Albeau and his semi-compulsory forced political marriage, it is not incomprehensible.

"It's Celia's life, and I think it's one way of life to be single for life..."

Celia is still young. Rio asks extraordinarily if it's really okay to be single for life. But Celia panicked and began to wave.

"Chi, no. Beh, it's not like I'm going to be single all my life, or I'm never going to marry you, but do you have an admiration for marriage after a relationship? So, but I don't think I can have that kind of relationship with a guy I don't know very well... That's okay, it's nothing about me! More importantly, what were you talking about with Master Christina?

Did Celia embarrass herself by talking, blushing her cheeks and going off the line?

"It's about tomorrow's meeting. Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about."

And, Rio smiles strangely and answers Celia staring at him with her jito eyes.

"Yes... in fact, what are you going to do?

Celia inquired in a serious tone.

"What are you going to do, what?

"Work with the brave. I know you can win, but that's why you can't win cheaply..."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."

Rio tells with a deep grin.


Celia looked up and stared at Rio's complexion. Perhaps the content of the discussion with Christina is also involved, and I am hesitant to dig in and ask.

"Again and again, there's nothing for Celia to worry about. That's all for sure."

Rio gently lowered his mouth to reassure Celia.

"... well. Okay. If Hart says so, I believe you."

Celia breathes and convinces herself.

"Thank you"

Rio happily broke up with each other. Then, once again, in the carriage, there comes a constant silence. Only the rattle and the sound of the wheels turning rang. Then, somewhat...

"Hey, Hart."

Open your mouth, as Celia has decided.

"Yes, what is it?

Rio answered without hesitation.

".................. yeah. It's nothing. Good luck with tomorrow's rendezvous!

Celia, for a moment, cruised to say something, but immediately smiled back and encouraged Rio.


Rio grins and nods as he perceives Celia trying to say something. Then...

(Seems Celia cares about the Spring Man's past. Because I heard about Spring Man's parents today)

Suddenly, Isiah's thoughts echoed behind Rio's brain.

(... thanks, Isiah)

Rio thanked Isiah with a troubled face...

"When you're done, why don't you take your time and talk to me? The brave man walked into the office today and interrupted my explanation of what I've been doing outside, and I'll tell you if I need to ask you something."

and spoke to Celia sitting in front of her.

"... yeah"

Celia sensed that Rio cared for me, smiling gently and nodding. Rio then looked at the night sky through the small window of the carriage, not least.

"Maybe Christina and Flora will be talking alone by now."

and Rio, who looks out and talks.

"Yeah, right."

Celia smiled and agreed, looking out the small window with Rio at the starry sky.

◇ ◇ ◇

And after noon the next day. Finally, the time has come for Rio and Hiroaki to work together. The location is a squad yard adjacent to the Rodanian consulate.

Developed as a fortified city, Rodanian squadrons are spacious, and a number of knights and soldiers usually work in training. But now at this time it was open for Rio and Hiroaki to work together. Instead, the knights and nobles of the sights are pushing around the squad fields.

In the meantime, Rio was facing Hiroaki in the middle of the squad yard, holding a Dwarf sword. Christina stands between them.

"Uh, sounds like you've had a lot of galleries. Kristina seemed angry, and I hated making it a spectacle so much that I thought it would be an arrangement without a gallery..."

Hiroaki looked over the gallery satisfactorily as he grabbed the kamikaze's divine costume, Yamatano Orochi.

"It's already been rumored everywhere. Making it private generates unwanted speculation. And dissatisfaction. Regardless, if the brave man wants to keep it private, I will still expel him..."

and Christina talks neatly, without looking particularly angry.

"No, you can keep doing this. It's troublesome to let him go home. Let's get started."

When Hiroaki waved his blanket with a confident face, he encouraged the start of the match. From Hiroaki, we need to defeat Rio in front of the gallery.

"Okay, check the rules again. The brave man shall wear the Divine Costume, and Lord Amakawa shall not mind using each of the Devil's Swords that he possesses. However, physical enhancement is the only ability you can use. Please note that if you use another ability hidden in the Divine Costume or Demon Sword, you will be immediately disqualified at that point. Winning or losing is either the opponent admitting the loss or the referee deciding that the win or loss has been decided in a decisive manner. Some injuries are tolerated, but the killing of the opponent is out of the question. Are you sure you want both sides?

Christina even talks about the rules of matchmaking.


Rio nodded instantly. Meanwhile -,

"I have no objection to the rules, but who does the referee?

And Hiroaki asks.

"I'm coming here now."

That's what Christina says, looks in the direction the day after tomorrow. There were two people approaching Rio and the others.

One is Vanessa-Emar, an escort knight dedicated to Christina. And the other is Alfred-Emar. He is Vanessa's real brother, the sword of the king of the kingdom of Bertram.

"That's Sir Alfred."

"Why is Sir here? Aren't you a prisoner?

Many people in the gallery knew Alfred's face, and they wandered off. Rio also slightly opens his eyes when he checks Alfred's face.

Alfred, who was defeated by Rio and taken prisoner of Restoration, is now not in custody and walks majestically on the squad with his sister Vanessa. He was not armed, but wore claus armor-style aristocratic clothing that knights preferred to wear.

"............... who is he, who is he?

Hiroaki tilts his neck in surprise as he stares at Alfred's face from a distance.

"It's the referee he's going to have."

Christina answered firmly.

"Hmm, the gallery seems to be making a lot of noise? Is that a famous knight or something?

"Yes, the king's sword, chosen by my father, is the highest and most powerful knight in the Kingdom of Beltram"

"Ah... isn't that supposed to be a prisoner?

and Hiroaki with a surprising look on his face. of the boulder. He also apparently remembered Alfred's treatment.

"The two of you will not be judged by a man of half-baked strength, so we have prepared it specially."

Christina smiled as she watched Alfred approaching.

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure you don't want the guy with half the strength to be judged..."

Hiroaki narrows his eyes softly and looks at Alfred's face.

"As you can see, we are not armed. I'm not restraining you, but I'm letting you wear demonic props that seal the magic. Besides, don't worry, he's not willing to resist the Restoration right now, or flee from here. He would have a neutral, fair trial. Because I'm not as clever as lying with my sword."

Christina asserted neatly. I can see you trusting Alfred as a referee.

"That's good. If you're the strongest knight, there's no shortage as our referee. I'll take care of it."

Hiroaki shrugged her shoulders in a good mood when she smiled.

"Okay, so Alfred's here, too. Let's get you started right away. I asked you, Alfred. Neutral, fair trial."

and Christina speaks to Alfred, who is approaching.

"... to your pleasure. We promise a fair trial in a neutral position."

Alfred drowned like this with all due respect.

"Dear Christina, please come this way"

Vanessa takes Christina and walks away from the spot. There were Celia and Flora ahead of us.

"Okay, both sides. If there is no objection, I will begin the matchmaking. May I?

Alfred asks Rio and Hiroaki when he confirms that Christina and Vanessa have reached a sufficient distance.



and Rio and Hiroaki responded instantly.

"Well, keep your distance,"

Alfred progresses pale and matching steps. It was a gallery of how baffled he was by his appearance, but he finally sensed the atmosphere in which the rendezvous would begin, and he began to spit and watch.

"Can you fight for me? You don't have to hesitate because I'm a brave man. Just spare me the instant kill. Let me get this straight."

In contrast to the quieting gallery, Hiroaki does not look particularly nervous, but taps lightly to provoke Rio. He doesn't even seem to doubt that he will win.

"I'm afraid so. I'm going to borrow your breasts and let you fight."

Rio doesn't look particularly impressed, he answers naturally.

(Don't even react, finish fast)

And when Hiroaki snorts a little "hum,"

"Fine, referee. Start whenever you want."

I urged Alfred to start the game.

"Okay, we'll start the game in ten seconds"

Alfred declares so, "Ten, nine, eight…" and starts counting down the start of the match. In the meantime, Rio and Hiroaki each apply physical enhancement.

And when Alfred moves his mouth "two, one," -


Declared the opening of the matchmaking.

◇ ◇ ◇


At the same time as Hiroaki signals the start of the rendezvous, he rushes to Rio. Its thought-provoking goodness is wonderful and brings us to Rio at an unexpected rate.

But the movement was cluttered. It is not Rio who misses the power of Hiroaki's whole body at the moment of the progression. It was really easy to deal with, if only I could see through the move. Even if I was just magically strengthening my physical abilities, I would have been able to react.

Hiroaki was going to be slashed by Rio with an inch stop from the top, but Rio set up his sword and took Hiroaki's attack lightly.


Hiroaki opens his mouth with dismay. It felt as if I had knocked out an object that absorbed shock with a metal bat. It is a testament to the fact that Hiroaki's power in the slaughter was beautifully channelled to the ground.

Then, Hiroaki inadvertently loosened the force in his hand holding the katana, and once he tried to pull himself back. Moments later, Rio waves his sword in the push sumo procedure, pushing the frightened Hiroaki backwards.

"Whoa!? Sort of!"

Hiroaki's body fluttered and floated across the universe, disbalancing and descending to the ground. Rio could fill that gap back in time and stick a sword in his throat, but if he decides to fight too lightly, it won't mean he has responded to Christina's request.

So Rio smiled and looked to Hiroaki. Rio also understands faintly that Hiroaki confidently intended to decide the battle with his first blow. It was lightly prevented. Based on Hiroaki's character, he would have enough effect as a provocation to just smile as invincible as he saw through his thoughts.

"Oh, bastard......!

Hiroaki showed that he was uneasy and re-advanced toward Rio. Setting the machete low and approaching Rio like crawling through the ground, it is slashed thoughtfully.

But Hiroaki's machete was lightly played by Rio's sword. Heavy metal sounds echo across the practice field. But...

"Oh, la!

Hiroaki is not frightened. When I could put my strength into my hand holding the machete, I began to wield the sword thoughtfully. That velocity just doesn't stop in sight, and multiple sword flashes impinge on Rio.

But Rio saw through all of Hiroaki's attacks, waved his sword and continued to play a pale slash. The bumping sound of metal sounds intermittently.

"Oh, oh..."

Most of the galleries had lost their words. I know Hiroaki is waving his sword resolutely, but countless slaughters never reach Rio as a blow.

Rio stayed in one place and responded to Hiroaki. As if it were a wall, it is inhibiting the entry of Hiroaki's machete. That is the knot of the sword. Rio has cut off all the trajectories of the machete that Hiroaki wields and continues to play the offense.

(The movement is fast. but that's all)

Yes, Hiroaki is fast, but the technology didn't accompany him as if. So it's easy to see what you're trying to do. It's a typical example of a warrior who has acquired physical abilities that he can't handle himself. Rio analyzed Hiroaki's strength that way, moving his sword pale.

As things stand, it will be obvious that Hiroaki is the one attacking from the gallery, but it doesn't look like Hiroaki is pushing it. As if to back it up, Hiroaki's face is becoming emotional, and Rio's face, by contrast, is calm. In the first place, Rio hasn't even moved the scene since the rendezvous began.

But this alone still does not mean that I have responded to Christina's request. Rio thought about how to end the match from here.

Then, once Hiroaki takes the backstep, he takes a distance from Rio. And stared at Rio with an abominable look.

"Hey, you look so cool."

And Hiroaki, who says it unpleasantly.

"Master Brave isn't serious yet, is he?

Rio provoked Hiroaki all the time.

"Oh... well, my god outfit, Yamatano Orochi, is specially made. I've been trying to save nature and my abilities because knights can't keep up with my moves if I make my body stronger, but you seem like you can fight that much. Well, that's pretty much it. Fine, I'll take the limiter off. Shall we do it for real?"

Hiroaki declares that he has ridden the provocation properly or that he will speak to rap and take it seriously. Now that I've heard Alfred the referee, it's also hard to make excuses that he didn't mean it when he lost.

"Okay, let's hang out"

Rio accordingly sets up his sword in nature. I still don't see the bottom of my strength.

"Ha, how long can I afford that!

That's what Hiroaki said. No, he ran into Rio. That speed is one step faster than it was earlier. But it didn't make any difference that they were cut off from the move.

Rio doesn't move off the spot and intercepts Hiroaki again. I also tried to respond to Hiroaki's attack, which greatly improved his speed.


Hiroaki opens his eyes unexpectedly when the first shot is lightly prevented. But without stopping the movement, he swung his sword and unleashed a slashing rush just like he had earlier.

But they don't capture Rio's body in a single blow. After all, Hiroaki's machete is bounced off, as if it were also an invisible junction.

"Fuck, fuck!

I have no desire for the attack to pass. When Hiroaki has that feeling, he looks irritated. And it took him to pull out further physical abilities in the Divine Costume and slash him on Rio.

"It's a boulder, do you still improve your speed"

and Rio praises Hiroaki with a cool face. By the way, Rio hasn't fortified his body with spiritual arts from the very beginning. Because where Hiroaki moved faster, it didn't fill the technical difference between the two of them. Even without purposefully strengthening the degree of enhancement, it was easy to embellish Hiroaki.

Nevertheless, Rio's praise is a sincere statement. Rio is amazed that Hiroaki's physical strength continues to grow stronger. But...

"So, what's the temee that handles that lightly? Oh!?"

Hiroaki didn't seem to accept Rio's praise as sincere. It makes my voice absurd and eats at Rio.

"Unfortunately, the brave man seems to be fighting a battle that relies on his physical abilities"

Rio did so in a tone that was inconsistent, suggesting something that was not enough for Hiroaki.

"What, are you trying to tell me you can't do my swordsmanship!?

"No, the way a brave man fights does not belong to a man who has won swordsmanship. You've never learned swordsmanship from anyone, have you?

"Oh, shut up!

Hiroaki shook off his sword once more. But he is lightly deflected from the orbit of a machete by Rio, and ends with a vacant cleavage of space the day after tomorrow.

Then, Hiroaki became even more annoyed and began to wield his sword more clutterfully than ever before. It was obvious from the gallery that Hiroaki was dramatically elevated, and it was obvious that the reason for this would be because he was embedded in Rio.

"Let me be honest with you. I have exchanged weapons with three brave men before, including Hiroaki..."

Rio speaks fluently as he recieves Hiroaki's attack.

"I'm telling you to shut up!

Hiroaki yelled out loud, trying to stop Rio from talking. But...

"Hiroaki is the weakest."

and Rio proclaims to Hiroaki.

"Te, meh............, what did I just say? What did I just say? Ahhhhh!?

Furious hair shock. For a moment, when Hiroaki came to his true face, he looked ugly afterwards. And I show my greatest anger today, and Rio slashes me. But...

"Hey!? Huh..."

Rio, who barely moved since the rendezvous began, but here he finally disappears from the spot. Hiroaki had sometimes narrowed his sight because of his anger, and he had lost light sight of Rio.

Rio, on the other hand, is circling behind Hiroaki, poking his sword from his back. A chattering metal noise sounded from behind, and Hiroaki was also rigid when he realized the fact.

"If you still want to go on, I'll stay with you, but can we end this now?

It's no use doing any more. Rio asks Hiroaki, not to mention saying so.


Hiroaki devoured his teeth with gibberish. When I was often stuck with a weapon behind my back in a movie or something, I thought from day to day that I should be able to afford to deal with it, but reality is heartless. I know Rio won't kill himself, but I don't feel that the situation will cover anything from here on out. I instinctively felt a difference in strength from Rio. I could no longer move.

It is also evident from the eyes of the gallery that there is already a battle attached. Everyone was breathless when they saw Rio's strength and could also nod that he had won the king's sword, Alfred. Then...

"That's it! This match shall be Sir Amakawa's victory."

Alfred the Judge declares the end of the conclave. A little late, a loud cheer echoed over the practice field.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!