Published at 23rd of May 2022 08:52:51 AM

Chapter 3

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“This is potentially treason, Mr. Alvaro.”

Aalam Alvaro looked over at the member of the US Senate, one Mr. Tom Taylor, who looked like a cross between a tortoise and a humanoid blob monster, and shook his head slightly. “Respectfully sir, that’s not how treason works. Even someone like you, who’s been taking money from three Russian oligarchs for the last ten years in exchange for political favors, technically isn’t committing treason. Tax fraud and a few other crimes, yes. Treason, no.

“Do you understand this?”

Tom Taylor looked scared, the C-SPAN cameras catching it, and Aalam internally congratulated himself again for making his interview with the Senate Subcommittee on Intelligence public.

“Does anyone else have any stupid questions?” Aalam, a young man of 28, half Iraqi half Argentinian in heritage, 100% American in documentation, looked at several of the other members, all of whom he also had dirt on. “I put a Trojan into my own computer system, not yours, not the Chinese’s, not the Russian’s, nor any of the other governments and businesses whose internal files have now been leaked online. They and you stole my research, along with said Trojan, and, through said illegal act, released their own information onto the internet.

“All I did was look at these publicly available documents and then send an email out with the information of all the individuals used to spy on me, including members of the CIA and no members of the FBI, which raises a whole lot of red flags, seeing as I’m an American citizen.”

Aalam moved his messy shoulder-length brown hair out of his eyes as he continued to glare. “Now, I’ll ask again, why am I here? The information about your corruption is already out there, so dragging me away from my research doesn’t seem to serve any purpose.

“In case you’ve forgotten, the world is facing three pandemics and a global climate crisis, but, as you all won’t pay with the money you are exploiting to solve these problems with my current solutions, I need to go try and make everything cheaper.”

“Mr. Alvaro.” Doctor Penny Smith, one of the few senators on the committee without any skeletons in her closet, at least not any Aalam had yet found, sighed as she spoke to him. “Do you realize the implications of what you’ve released?

“I understand you’re in pain. Your girlfriend lied to you for years, your sister is sick, and everyone keeps going after you with a political agenda when you’re just trying to save the world, but the secrets you’ve released. It seems we’re almost on the verge of thermonuclear war.”

“Yeah.” Aalam leaned back in his seat, his previous anger replaced by a deep depression as he looked down at the desk in front of him. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Judging from your past accomplishments, you seem to be a very, very smart man.” Doctor Smith looked at him with fearful eyes, but of a very different kind of fear from Tom Taylor, or at least that’s how it seemed to Aalam, fear for others rather than fear for oneself. His sister often had those eyes. “Do you have any ideas to stop what’s coming?”

“I do.” Aalam continued looking down as he took out his phone and placed it in front of him. “I just don’t like it very much.”

“Anything you can do, Mr. Alvaro. Anything.”

Aalam messed with his phone for a few seconds, sending out a signal to a half dozen receivers hidden throughout the Capitol building, and, less than 30 seconds later, the Capitol building, and Aalam and all the senators with it, was gone.

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