Shepherding Humanity - Chapter 495

Published at 18th of May 2022 05:34:44 AM

Chapter 495: 496 The burden on the shoulder

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Above the sky, long and distant eyes are scattered through the endless sky, constantly gazing at this humble town, turning the entire Three Realms into a focused central vortex.

Everyone hiding in the bookstore.

"We can't stop..."

The buddies around couldn't help whispering.

The dozen people outside, possessing evil spirits, created fear everywhere, seized countless townspeople in the community, threatened to swear, in order to absorb their energy... And they, how could it be compared?

After all, Mirage took a deep breath and squeezed his fist. In his hand was a crumpled book in a bookstore. A voluptuous beautiful girl scratched her heart, but she no longer had any energy because of this small town environment. , No one will come to the bookstore again...

Perhaps in big cities, they can go to gambling factories and the Colosseum to absorb people's bad thoughts and emotions, but in Card Town, the bookstore is the only weak channel.


There was another big explosion outside, the block next to the bookstore.


"The church will punish you!"

Along with crying and howling, the elderly, women holding children, and adults were driven out one after another, intending to concentrate in a community in the distance, raising them like animal husbandry, and constantly harvesting fear.

And those dozen people, possessing evil spirits, seemed to be evil shepherds.

"Make a decision quickly and come to us right away..." Someone whispered.

Mirage clenched his fists and thoroughly realized the taste of powerlessness.

His beloved friends, acquaintances, close friends, secret love girls, cherish this once-disgusting ordinary town... At this time, it was destroyed by people crazy, crying out loud, sadness and pain, all because of themselves And produced.

Everything is because of me...

With a little thought, the pain of tearing came from his heart.

"Strength..." He took a deep breath, his nose was sour, and stared at the restless and crazy partners,

"Let’s go first! The driven people will come here soon, go to other communities, and try to find a way, no matter whether we also learn from them to collect energy, or something else..." The gentle gentleman who has a good relationship is here Whispered behind him.

"It's too late..." Mirage said lightly.His face was suddenly unspeakable and calm, and the teenager, who was only a teenager, suddenly grew up in an instant.

A person's youthfulness never grows with the years, but only with suffering and experience maturity.

He turned around,

"There is a secret, I want to tell you... You who have the evil god, and the enemy, your evil god was born because of me. You only need to pay attention and you will find that they are basically people who are my center. Neighbors, classmates who say hello every day, admired school sisters, admired seniors, and...secret girls."


There was a shock around.

This is an incredible thing,

"Then we..." Someone tried to speak.

"Every one of you has become my partner, and all I cherish...I am very happy." He choked up. "Life will always sacrifice some to get some."

Mirage reached out and looked at the crumpled waste paper books, and the red light in the distance stained his face, as if the years were slowly passing, and the calm that could not be said, "I used to be ordinary, longing for extraordinary, live in front of me It’s as unbelievable as dreaming. It’s wonderful enough to have a group of people who have been worshipped together."

"You go first, I have a way to win."

He meticulously put on the school uniform of Missoya High School, buttoned the black suit, and carefully put on a white tie, which was very straight.

"What must be won?"

West Asia's complexion has changed slightly.

"Don't lie to me! I know we are hitting stones with eggs..."

She looked at the teenager and knew that he was an extreme person. He never put suffering on other people and put the pressure on himself. These days, but at this time, he couldn’t help but whispered, “We can try also Go grab some people and lock them up to absorb the fear, we can have the power, we can protect them and fight against them!"

"Those things will sink once they are contaminated." Mirage said lightly, "All the evil gods are born of me, disaster, pain, howling... it is my responsibility, it is my fault." He His face was deeply buried in the shadows, making people unable to see the expression, "I need to solve it... You can rest assured, I really have a way, you leave, wait for me to come back! Like a hero, return triumphantly! "

He strode out of the bookstore and walked to the explosion.

Soon, the thugs regarded him as an ordinary student, and they were arrested together with others, intending to be locked in the community.

"Mirage! He's crazy! He's crazy!" The squad leader's chest violently rose and lowered, biting her lower lip, and the blood was flowing down without feeling the slightest.

"Let's go!"

A group of people looked extremely changed, after all, they escaped from the back door of the bookstore.



If you fall into the abyss, you can gain strength.

If you let go of your shame, you can evoke strength.

Other desperate people, who give up everything, will not have the opportunity to reverse, but they have it. So, what other reason do you think you are the most unfortunate?

Mirage laughed and moved forward with the flow of people.

"Go faster!"

A demon-like powerful mob laughed, and the flow of people was pushed into the community like a captive. He was locked up fiercely, and he looked at the suffering and wailing townsmen around him.

Everything is because I am not strong enough.

His eyes turned to some people nearby, "Others, all have associated evil spirits...and I don't, because the evil spirits I picked up, although I only remember that he is called the beautiful dream god, is too powerful, so that my heart does not Produce any symbiotic evil spirit.. It is my accompanying evil spirit in a sense. Although it does not belong to me completely, I have already formed a deep friendship with it!"

"Other people have used their own evil gods, and I have never used Sweet Dreams because..."


In an instant, a black ghost suddenly rose from his shadow, and all the victims in the community felt the inner fear, as if some horrible ancient demon came, this was the ultimate trembling of the heart.

And the dozen people in charge of the detention shuddered suddenly, as if to see some terrible monster appear, and even had inextricably linked with the evil spirit in their body, as if they were a biological mother.

"what happened?"

At the door, the leader of these dozen people, the killer Adrian, is a meticulous and powerful person, with the mentality and fierceness of becoming a strong person, otherwise he will not become the leader of these thugs, overwhelming others, Ai Derian turned his head violently, revealing a dignity, "Is this something?"

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