Published at 13th of January 2022 12:12:14 PM

Chapter 919

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after sitting for a while!

A group of people threw their leftover garbage into the trash can next to them, and then walked along the snack street in the back half of the flow of people!

After all, this is Pengcheng, so the local food in Pengcheng is also something we look forward to!

It's not that I didn't see some signs with Pengcheng food in front, but when Zhao Feng and his party passed by, they felt that the sanitation and taste of those stalls were general, so they skipped directly!

Not far away, they met a snack stand with a special flavor!

Pengcheng's characteristic food kiln chicken!

The method of kiln chicken is to kill and wash the chicken first, empty the abdominal cavity, and stuff it with seasonings such as garlic and mushrooms. The inside and outside of the chicken are covered with refined salt, and then wrapped in tin foil. Then build a kiln, usually yellow mud or tiles. When the tiles on the kiln turn white, put out the firewood. After the wrapped chicken is put into the kiln, collapse the kiln, and cover the kiln with a thick layer of soil or sand to prevent the heat from emitting.

This booth has really made an earth kiln in the back of your shop!

However, in order to ensure that the chicken does not stick to the sand, they pour an iron pot on the kiln, cover it with sand and bake it for about an hour. Just open a corner of the tin foil and the smell of chicken will come to your nose.

Sitting on the bench, Zhao Feng specially asked the owner of the snack bar for a lunch box. If he can't eat, he can pack it and take it away!

Put the kiln chicken wrapped in tin foil on the table and open the whole tin foil directly. A Golden Chicken suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Feng, Shi Qingxuan, Su Yanfei and Zhao Xue!

Zhao Feng took the lead in putting a piece into his mouth!

The tender chicken tastes great!

When Shi Qingxuan, Su Yanfei and Zhao Xue noticed Zhao Feng's look, they immediately knew that the kiln chicken must be delicious!

They started immediately!


Pengcheng is close to the sea, and the Xiangjiang River is separated by a river!

So seafood is very rich! And people here are still playing tricks with seafood!

Fried scallop, pickled crab, seafood casserole porridge, shrimp with pepper and salt, baked string shrimp with salt, oysters with minced garlic

Zhao Feng and his party ate enough of all kinds of seafood!

And the taste is very rich!

After eating some seafood, everyone felt that they were almost full!

But the food street is still not finished!

The rest is still part of it!

For the sake of delicious food, people naturally insist on wandering from beginning to end!

There is a pancake with cereals. The fruit is very good! Especially the slightly spicy taste is great.

Another is crystal dumplings. According to the boss, this is Chaoshan snack. Zhao Feng and his party have never been to Chaoshan. Of course, they have never eaten Chaoshan food, so Zhao Feng doesn't pay attention to this!

Zhao Feng several people are concerned about its taste!

Like this street food, Zhao Feng's evaluation standard is very straightforward and simple: when eating, it's delicious, and if it's not delicious, it's not delicious. Naturally.

There is no doubt that this crystal dumpling belongs to the delicious one!

Shi Qingxuan's breakfast style is more similar to that of Pengcheng!

She was surprised to think that the crystal dumpling with pepper was very good!

And bacon rolls!

In fact, this marinated meat pancake is similar to roujiamo, but it is a little like pancake fruit, but the taste is far from it.

There are many kinds of fillings in rolls. You can choose which one you like!

Zhao Feng and his party chose a portion of beef, asked the shopkeeper to divide it into small pieces, and then everyone tasted it!

Sure enough, it's another delicious snack!

Marinated meat rolls are the last snack for everyone to eat. When they taste them, they also have a round stomach!

The snack stalls in the back are also very general!

So they were going to go home!

But unexpectedly, after walking out of the snack street, I suddenly met a shop with three fresh bean skins at the corner!

Of course, people don't want to eat three fresh bean skin!

But the tourists around the door of the store and the mobile phones in their hands announced that the store is not simple!

So the footsteps of the party slowed down!

Results a moment later, a female figure dressed very well appeared at the door of the store!

This beautiful woman with good appearance and figure is the owner of this shop!

Now it is a net red on a platform!

And some of these tourists holding mobile phones naturally belong to her fans!

Zhao Feng glanced and had to say that the bean skin was really big and the landlady was very white!


Zhao Feng doesn't know the taste of Sanxian bean skin!

But the landlady is really good!

Although the other party has the element of showing his body to win attention, he has to benefit others (dog head)!


Zhao Feng and his party hurried back to the parking position!

He Jun went to pay the parking fee!

Several cars have driven out of the parking lot!

It's just two o'clock in the afternoon!

Pengcheng Bay No. 1, it should not be done yet!

So where to go now is something Zhao Feng needs to consider.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng had an idea, looked at Shi Qingxuan and asked, "sister Qingxuan, you live in Xiangjiang, so close to Pengcheng. Have you heard of any good scenic spots in Pengcheng?"

Shi Qingxuan didn't expect Zhao Feng to ask herself!

After thinking about it, he said, "I've heard some friends say that Pengcheng's window of the world is good! As for the scenery, it seems to be called Nankun mountain scenic spot!"

After hearing this, Zhao Feng immediately smiled and said, "let's go for a walk at the window of the world today and go to Nankunshan another day!"

Of course, Shi Qingxuan has no opinion!

So the team changed its route. About half an hour later, the team arrived at the window of the world!

The window of the world is located in Shennan Avenue, pengchengwan community. It is a famous miniature scenic spot in China. With the purpose of promoting world culture, it is an artificial theme park integrating world wonders, historical sites, ancient and modern scenic spots and folk song and dance performances. Each scenic spot in the park is modeled in different proportions.

The park is divided into eight theme areas: World Square, Asia, America, Africa, Oceania, Europe, sculpture garden and international street. It shows more than 100 world-famous cultural landscapes and architectural wonders, such as the Eiffel Tower in France, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, the Taj Mahal in India and the pyramids in Egypt.

Each scenic spot in the park is modeled in different proportions, exquisite and unique.

After buying tickets and entering the window of the world!

The first thing you can see is the Louvre of Gaul in the center of the world square.

I have to say that the imitation is really exquisite. If you stand farther, Zhao Feng may really think the Louvre is genuine!

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