Published at 3rd of January 2017 05:53:25 AM

Chapter 72

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72 Thief Group's Attack

  「Master, I smell something burning.」 While they were harvesting items from the Divine Tree, Spica cried out suddenly. 「N. Is that so?」 Spica's sense of smell was superior, because he could only faintly smell it. However, as they got closer to the village, Yuuto noticed something unusual. 「No! Nooooooooo!」 「So-someone! Help!」 The screams of the villagers could be heard from everywhere. White smoke was rising from the entire village. It didn't take long for him to realize that the true nature of the fire was not natural. 「He-help me……」 A plump middle-aged woman entered Yuuto's view. She was bleeding fiercely from a knife wound to the side of her stomach. The middle-aged woman moaned as she wobbled uncertainly. 「Um……what happened here?」 「……A group of thieves appeared suddenly……and knifed me in the stomach……」 「Thieves……?」 As he used Heal Magic on the middle-aged woman to stop the bleeding, Yuuto thought something. (Could this be……the thief that the adventurer's guild is looking for……?) He could not deny that possibility. In this situation, he has a golden opportunity to talk to another Japanese person. 「Ririna, why are the houses burning?」 Sanya asked childishly as she did not understand what was happening to the village. 「It's all right…… There's nothing for Sanya to worry about.」 While she acted like she was being strong, he could see that Ririna was afraid from the fact that her face had lost all color. 「Sylphia, I entrust this place to you. Will you protect……Sanya and the others?」 It was the time for using the items harvested from the Divine Tree to become useful. Yuuto took out the 《Transparency Fruit》 and 《Deodorant Fruit》 from the Magic Bag and handed them to Sylphia. 「My lord, these are……?」 「The blue fruit turns the user and their surroundings transparent. And the red one removes the smell of the user. It will help you hide yourself.」 「……I understand. But, my lord, where are you going?」 Sylphia asked as she accepted the items from Yuuto, her tone revealing that she was worried about Yuuto. 「It’s not a big deal. I'm just going on……a little thief hunt.」 「Master! No matter how you put it, that is……」 Spica tried to stop Yuuto when she heard his words. 「In that case, are you telling me to leave the villagers like this silently?」 「………」 Actually, in Spica's mind, there weren't any humans that could defeat Yuuto from the start. 「It's all right. I won't die. I still have to do magic training during the night with you two.」 「……Yes, I understand.」 Spica was relieved by Yuuto's joking tone. 「Ririna and Sanya shouldn't worry too. I'll protect your village.」 After Spica, Yuuto turned to them. The 4 beautiful girls stared at Yuuto's back uneasily as he went to battle.

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