Published at 28th of July 2023 12:05:28 PM

Chapter 1011: Shocking Confrontation

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Ciara's heel clacked on the floor as she closed in on Neron.

Her eyes were narrowed in pure rage, and her heart raced in sheer anticipation. She had thought it would take her an eternity to reach this man, but it had happened so fast.

"I remember all your faces. Everyone who was involved in that ambush..." She spoke in a hushed tone, advancing even more.

"'I've taken care of some of them. The last one being Giovanni."

The impact of her heels and the ground created an echo across the room.

"He actually pleaded with me. Begged me to forgive him." She gritted her fist, and her heart tightened with every word she uttered.

"But do you know what I did?" Ciara smiled broadly, almost like a demon would.

"I made sure to kill him, while making sure he suffered in every second before finally giving out."

Stretching her hand out now, ready to begin her round with Neron, her eyes bulged in excitement and anticipation for revenge.

"Now it's your turn."

She closed in, and in just a second, she would have finally been able to touch the trembling Neron.



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