Published at 21st of July 2023 10:24:27 AM

Chapter 1029: The One Who Stands Above [Pt 1]

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Edward gritted his teeth as he stared at Jared.

Something swirled within him. It wasn't hate or rage.

No... if was awe!

'I've forgotten how amazing Jared can be!'

Sure, he had gotten a lot stronger compared to before, but Jared was also bound to have experienced some growth as well

'Pulling my punches is merely an insult to his power.'

With that in mind, Edward searched deep within himself and resolved to do all it took to achieve victory.

'Mind Blade... Martial Zone... and even my Constellation, Aries...' His muscles tensed and the energy he exuded rose to an immeasurable degree.

'... I will use everything at my disposal!'


'That's the spirit, Edward.' I smiled, looking at my opponent's resolute expression.

It seemed he was finally going to take things seriously.

Unfortunately for him, so was I.

"Playtime is over."


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