Published at 14th of November 2022 08:29:39 AM

Chapter 275: Awake

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My body stirred as I was pulled from the realm of unconsciousness.

It felt so surreal, like I was in a daze. My body felt sublime—like it was brand new. I didn’t feel any sensation like pain.

With this feeling of bliss, I opened my eyes to reality.


I was currently lying down on a bed.

‘Why am I here?’

I looked around, getting a good grasp of my surroundings. It looked like an infirmary, but something about it seemed more grandiose than the one I was used to.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I unconsciously activated Spellcraft to get a feel of everything around me.

Mana gathered and dispersed at my whim, and just as I was about to detect what was beyond the room…


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