Published at 8th of June 2023 11:31:37 AM

Chapter 893: Ugly Truth [Pt 1]

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'They're all scared... of me?'

Kuzon was so confused because he had ensured he concealed his power before approaching them.

He had also not done anything worthy of such treatment. After considering their reactions and his current predicament, he could only conclude one thing.

'The Midas Race?'

Did these people fear the Midas Race? If that was the case, then did his people exist in this world?

'That's perfect. I'd find better information there!' If only he were that naive.

The fact that these people were so terrified of him showed there was a problem with the Midas Race.

'Before I see the Midas, I better know what I'm dealing with—thoroughly.'

With that, he took another step forward, causing the audience to squeak.

'Its weird that they're acting this way, but I can just take advantage of this. This way, at the vet least, I'll be getting honest answers fron them.'

"You may all raise your heads." Kuzon spoke gently. "I am only interested in asking a couple of questions. Once I'm done, I'll leave."

He could see twinkles of relief in their eyes, but most of them had immense shades of doubt.

'Tough crowd..." Still, it didn't matter to him.

So long as they would answer his questions... that was all that mattered.




"Where is this place? What are you people doing here?" He began by asking.

He understood the question he asked.might have seemed foolish, especially to residents of this world already.

'Thankfully, they'll answer it anyway.'

"We're mere vagrants. This is a 'Shelter'. We don't have anywhere else to go, so we decided to camp here—in the wastelands." The one who seemed like the leader decided to answer.

He was elderly and frail, and he looked so sickly that he could die at any given time.

'Did he volunteer himself because he knows he doesn't have long to live? If he offends me, or answers incorrectly, and I kill him, it wouldn't really be that deep a blow. Is that what they think?'

Kuzon was once again confused about the line of thought these people had.

"Why have have you all become displaced? What happened to your homes? What happened to this place?" He asked.

At this point, the people shivered more, showing hesitation that had never displayed before.

The fear had reached a new height.

"Don't worry. Answer my questions honestly, and I won't harm you. I give you my word."

Their eyes widened at his gentle tone and understanding face, and he nodded calmly. If he could gain their trust, Kuzon figured he'd be able to get more accurate information.

"W-we're like this because of the 'Cleansing' that happened a few centuries ago. The M-M-Midas Race... purged the world of t-the filth, and... they brought a new world order. Those who did not fit into the new world... we're labeled vagrants. We've been living like this—we and our families—in the wastelands ever since. A-as long as we do not cause any trouble, we won't be eradicated... we hope."

Hearing all of this, Kuzon's eyes widened instantly. His lips quivered, and there was only one word he could say.



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