Star Eater - Chapter 147

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:08:06 AM

Chapter 147: 147

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Chapter 147: Chapter 147

Arthur's Point of View

Center of the Magical Squall

The Demon pulled me under the waves deeper and deeper until there was no light. I came to a stop, and that's where I quickly started to release lightning from my entire body. What few tentacles held me started to fry and eventually let me go. However, when they did, a muffled roar could be heard through the waves. Strong enough where it echoed throughout the water in a way that was louder than when I was in the sky. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Shaking violently and covering my ears, I felt warm fluids coming from my eyes and ears. Almost like my body was ruptured and coming undone in the most horrid of ways. Forcing my eyes open, the Demon's maw was right in front of me. Due to my lightning striking out, I was able to see a large portion of the Demon's body was missing, and the rest of it was pinned into the floor bed.

It began sucking in all the nearby water, and I tried to swim away, but the current was too strong. I was pulled inside the Demon's mouth as it swallowed me. The anger I felt about being swallowed by fucking Squidward fucking Tentacles was indescribable. However, this was my chance. As I was sucked down into its stomach, I fell out into an air pocket. When I did, hundreds of weird crab-like creatures quickly started to scuttle towards me.

"Gives all new meaning to the phrase, I've got crabs..." Their sickening clacking unnerved me as they approached. "I'll boil each and every one of you alive!"

Sending out streaks of flames, the crabs withered and would release a hissing noise that was rather disturbing. It didn't matter to me. However, as my flames started to catch fire around the area, more and more I saw the walls shift. Sending out a stream of flames from both my hands in different directions, I saw that the Demon's entire stomach was lined with tens of thousands of this thing.

"It's healing." He whispered breathlessly in shock.

What little remaining energy I had healed up my wounds. "It's healing." I confirmed.

I was drained. That fight took a lot out of me and was the first time I had ever battled such a creature. I'm surprised I got as lucky as I did with it swallowing me. Now my energy levels were low enough that I couldn't heal my wounds instantly, and my form had dropped. Although, I might've lucked out on that.

Patting his shoulder, I smirked. "Now you know me inside and out." He grimaced at the pun, but I ignored it. "Where are we?" We were surrounded by trees.

"The Hollow Forest, Sir." He answered. "You appeared first in the outskirts but ended up here." Greigh then gestured beside me. "I suspect it was because of this thing that was on top of you."

Looking at the item in question, I saw that it was one of the Demon's teeth. "That is a big fuckin tooth."

Greigh whipped back to me. "A tooth, Sir?" He repeated in confusion.

Tapping the tooth, I smirked. "Yeah. Had to fight a giant fish creature. Thing was bigger than Helmsforth." Then I gestured to the tooth. "I mean, just look at the size of this thing! It's massive!"

The Zugal stared at it wide-eyed. "Sir, this tooth is bigger than your estate."

I chuckled at that before hissing in pain as I placed a hand on my side where my wounds were healing before chuckling some more. "I know!" Shifting slightly because my energy was fading and no longer helping block out the pain, my vision started to become fuzzy. "I deserve a trophy after th-" I didn't get to finish before I fell back.

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