Star Eater - Chapter 148

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:08:04 AM

Chapter 148: 148

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Chapter 148: Chapter 148

Arthur's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Nightmares plagued my mind. Familiar scenes of war from Crevalis and Earth were both involved. However, unlike most nights when I slept, I had no control over my own mind or dreams. No way to save myself from the images piercing my mind. It was almost tortuous in a way. Gunfire echoed out as the scene would change.

It wasn't until I sat up in bed as I gasped for air. "Are you okay!?" A voice came in, but it was muffled. "Arthur!?"

Looking down as I covered my face, I mumbled back. "Mara?" My tone was soft as I was groggy from waking up.

Soaked in sweat, her voice came in again. "No, Arthur. It is Lucia."

Confused, my eyes glanced around the room to see several figures, but they were blurry. "Lucia?"

Soon, her face came into focus, and she smiled at me. "That is the second time you have called me that." Lucia informed me.

Ignoring her statement, I saw Cassidy was also present. "How's Ty and Austin?"

"Both of the boys are alright. Ya got em out in the knick of time from what Ah'm told." The redhead replied.

"Ziah and Alwin?"

"How is Sir Arthur?" I inquired once they approached.

Arceana made her way over after waving some of the doctors away. "He woke up for a moment." Lucia informed us, and this surprised me.

"Truly? After battling such a creature, I had doubts he would wake up anytime soon at all." I stated out loud to no one in particular. "How did he seem? Was he alright?"

"His eyes were silver."

"Silver?" I repeated.

Lucia nodded. "It was the first time I have ever seen his eyes without those strange symbols. Although, once we pointed it out, they quickly turned back."

My sister and I exchanged a look. "I see."

Arceana tapped her scepter softly in thought. "He is alive and well, which is more than we could have hoped for. This mission was far more dangerous than we knew. Did he say anything about the creature? Does it still live?"

Cassidy shrugged. "We didn't get much outta him. He asked about the crew and those who came back." She answered.

"Then it would appear he is coherent enough to talk, which is a good indicator that he is likely healed." Arceana pointed out. "Was there anything else of note?"

"He went back to sleep, but Ah don't know how well that's gonna go, Priestess." Our student put her hands on her hips. "Arthur looked like he was having a nightmare before Lady Lucia woke him up."

"A nightmare? Did he say what it was?" I asked the two, but both shook their heads no. "Well, let us hope he can get the rest he needs." Looking at Cassidy, I gestured down the hallway. "Austin should be just about done if you would like to take him home. I am sure his grandfather is worried sick about him."

Cassidy huffed. "He's not the only one. Ah can't believe he ran off like that!" She vented before storming off once more. "Is something wrong, Lucia? You seem troubled." I asked her as she seemed lost in thought.

Lucia was quiet for a moment, and it was concerning. Perhaps something had happened that was worrying her. She opened her mouth to reply, but Arceana chuckled softly, which made us turn to her.

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