Star Eater - Chapter 21

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:11:50 AM

Chapter 21: 21

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Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Arthur's Point of View

Warehouse in the Slums

As I was going through the cages one by one, saving slaves who were thankful to finally be free, the front door slammed open, and the Town's Guard poured in. Greigh and Ziah were at the front, which amused me. The slaves I had freed dropped to the ground in fear, while the Zugal Captain gave out orders.

"Nobody move!" Greigh shouted. "Drop your wea-" Every guard froze when they saw the slaughtered Slavers and freed slaves cowering. "Move to aid Arthur Pendragon in freeing the prisoners." The black winged Zugal ordered as he moved towards me. "This has been reported to the Priestesses."

I shrugged. "That's fine. Make sure you let her know that I was the one who took care of all these Slavers without her Guard." The Captain frowned at that. "Who knows what might've happened if I didn't intervene..."

Ziah moved forward, and I saw her brownish wings almost taking a defensive position. ???We follow the law! Proof is needed to-"

"Proof!? Someone was literally kidnapped, and you apparently decided to follow me because you couldn't track them." I replied, amused. "By the way-"

"There're two dead Town's Guard on the second floor!" An Elf shouted from above.

Both Zugal looked shocked and turned back to me. "Anyway, as I was saying, some of your boys were aiding the Slavers. Figured I'd take care of them for you. Didn't know if you guys were friends, but I couldn't take the chance of them getting off easy."

Greigh eyed me carefully, and I saw his fingers twitch. "You killed two Guards?"

I shrugged again. "If they were spies, they were really shitty spies, and you would've known where the slavers were. Since you supposedly didn't, they were in on it, and I took care of them. Simple as that." Then I pointed to them. "However, that does make me wary about leaving these slaves with any of you."

"You??ve killed everyone present. How do you expect to get any information out of them now?" The Guard Captain asked me.

"There are a lot of slaves here who probably heard a thing or two." Was my simple reply.

"True, but I think you already learned something, didn't you?" Greigh pressed further. The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

"I might've. Who can say, but until I know for sure the Town's Guard isn't involved in this, I'll keep what I know to myself."

The female Zugal practically growled at me. "The Priestesses will deal with this themselves!"

I gestured to them. "By all means, but again, make sure she knows that I'm the one who actually dealt with this."

Greigh sighed. "Where is the Noble that was kidnapped? I don't see her present."

"Probably because you took so long to act." I stated, and both Zugal frowned at me.

"Where is she?" Ziah asked, on edge.

"Safe, I hope." Was all I said in reply. "Now, back to 'my?? problem. How do I leave these slaves with you?"

Greigh opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by a newcomer. "What if you were to leave them under my care?" A familiar voice called out.

Turning toward the door, Elincia entered the warehouse with a small glare aimed at me. "Good to see you're doing well, Priestess. I was afraid I might've been a little too rough on you."

A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips. "I assure you I've faced much worse in combat than you. Be thankful my sister interrupted us when she did." Then she rolled her eyes. "Not sure why she struck me, but you've proven your mettle in battle." Then she glanced around the warehouse. "I notice these Slavers received the same treatment as those Ghouls from last night."

"Medicine? Ya sick?" The freckled face boy asked, concerned.

??No, but I think your guest needs help. I'll approach her first and see if she'll talk, but if you got bandages and the like, bring it up." I told him.

Giving me a salute, he responded. "Yes, Sir!"

I waited a moment as he ran off and started rummaging through cabinets before I went upstairs. Moving to my room, I stopped in front of the room with a sigh and gently knocked. There was no response. After waiting a moment, I knocked again, and this time got a response.

"Who is it?" A familiar voice asked from beyond the door.

Resting my forehead on the door, I answered. "It's Arthur."

"Arthur Pendragon?" The voice asked back, surprised and confused.

Closing my eyes, I replied with a tired, "Yeah."

A wiggle of the doorknob got my attention, and I stepped back. The door creaked open slightly, and I saw a familiar Elf looking back at me. Rennal looked exhausted. Her face was pale, and she was sweating. No doubt from her wounds, which made me worry for her.

Looking at me in a daze, she spoke weakly. "It is you. Why are you here?"

"Grandpa Reed offered me a place to stay after I helped him with a small pest problem. I'm surprised you're here though. Austin told me you know Cassidy. Is that right?" I inquired.

"Cassidy... Is she here?" Rennal asked from her crack in the doorway.

"No. Just me and Austin, I think," I told her, and she slumped against the wall through the crack. "Look, Rennal, I know you're wounded and probably bleeding. Let me take a look, and I'll help any way I can."

"I suppose there is no other choice. Cassidy can be away for extended periods of time." Rennal said and opened the door. "Come in."

Letting myself inside, I watched as she stumbled over to the bed, and I moved to help her. "Lay down on your stomach. Austin is going to bring up some medicine and bandages. I'm going to take care of you, I promise."

"??" Rennal didn't respond as she fell limply on the bed and used the last of her strength.

Shaking my head, I picked up her legs and moved them onto the bed as well. With that done, I grabbed the blanket to cover her and put a pillow under her head for comfort. Her dress was loose, and the tarp was lying on the floor next to the bed. Sighing again, I moved to the door once I heard Austin coming up the stairs.

Meeting him at the door made him smile. "She let ya in?" He inquired as he tried to peek inside.

Not wanting him to see her back, I held up a hand to stop him. "Yeah. She needed some help. Can you let your Grandpa know she's here? I don't know where he is, but I need to talk to her privately. Plus, she's got a small injury, so I'm going to check her wound." I told him.

Nodding, he handed me a bowl of supplies. "Will do! Cass should be back some time today too! Tell her ma sis is on the way!"

"I will. Thanks, Austin." With another small salute, off he went. "Now, to take care of your back." I said as I moved back into the room and looked at the Slavers' work. "Can't imagine what's going through your head right now." Beside her, I began examining the wounds carefully. "Probably a good thing you're asleep." I told her as I prodded the oozing wounds. "I wish I could just heal your wounds, so you'd be better when you woke up."

To my surprise, while my hands were on her back, the wounds started closing. A glow emanated from my hands, and I noticed a similar light from behind me. Taking off my bandage on my right eye revealed that my energy was pouring into her body, just like I did with Ayda, but without the Elf conduit.

This wasn't a spell, and it didn't seem to be regular healing. I watched as her wounds scabbed over while she slept soundly. As my energy moved through her body, it seemed to focus on her back, and I watched as if it was a time-lapse of her wounds healing. The scabs slowly disappeared as the healed skin took over, and not even a scar remained.

Removing my hands, only two words left my mouth as I looked at my hands. "Holy... Shit..." While I watched her ragged breathing even out into a more peaceful sleep, I wrapped my right eye again and smiled slightly. "Get some sleep, Rennal, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry."


We hit our goal!!! Woot woot! 712 Power Stones was the highest I saw which means two extra chapters! This is the first one! Hope you all enjoy and thanks for the love directed towards the story!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!