Star Eater - Chapter 222

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:05:47 AM

Chapter 222: 222

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Chapter 222: Chapter 222

?????'s Point of View

Unknown Location

"Where is Tor!?" I bellowed.

Two more powerful magic signatures had appeared. Even from The Crimson Wasteland their magic could be felt. Not only that, but it would appear they were fighting Arthur Pendragon. A few people came to mind and it's possible Fluffy had reappeared. This was something that would likely interest him, and if he was present, I needed to head there myself.

"Tor is still in the East." One of my Ghouls reported.

Ripping off a chunk of the table I was hunched over, I growled as I looked towards the hole in the stone wall and considered flying there myself. With multiple teleports, I might be able to make decent time and intervene. If Fluffy was present, along with The Anomaly known as Arthur, then Flare and Sulva were as good as dead.

My skin began to rot as I moved towards the hole in the wall as the first clumps of flesh began to fall from my bones. However, as I readied to take flight, the magic signatures dropped. This made me pause as I looked off into the distance. Stopping my transformation, I went over the implications of this sudden development. Fluffy isn't one to turn down a fight, which meant others were present and the fighting had some to an abrupt halt.

The names left my mouth bitterly. "Credo and Pestilence have gone to the King of Old for succor, have they?" I mumbled out.

If they had approached Mordred, then it was likely to form an alliance or retrieve some manner of information. Part of me wanted to intervene but rushing there would be pointless as they would likely flee once Flare and Sulva arrived. After all, it's the only reason they've stayed alive this long.

Cassidy's Point of View

"I stay because this is the best place for me to be. My reasons are my own, but yes. Revenge doesn't sound too bad while I move forward with my own goals." Glancing back at us, Arthur continued. "I also have a few debts that I need to address while taking care of a few more personal matters."

Pestilence scoffed. "Leave them to their fate. The weak have no place in this battle."

Arthur turned back to the two Demons. "On that we can agree, but someone has to protect them."

"Rudnurth has been a decent enough deterrent." Credo stated and that confused me slightly, but Arthur just nodded. "It doesn't need to be you."

"You're not wrong." Was Arthur's soft response. "Nonetheless, I am fine where I am."

Credo frowned. "Very well." The Demon then glanced at us. "Despite your allegiances, and burdens, we would still like to work with you moving forward. Not many have killed a Demon Lord in recent times. It is likely that you have set into motion a chain of events that cannot be stopped." He then gestured to himself and his brother. "We would be willing to ally with you and aid you moving forward."

Many of us were surprised at that and I watched Arthur as he was silent. He seemed to be considering his offer, which is not something I would've expected. Demons were clearly foul creatures that should've never existed. The fact that he was even thinking about this worried me. However, seeing Arthur's expression made me freeze as it seemed filled with anguish and a hollowness all at the same time.

Before Arthur could answer though, I watched as all three of them turned their heads at the exact same time, in the exact same direction. All of them looked annoyed or disturbed as they looked off in the distance. Pestilence grinned after a moment, but Credo grabbed his shoulder before shaking his head as if telling him no.

"It would seem you have little time to think about our offer." Credo commented. "What have you decided?"

Arthur looked back at us as his wounds had finally healed and he sighed. "You help me figure out a way to get them out of here, and I will consider your offer, but that doesn't mean I accept. Words are just that. Words." He then gestured to the two Demons as he turned back to them. "You'll need to prove to me that you're sincere in your offer and don't mean Lestrania any harm."

Pestilence smirked. "You don't want to ask your 'Priestesses' for their opinions?" He mockingly inquired.

Rolling his shoulders, Arthur started to move towards us as a screeching shook the entire Island. "No need." He commented after it died down and we stopped covering our ears.The source of this content is N0veII_bIn

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