Star Eater - Chapter 283

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:00:49 AM

Chapter 283: 283

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Chapter 283: Chapter 283

Arthur's Point of View

Kandma's Memories

The Old Capital The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

Black tendrils burst to life from underneath Graham. His shadow quickly morphed and took shape into a familiar form. The tendrils instantly made the situation worse. They killed Robert, whose hammers were above his head. Well, it wasn't hard when it was twisted off his upper body.

Mara, Arceana, and Elincia were restrained by his tendrils while soldiers finally attacked. It did little to help. Graham was a little bit stronger than an Ancient Demon and not quite at the level of a Demon Lord. Tor, however, was unlike anything they could've prepared against.

Even with Mara being a prodigy, there was too large a gap, and she knew it. Reluctantly, she stood down. If her glances toward her sisters were any indicator, it was in the hopes she could save them.

"Thank you." Graham said as he stretched out.

Arceana and Elincia didn't give up. In their anger, they ignited their magic. This was a mistake. While Elincia was able to break free, which resulted in her falling on the floor. Arceana was able to hit Graham with a spell, but both were unable to challenge the two Demons. Tor growled in annoyance at best.

"Children..." Tor grumbled.

He immediately wrapped around Elincia before swinging her like a ragdoll into the ground over and over. Arceana was cut all over her body before being thrown through the nearby battlements. Dust and debris rose in the distance as her body disappeared from view. Kandma backed away into the wall as Elincia screamed in pain.

"Stop!" Mara cried out.

It bared its teeth. "The one known as Arthur Pendragon will be removed from the forest." She sounded female.

I blinked in a small amount of surprise before I stepped down in front of it. "I'm not in a good mood, and as interesting as this is, I don't give a shit about some mangy mutt. Fuck off."

Snarling, along with the hundreds of others, it replied. "You tamper with things you do not understand."

"You speak surprisingly good English for a literal bitch." Then I gestured back to Kandma. "Now, I'm in the middle of something. You can either fuck off, or we can continue from last time, and I finally get my book back."

"That book is beyond you, monster!"

"Careful, pup." Kandma warned. "Whatever your purpose here, do not insult him in front of me."

"A mere magic beast from the wastes of Aridia has no place to speak here. You are but a fraction of a completed whole." The wolf then looked back at me. "Leave, or you will die."

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly. "Thank you." I said honestly, which got the wolf's attention. "After what I just saw, I really needed this." Readying Defiance, lightning shot across my body as the wolf snarled and attacked me. "I'm gonna euthanize every last one of you except for one!" Slapping it into the crevasse with ease, my transformation was complete into my sleeker form. "The last one's going on a leash to lead me to where you put my fucking book!"

Floating into the air above Kandma, I poured some of my energy into her as she roared, ready for battle. Many leapt across the canyon, which was surprising, but the ones that piled out of the forest behind us were even more so. It didn't matter though. I was far stronger, and I had Kandma.

So, lifting her in the air with a single Gravity Pillar and tossing her, she slammed into the ground with purpose. A shockwave that flattened the surrounding area emitted from beneath her as I watched from above in almost ecstasy. Chunks of the cliff crumbled while I slashed across the air to send out waves of energy to slam into the other cliffside.

Kandma roared once more before I bellowed. "You all picked the wrong day!"

I don't think the wolves were expecting such wrath from me. Nor were they expecting Kandma, a literal mountain range, to be so fast and destructive. Live and learn, I suppose. My companion also seemed to be enjoying herself as she rolled over hundreds of wolves. Her size alone made her a threat, but combined with my energy... Even thousands of these wolves didn't make a difference.

My real concern was the fact that all these wolves were all comparable to Ancient Demons, were numerous, and had little to no care that they were dying left and right. Even in this form, despite being able to kill thousands of them, if they kept coming like this, I would run out of energy. Why were they so desperate? Thankfully, I had two thoughts in my mind.

I mumbled before I moaned. "Where the fuck is my book?" And "God, I needed this."

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