Star Eater - Chapter 288

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:00:43 AM

Chapter 288: 288

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Chapter 288: Chapter 288

Arthur's Point of View

Pendragon Estate

"As you said, it was rather obvious from the bodies." The Dragon answered. "But the truth is, all three of those who died seemed to be overly protective of Lucia. Almost like they knew who she was." He then gestured to me. "And what she might mean to you. If I had to guess, they made sure she was safe," He gave me a knowing look. "For you."

Covering my face with my hand, I mumbled. "God damnit." Not looking at him, my tone softened. "Thank you for coming, Dryritt. There are a few things I need to take care of, but you can expect a visit from me in the future."

"While I would look forward to it, I'm not sure that's the best idea. As I said, things are a little difficult for us at the moment."

"We'll see what happens. Besides, it won't be any time soon." The chapters is up by N0vEI__bin

My hand dropped, and I saw him giving me a curious look as he stood in front of the fireplace. "Why not?"

With a sigh, my mind seemed to be straining the longer this conversation went on. "If Vithari is in danger, it's likely I will be assigned as Ventari's escort back to the Red Kingdom."

He quirked a brow at that. "Why not leave that to the Priestesses?"

"I am not one of those to force someone to relax. It is a paradox after all, and I know you well enough that I know you would be unable to." She stated with her hands holding one another in front of her. "However, please know that you are not alone, Cassidy. I know what you are going through, and I am here if you need to talk. Not as a teacher, but as a friend."

"Thank you." Was my soft reply.

"You're welcome." She smiled sadly at me. "And if you need anything, do not hesitate to ask. The coming days will be difficult for you. I suggest giving yourself time to adjust." Priestess Elincia told me. "Many have tried going back to their normal lives before they were ready, and it led to their own doom." Placing a hand on my shoulder, she gave me a concerned look. "That is the last thing I want to happen to you."

Removing her hand respectfully, I replied. "Ah'll be careful. Austin is my main concern right now."

She nodded slowly. "He is young. Part of me regrets that he saw your grandfather in that state." The Priestess grimaced. "Yet, another part of me is thankful he was elsewhere when it happened."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Looking at me, studying me, the Priestess spoke. "If you ever need to talk, Cassidy, I am here for you. Whenever."

An ear-piercing scream caught our attention from the other side of the garden. "Whatcha doin up there, Arthur!?" Floyd bellowed from the top of a tree that was swinging back and forth because of his weight. "Do you need a hug!?" His voice rang out so loud I winced before following his gaze.

Before I could spot him, Elincia's hand grabbed my arm roughly. Her grip was tight enough where I winced from the force she was exerting. Looking at her, I was surprised to see her staring wide-eyed into the sky fearfully. Sweat trickled down her cheek as magic gathered in her hand. Confused, my head shot up and followed her gaze to see Arthur floating above the mountain top. His gaze was cold and lifeless. Even his eyes seemed to have a sharper glow to them.

"Are you coming down or what?!" Floyd once again shouted.

Arthur seemed to consider the words before slowly descending towards us. He didn't appear to be in a good mood. Then again, not many of us were.

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