Star Eater - Chapter 312

Published at 15th of January 2024 06:59:45 AM

Chapter 312: 312

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Chapter 312: Chapter 312

Arthur's Point of View Continue reading on No_veLbIn

Helmsforth Temple

There was no response. Slowly pushing open the door revealed Ayda sitting at a desk staring off into space. The room was a mess. Papers decorated the floor, along with other miscellaneous items. Stepping into the room was met with no response. It was... Concerning, to say the least.

"Ayda." I said softly as I stepped in front of her desk.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the Elf's head turned to me as her eyes met mine. "Arthur..." She let out before looking around in a lost manner. "I am sorry for the mess. I-"

"It's fine, Ayda." I told her before I found a chest and placed it in front of her desk to sit down. "I'm here for you."


"Is this how you want to use what you think is your remaining time?" I asked back. "Waiting for an end that you don't know when will come?"

"Then what would you suggest?" She shot back. "Surely you know of a better way for me to spend my time. After all, you know everything and only share it when it is convenient for you."

I quirked a brow at that. "Is it my responsibility to share what I know with you?" My question got her to frown. "Do I have a duty to enlighten you and your kind? While true that I owe you a debt, it doesn't mean you own me nor have a right to my knowledge." Again, she had become quiet. "Look, I know what you're going through, Ayda."

As soon as I said it, I noticed a rush of magic to her hands, but they didn't ignite. Clearly, I'd hit a nerve. Ayda's fingers curled slowly as they made a fist. No longer was the Elf emotionless as a withering glare was directed my way. I continued to sit there indifferent to the newfound hostility.

"Of course, you do because we now come full circle to you knowing everything." Ayda's bitter response was filled with contempt. "What do you know of losing a father? A hero!?" She raised her voice.

"And your mother?" I asked, baiting her.

That did it. Ayda's magic flared to life, but not as it usually did. Putting a barrier around the room, the Elf's magic ran wild. It wasn't on purpose though. Screaming in pain as her magic flared about destroying parts of the room, the Elf began to cry. Pained sobs, fearful sobs, left her lips as she trembled and looked like a scared little girl.

Ayda looked at me with pleading eyes. Yet, another part of her seemed to want this to happen. See what would become of her if her magic just continued to leave her body. Tears evaporated in her magic, turning into tiny crystals, which made no sense to me, but I wasn't familiar with how magic worked.

Between her sobs, she spoke. "Why!?" Ayda cried out. "Why did this happen!?"

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