Star Eater - Chapter 32

Published at 15th of January 2024 07:11:34 AM

Chapter 32: 32

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Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Arthur's Point of View

The Hollow Forest

"Tor, huh?" I asked back as I was very on guard. "I'd introduce myself, but it seems you already know me."

"We all know you." Tor hissed as he slunk about in front of me.

Taking a defensive stance in front of the Priestesses, I raised my sword. "Who is we?"

The mass of shadows paused as he seemed to look at the Priestesses. "Why do you protect them? All of you were fighting up until now." His guttural tone made everything he said seem threatening.

"Whether I like them or not, I still have a duty to protect them. Doesn't mean I won't smack them around a bit, though." Continue reading on No_veLbIn

"So, the King still protects his students. Do they realize it is you?" Tor inquired as he gestured to them with a shadowy claw.

I shrugged. "I've no idea what you're referring to, but I would like to address your earlier comment. Who... Is we?" Pointing Defiance at him directly got his grin to go up past his eyes.

"Surely, you remember our Queen. She hasn't forgotten about you. In fact, she suspected that you might be behind our missing Ghouls." Tor stated.

To say I was lost would've been an understatement. "Well, your Ghouls stumbled upon me, and I warned them to leave me be." Tilting my head slightly towards the demonic creature, I continued. "They didn't."

Tor seemed to nod in agreement. "Truly, they should've listened."

Narrowing my eyes at him, we stood off against each other without moving. "Why're you here? Clearly, you want something else other than just to speak to me. What is it?"

His grin disappeared. "Our Queen was gravely injured by you all those years ago, and I have the perfect opportunity to take revenge for her."

A tingling sensation could be felt across my entire body as the hair on my neck stood on edge. The sheer amount of magical power this creature was channeling dwarfed that of both Priestesses combined. Gritting my teeth, I channeled Defiance's lessons through my body as I felt my form change once more. No longer was my armor present, but instead, a bluish arm took its place.

"By all means, feel free to try." I said in a low tone as I heard my altered voice.

At the sight of this form, Tor backed away slightly and seemed to quiver. "It would appear you're much stronger than you were in the past." The demon said as his body began stretching. "But is it enough? Unlike our Queen, I will not toy with you as she did."

Spikes of shadow shot down from the dome overhead. Bringing up Defiance and slashing through the attacks, I saw Tor disappear into some manner of black portal. On pure instinct, my sword moved to my back as the demon's claws tried to scratch at me. Jumping back, I slammed into the demon, and he tumbled onto the ground.

"You should've taken my advice like those Ghouls." I said darkly.

Brining Defiance up and switching my hands to a reverse grip, I brought it down as a wave of energy burst throughout the area. The ground exploded from my blow and disappeared almost entirely. Tor was gone, and I stood back up to turn around. The demon was back towards the center of his dome, and I walked over to the unconscious Priestesses.

Walking for a bit, I knew we were getting closer to the Reed Farmstead. "Cassidy is going to love this." I mumbled as I stepped onto the outskirts of the farm.

Looking to the sky to see if any Zugal were patrolling the area after that fight, I was surprised to see that many were in the air, but mostly near the mountain. Probably some manner of protocol. Thankfully, there were none in the air by me, so I was able to make it to the house without being seen.

Kicking on the door with my foot, I shouted. "Grandpa Reed! You home!?"

"Arthu-" The door opened to reveal a surprised old man looking at me with wide eyes. "Are those-"

"The Priestesses? Yeah." I confirmed, and he stepped out of the way. "You think we could prop them up on the couch?"

"Do they need ta lie down?" Augustus asked as he followed behind me. "Or better yet, do they need medical attention!?"

I shrugged. "I don't think so. It's not like I wounded them. Just, you know, knocked them out." Plopping them down on the sofa, they collapsed onto each other. "They don't look very sisterly like that, do they?" I asked.

Of course, Grandpa Reed was more concerned for them than I was. "Ah really think we should get them ta a doctor." He tapped his cane on the floorboards almost nervously.

Waving a dismissive hand as I stepped back after adjusting them, I replied. "They're fine! Just look at them!" Both were now propped up with both having one arm around the other's shoulders. "See?" Unfortunately, I couldn't get their heads to stay up, so they were tilted back with their mouths hanging open. "Not very regal like this, are they?"

"Arthur... While ya are more than welcome here, and Ah'm glad ya brought the Priestesses here, Ah'm not sure they should stay here in this condition."

"Aren't they the 'Priestesses' that are the most powerful beings in this nation?" I asked back before I shrugged. "Trust me, they'll be fine. Honestly, I think they'd be mad if I took them to the doctor. Privacy and all that." Gesturing to him, I continued. "Figured it'd be best to bring them here."

The old man nodded in agreement after a moment of contemplating. "Ya might be right, but who can say." He glanced at the two Priestesses and sighed. "Ah guess we'll find out when they wake up." With a more nervous look directed at me, he continued. "They will wake up, right?"

I shrugged. "Probably." That got him to frown, and I gestured to them in an annoyed manner. "I don't know why they wouldn't! Just give them a bit. It hasn't been that long, so it might be a while before they wake up! I don't know how their magic works, so it could be any time!"

Shaking his head, he eventually pointed his cane at me. "Fine, but keep an eye on em and cover-up that eye! Ah doubt ya want any more questions coming yer way after this."

"I really don't. It's been a long day." I told him as I rewrapped my eye.

Gesturing to the other couch that I usually sit on, he spoke. "Feel free ta take a load off. Typhon came running in here earlier and got Cassidy all riled up. Both went to go get Ayda, Floyd, and Kine. Even some of the Town's Guard most likely." He sighed again. "So, ya should be able ta get some rest before they come in an see the two Priestesses unconscious on our living room sofa." Then he tapped me with his cane. "Have fun with that."

"Gee, thanks." Rolling my eyes got the old man to chuckle slightly.

"Ya got yerself into this mess, and yer gonna get yerself out. Hopefully."

"Thank you for the words of inspiration, Augustus. It means a lot."

He started making his way back to the kitchen. "Ah hope so, cause it's likely the only kind words yer gonna hear for the next few hours."


This weeks goal is going to be the same as last week! 800 Power Stones for the first Bonus Chapter and 850 for the second! I think we should be able to get it easily this week! Fingers crossed it happens! As usual, hope everyone is still enjoying the story! We're almost to the next arc! Look forward to it or read it now on my patre-on! Up to you! Later!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!